Author Topic: Magnetized Hands  (Read 1171 times)


  • Posts: 147
Magnetized Hands
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:02:07 AM »
After coming out of DM I can feel magnetism between my hands. I didn't think nothing of it until just now when I realized it gets stronger (a stronger repulsive force between my hands) when I close my eyes again and also on exhaling. So I started playing with it, my hands spread out about 5 inches apart, and I noticed my thoughts effect it also. I thought about math and focused on certain equations and it would move towards my left hand, I thought about art and intuition and it moved to my right hand. I tried to think of an equation and consciously move it towards my right at the same time and it would not move there - it stayed at my left hand. I thought this was pretty interesting. Does this happen to anybody else?

By the way, I don't know too much about Indigo's but I have all the symptoms (from what I read.) Does anyone know if being an indigo has a different effect on Kundalini?


  • Posts: 147
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 11:25:22 AM »
What is the difference between the energy body and the others (etheric body, astral body, mental body, etc.) ??


  • Posts: 1654
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 02:14:43 PM »
Originally posted by BellaMente

What is the difference between the energy body and the others (etheric body, astral body, mental body, etc.) ??

I BellaMente .... I felt that the detailed reply your question inspired might be of interest to multiple people .... so I started a new thread, in Other Systems, called:

Subtle (Etheric, Astral, Causal, Etc.) Bodies

(Please see my reply, there.)

« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 02:17:06 PM by Kirtanman »


  • Posts: 422
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 02:52:32 PM »
In Vedantic & Yogic thought the energy body refers to the second kosha,layer or sheath, pranamayakosha, right after the physical body. Then you get subtler and progressively subtler conceptions.The metaphor of an onion is often used,a series of layers,5 koshas, encased within a whole.See here:-

Now my understanding is that,'Etheric body' and 'astral body' are terms(not Sanskrit) that are variously used & pulled or re-appropriated from other traditions(non-clasical yoga and Other).I had to look that up but there was some reference to the Western (Neo-)Theosophical tradition ,and an attempt to  blend with eastern esotericism.

You will actually find a remarkable variety of schemas,though with much similarities,and convergence, if you look here:-

These are planes of existence, states of Conciousness or subtle bodies beyond, transcending the physical body.So you go from the gross to subtler and subtler- outwards to inwards. You've even got Surat Shabda Yoga in that wiki 'Planes' link- i remember someone (or two) mentioning they practiced that here.

The Causal body is significant- i've imagined it as the karmic body but it's regarded as the subtlest conception, the seed of future  incarnations.

Within the context of AYP practices SbP works on the Prana-maya-kosha(energy-veil-sheath,the sheath containing energy) the second kosha. And DM works on the next sheath, Manamayakosha( the Mind sheath), and actually beyond.It's just that we use the Mind(in the form of the mantra) to go beyond Mind through the mantra  vehicle to penetrate into subtler sheaths, states of Conciousnes  ,wisdom sheath all the way to the Bliss Sheath,AnandaMayaKosha( that veil penetratiing our Blissful nature), or Pure Bliss Consciousness. This is sometimes also called the Fourth state(waking,dreaming & dreamless sleep being the other 3),Tuirya, Ultimate Reality and undifferentiated boundless Consciousness( where object and subject dissolve and the witness is watching. You can read more here:-

The innermost is like the Atman or Self(soul) within a classical 5 koshas ( sheaths) schema.

If you do DM, close you eyes etc,you'll notice all these concepts/divisions/mathematical ordering dissolve anyway.

Hope this explains things somewhat.[:)]

You are obviously gifted with an inquisitve and questioning( very good thing!) intelligent Mind.

Another thing is that the energy body is Prana,Life Force, carried through the breath (though i suspect you knew that one) It's made up of nadis- the main ones sushumna(where Kundalini rises),ida and pingala(lesser two,left right  etc)


  • Posts: 147
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 05:39:03 PM »
Okay what about the light body then? I've heard that one a couple times...


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2009, 04:18:39 AM »
Hi Bellamente

What is the difference between the energy body and the others (etheric body, astral body, mental body, etc.) ?

I would agree with Kirtanman (in the thread that he linked to above), that the energy body is the same as the etheric body. My experience of the astral body is somewhat different though. As I have experienced it, the astral body is a body made up of subtle light. It can be separated from the physical body and enables travel in the astral realms. The astral realms are subtle realms, which exist between the physical realm and the causal realm. The astral body is shaped like a human body and is connected to the physical body by a silver thread. To regain entry from the astral body to the physical body requires passing through this silver thread.

Okay what about the light body then? I've heard that one a couple times...

In my own experience, the light body is different from the astral body. Basically, as the energy body (etheric body) becomes more and more purified, it begins to become illuminated from within. This illuminated energy body is the light body. Gradually the light body begins to outshine the physical world, which is seen as increasingly transparent. This light body is not limited by the realms of creation, and can appear in the physical realm, the astral, the causal and it has as its base and foundation, the atmic, or soul level.



  • Posts: 758
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 09:10:47 AM »
Originally posted by BellaMente
I thought about math and focused on certain equations and it would move towards my left hand, I thought about art and intuition and it moved to my right hand. I tried to think of an equation and consciously move it towards my right at the same time and it would not move there - it stayed at my left hand. I thought this was pretty interesting. Does this happen to anybody else?

Hi BellaMente,
  Normally, the left hemisphere of the brain is tied to the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere of the brain is tied to the left side of the body. Likewise for the eyes and ears. If that is true with your anatomical makeup, you should have felt the opposite sensations. Perhaps your belief system is influencing the outcome of your test?

  When my hands feel magnetic, it is not a left-body right-body phenomenon. I can feel that magnetic field in both hands as one field. After relaxing my feet, they're feeling of magnetism joins the feeling in the hands. Eventually, my whole body feels like that field of magnetic bliss. It is one field.

  The next time you get that magnetic field in your hands, try this:
completely relax your face and forehead and then hold the palm of that hand over your third eye (brow area). This will cause sympathetic resonation.  It is easy to then feel the magnetism in the third eye. It feels like a pressure or a large hole opens up.

  I'm at the point where I just relax my face and take a very slow gentle breath so that it barley tickles the uppermost nasal cavity and the third eye becomes active. It feels like a highly pressurized magnetic hole. Then it is fun to breath in and out from the third eye and experiment with pushing thoughts out or pulling scenes in. This is really just fun and a big distraction.. but kind of interesting nonetheless..



  • Posts: 32
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 01:19:34 PM »
Well I did this experiment. 5+7 = right hand. How would I draw a face = left hand.

I have also read the idea that it should be the other way round. As I was doing this experiment I couldn't remember which way round from how Bellamente had experienced it so (consciously) it was kinda sorta independent although I'm sure my subconscious didn't forget.

I also hadn't been meditating, but I did just have a glass of wine!

PS. I'm right handed
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 02:02:15 PM by NSB »


  • Posts: 758
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2009, 02:23:21 AM »
Originally posted by NSB

Well I did this experiment. 5+7 = right hand. How would I draw a face = left hand.

I have also read the idea that it should be the other way round. As I was doing this experiment I couldn't remember which way round from how Bellamente had experienced it so (consciously) it was kinda sorta independent although I'm sure my subconscious didn't forget.

I also hadn't been meditating, but I did just have a glass of wine!

PS. I'm right handed

  Never mind. I just heard a story (from Ajahn Brahm) about the "Boy without a brain". This person had no brain, just what they call a reptilian brain stem. Yet, he was a well adjusted honors math student going to university. When they hooked him up to an EEG machine, nothing registered. Ajahn says that there are a few other people they've discovered who also have no brains. We really have no idea what the mind is but now it looks like it doesn't need a brain to function.. Mind blowing, eh?



  • Posts: 147
Magnetized Hands
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2009, 11:22:43 AM »
Well I do feel the magnetic field on both, but what I noticed is when I thought of a mathematical equation I could feel the repulsiveness towards my left more (coming from the right) and if I thought about something like a picture I had seen I would feel it towards both but it seemed more directed from the left towards the right, and it was not directed in a straight path like the other one. I also noticed that the "I" in I AM corresponds the exact same way as the mathematical formulae and the "AM" as the art...

No neocortex that is amazing! I have never heard that before.. Wow I am going to have to check that out, very strange indeed.... How very little the world of science knows...


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Re: Magnetized Hands
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I also feel magnetism, stronger and stronger, especially between my hands.
Sometimes, I can just feel energy when I walk.
It is especially activated after the practices.

I also just have to concentrate a bit and a few seconds to get my hands charged with energy.

Thus, the question is: can I use this energy to heal people. Is it dangerous for them or myself ?
I have tried on my family, and obviously, it works.
Nevertheless, I do it rarely because I do not want to hurt others/myself and waste my energy.

I am sure most of you have developed at least the very same capacity and I would like to know what they did/do of it

P.S.: I do Zhan Zhuang daily since months and Ba duan jin since 2 weeks; 1/2 small meditations a day + one longer before going to sleep.