Author Topic: For Those of you Like Me  (Read 928 times)


  • Posts: 49
For Those of you Like Me
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:15:42 AM »
Just wanted to make a comment on self-pacing and the standard 20/20 recommendation.  While I would never challenge a word from Yogani's mouth or pen, I found the 20 minutes of meditating in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening way too much.  I now spend about 15 minutes in the morning in sambhavi and/or just observing and enjoying the flow of the energy, then 3 1/2 minutes of spinal breathing and 8 1/2 minutes plus in meditation on "I AM".  I have an alarm set for 8 1/2 minutes, then continue beyond that until something tells me it's time to stop and rest.  I have to rest for about ten minutes or the energy activity can intermittently become almost unbearably uncomfortable at different points during the day.  Of course, I have done different things for different amounts of time over the 2 1/2 years I've been meditating after reading Yogani's book and asking for help on this forum, but changed what I'm doing over time because of the excellent input from this forum and "intuition" which I believe paralells the "Yoga Within".

All in all, just want all who undertake this extremely potent type of meditation to consider that self-pacing may, at different points in time, lead to necessary variations of the recommended 20/20.  For me it took experimenting, input from those of you who are further down the path, and trusting in that sort of strange, inexplicable guidance that consistently intervenes and is almost too subtle to pin point.

Thanks for listening and for all of your posts.  It's amazing how I seem to find the right thing at the right time when I keep up with your posts, so thank you all for that support!


  • Posts: 14
For Those of you Like Me
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 04:30:59 PM »
I tend to do the opposite. I ENJOY the lack of self pacing so much that I find short periods of meditation boring and unhelpful. Yes, 10 minutes twice a day can be helpful but there's nothing wrong in taking time to experiment and go further. Meditation is the most natural tool of self development in this entire universe. Why not push it time to time? Ask your K to handle the energy for you. Lay down, read a book, watch some TV, close your eyes, and take a break from everything AYP. Experience it and come back to it.


  • Posts: 1264
For Those of you Like Me
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 05:56:25 PM »
Originally posted by tomllee
...just want all who undertake this extremely potent type of meditation to consider that self-pacing may, at different points in time, lead to necessary variations of the recommended 20/20.  For me it took experimenting...

Hi Tomllee,

Thanks for sharing about your journey with self-pacing as it relates to the time you currently give to SBP and DM.  We each need to find our own mix of practices.

Blessings to you on the AYP path!


  • Posts: 676
For Those of you Like Me
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 01:32:18 AM »
hi tomllee, i associate, I had to do similar reductions in my practise.


  • Posts: 252
For Those of you Like Me
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 02:25:43 PM »
Hey, me too...

Practicing twice daily resulted in 'overdoing' symptoms on my head, and I had to stay away from practice for around two weeks. I wanted to practice but 1 or 2 minutes of DM will trigger/increase crown sensation. Now it is much better and I am back to 5m+20m practice, however, once only - and I think I will continue praticing once only for a while. I am staying away from sirsasana also, something I like so much...

But I see that this is different for different people. May be it would be different in different time also - I mean, probably someday I would also feel like ready for more... till then I am fine with this.