Author Topic: backing off from a session  (Read 706 times)


  • Posts: 334
backing off from a session
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:52:43 PM »
Hi [:)]

Just wanted to share some experiences from the last few days.    A few days ago I experienced great stillness.  I was sitting inside a huge space that felt enclosed and safe.  A few energy bursts flew up into my heart, like a million valentine candies full of love and light.  It was wonderful.

And then last night, during pranayama my hear began beating fast.  I continued the practice, and after about 5 minutes it was fluttering so fast, and would not calm down, that I became scared.  There was too much energy.  I remembered the lessons - if an experience is so strong that you can't give attention to the practice, just be with it.  And so I sat there with a racing heart for a long time.  A couple times I tried picking up the spinal breathing again, but each time it caused and intensifying of the energy.  So I just sat with it.

After it cooled down a little bit, I decided to try meditation.  About 20 seconds worth of I AM and I felt the impending energy of a thunderhead.  And so instead of meditating, I just sat there experiencing the high energy flow.  Not really enjoying it, but letting it do its thing.  When I was calm at last, I laid down for a few minutes.  All in all the session was about 5 minutes of pranayama, and 30 minutes of calming down afterward.

Afterward I felt fine (probably because I've had my bell rung worse than thata few times before, i.e. real panic attacks).  Then today I had two rather uneventful full sessions like normal.

Just wanted to share that sometimes self pacing might just be backing off from a bad experience.  And also that these high energy experiences can be positive or negative - but ultimately they're both just experiences.  And finally that I've only been doing AYP for a few months, and that I'm realizing that SBP/DM/Samyama is plenty for me for a while - that even the basic AYP routine has the potential to be cleaning and purifying for me for a long long time.  When I started here, I was in a hurry to get enlightened, and I wanted immediate proof that this was causing observable results.  Now I'm seeing there's no hurry, and yes it's working, and it's working plenty fast.


  • Posts: 438
backing off from a session
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 01:34:09 AM »
Thanks! That was writen so beautifull! I´ll keep a watchout for unusal energies.