Author Topic: Blood in urine?  (Read 586 times)


  • Posts: 167
Blood in urine?
« on: September 01, 2009, 12:46:25 AM »
Since my awakening started, my family is also showing symptoms of cleansing (rashes around chakras, loose stool, etc).

My middle daughter who is 8 years old(and almost exactly like me), has been having blood in her urine now for months.  The docs have no explanation.  They want to do an ultrasound next.  I of course will have her get all the tests the doc wants to do just to make certain that nothing is wrong.  But ultimately, I think this could have to do with kundalini.

Is blood in the urine a typical side effect for females?

PS...She is also starting ot have interesting dreams.  One seemed to involve atral projection and another involved an angel that came to her and told her that she was special.  Anyone know anything about Indigo Children?


  • Posts: 3178
Blood in urine?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 01:56:22 AM »
Hi Solo....

I'm sorry but I can't speak to the blood in urine thing.  I really don't know but I agree with getting medical testing done to see if they can find anything....haven't heard of this being a typical kundalini symptom (not that I would know though[:p]).

About the Indigo Children....I only heard about them maybe a month or two ago, but I have done as much research as possible since then....there isn't a lot.  I think Drunvalo Melchizedek is basically the guy to read on the subject.  There is a lot of misinformation I think in regards to them so I think it is important to read a few different sources before making up your mind.  Melchizedek is a good place to start I think.  Really didn't like (or agree) with the the Wikipedia article on them though.  Once you run out of stuff to read on Indigo Children you should move onto "China's Super Psychic Children"....pretty crazy awesome interesting stuff.  Hope your daughter gets well soon.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 01:57:06 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 969
Blood in urine?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 04:51:28 AM »
I hope your daughter gets well.


  • Posts: 787
Blood in urine?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 01:22:53 PM »
Hi solo,

I hope your daughter is okay. I'm glad you're treating this as a medical issue.

As Carson mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much information (let alone good information) about Indigo Children. There's a movie called The Last Mimzy that might be of interest. It's a science fiction family movie, but it touches on the subject. Can't vouch for the accuracy...
