Author Topic: Question  (Read 1176 times)


  • Posts: 438
« on: November 16, 2009, 11:23:55 PM »
Hello everybody,

Is it possible to atain enlightenment if one has bad relationships
with others in their life that causes pain and suffering?



  • Posts: 718
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 04:45:07 AM »
Hi Nirmal,
I think anything is possible and we have no way of knowing no matter what kind of life we have led whether we are going to get enlightenment in this lifetime.If you have attachment to your life deeds then you need to look for non attachment.One way is to live by the yamas and niyamas.I personally believe that without these then you will not make the possible gains in life or on the path.I don't know about others on the path but I personally try to live my life by these without being manic about them.What point is enlightenement if along the way we haven't tried to make somebody else's life a little bit better, shown compassion, even just smiled at someone on a daily basis?


  • Posts: 241
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 09:17:18 AM »
Originally posted by nirmal

Hello everybody,

Is it possible to atain enlightenment if one has bad relationships
with others in their life that causes pain and suffering?


We all have bad relationships in our life that cause pain and suffering, at least some of the time.  Hopefully we also have some good relationships too, at least some of the time.  If we imagine we have no involvement in relationships that cause pain to others, we are deluded.  If we imagine we have no hopeful relationships, we are depressed.  I speak as a psychotherapist.

Nisargadatta was always very realistic about the good and the bad, and that it has nothing to do with enlightenment.  Enlightenment includes knowing that these two, and all other dualisms, are inextricable, and accepting both.  That does not mean that the enlightened will not vigorously address the bad, especially when it affects others, or will not enjoy and encourage the good.

Vivekananda said to his disciples who were critcising people they thought bad "How dare you criticise these people.  Don't you realise that they must be bad so that you can be good."

Of course we must try not to cause unnecessary pain to others.



  • Posts: 146
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 12:07:45 AM »
hello,i think that we should allways avoid any kind of confrontation,confrontation means to  enter in a disastrous play of action ,reaction,usually the ego is the one that plays the big keep bad relations with people ,is an extra weight in our lives.yogis says that bad thoughts against someone,fly, and that the mind send telepathic agressive messages, when is hating someone or wishing bad to someone,and surely the victime will feel this hate sooner or later,with the consecuent defensive reaction.the power of thought is enormous and can be catched and felt, from very big distances.we should pay much attention to that, and try to understand or simply obligate ourselves to love anyone.what we project is what we receive,sure Jesus would have laughed about this,but Jesus was confronting the power at that time telling the truth and teachings.sure Jesus didnt get enlightened fighting,the enlightenment got it while performing satkarmas or fasting and meditating on the be enlightened people needs a special atmosphere,a quiet simple and peaceful life,and good vivrations.