Author Topic: Hello, I Am New Here  (Read 373 times)


  • Posts: 6
Hello, I Am New Here
« on: November 09, 2009, 06:13:16 AM »
This is my first thread here. My name is James. I am 40 years old.

A little back ground - I have spent the last several years studying. YOu could call it  spirituality, energy work, magick, I prefer to keep it simple and call it reality. I have been blessed with some very open minded but demanding teachers who combine compassion with brutal honesty, depending on what is necessary at the time - I have been known to indulge in self pity and grandiosity, and some say that I can be a bit hard headed [;)]. Despite this my life has gradually become fuller through this work.

Several weeks ago my intuition guided me to begin checking out books on pranayama. I was drawn immediately to the spinal breathing book, I ordered it and several others and found this website. Ive been doing the recommended program of twice daily spinal breathing and deep meditation, and am very pleased with the development I am seeing.

Interestingly enough, after my third spinal breathing program I got very sick - aches, pains, some nausea, and I slept solidly for three days. The doctor couldnt find anything wrong with me. My spiritual mentor said it might be that shook loose some energy knots and they were processing out. I think he may have been correct. Once I began to feel better, my tolerance for caffeine fell dramatically,and cigarettes make me feel horrible now, although I still use Snus (an oral form of tobacco) but at low levels compared to what I had been doing. And I simply cannot eat like I used to. The greasy food that I enjoyed eating doesnt taste good anymore and makes me feel funky[:(]

Anyway, I want to express gratitude to Yogani for his books and for making much of this information available online for free. I have been lurking around the forums for a bit and I enjoy the tone of the discussions here.

I still find myself amazed that spiritual practices that seem diverse, culturally and from surface readings, all point to the same results, the same experiences, the same perspective once one actually engages in the practice. I look for ward to continued study of this system .


  • Posts: 858
Hello, I Am New Here
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 06:52:34 AM »
Hi seamus23 Welcome to the forum [:)]

Sounds like you are having some intense purification symptoms nothing unusual and nothing to worry about.
Your spiritual mentor is right you are clearing blockages in your nervous system.
Please read the lessons carefully and pay special attention to self pacing it is all to easy to go over the top with these practices and if you do the symptoms can become very uncomfortable so take care.

Again welcome to our forum ask what ever you like we are all here to help each other [:)]


  • Posts: 1843
Hello, I Am New Here
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 07:08:18 AM »
Hi Seamus

Welcome to the forum [:)]

We are many here who feel the same way you do regarding the many wonderful resources constituting the AYP system. This forum being one of them :)

Once I began to feel better, my tolerance for caffeine fell dramatically,and cigarettes make me feel horrible now, although I still use Snus (an oral form of tobacco) but at low levels compared to what I had been doing. And I simply cannot eat like I used to. The greasy food that I enjoyed eating doesnt taste good anymore and makes me feel funky

Isn't it great....the way we through simple, consistent daily practice mature and clear spite of ourselves?  [8D]

As for compassion and brutal honesty.......yes.....I call it merciless mercy :)

I have been known to indulge in self pity and grandiosity, and some say that I can be a bit hard headed . Despite this my life has gradually become fuller through this work.

That's wonderful :)
Self pity, grandiosity, hardheadedness......most of us suffer from this to various degrees[8D]. Awareness of it is least then we have a chance of maturing beyond it.

still find myself amazed that spiritual practices that seem diverse, culturally and from surface readings, all point to the same results, the same experiences, the same perspective once one actually engages in the practice.

Namaste [:D]

Thank you for sharing and am wishing you all the best with your practices [:)]


  • Posts: 424
Hello, I Am New Here
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 04:08:13 PM »
Welcome Seamus. We're really glad you're here!



  • Posts: 831
Hello, I Am New Here
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 07:49:11 PM »
Hi Seamus, welcome!!

Good to have you here.
