Author Topic: Head, troath, and hearth...a little.  (Read 3072 times)


  • Posts: 3001
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2009, 10:40:13 PM »
Then by all means go for it[:)], and i know that this practice is supposed to have calming and balancing effects and it does when it's done right and what i mentioned is was just my own perspective which was based on my personal experience and those of others who i read about once and everyone can teach yoga Chrissy don't worry about that we are all teachers and students here.




  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2009, 10:55:17 PM »
Thank you very much both christiane and ananda.Sukam pranayama seems like a soft but helpful practice...[:)]


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2009, 11:11:37 PM »
Originally posted by miguel

Thank you very much both christiane and ananda.Sukam pranayama seems like a soft but helpful practice...[:)]

Yes indeed [:)]
soft yet powerful!
When I feel like doing it for 20-30 minutes, as a stand alone practice, I come to a point where I feel drunk..
I feel the prana currents moving inside like red wine [:D]

Enjoy [:)]


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2009, 11:49:25 PM »
Originally posted by Ananda
everyone can teach yoga Chrissy don't worry about that we are all teachers and students here.

Yes, I know everybody can teach ..
but there is good and bad teachers [:D]
Also I feel responsible for not letting the teachings
get distorted on the way. That's why I told you you are right, maybe I shouldn't explain a technique through writing..
It's all about details! And I still believe that teaching directly to people is best to prevent any mistakes..

Good intentions are not always enough..

BUt there's no danger in trying basic techniques like AYP ones, as long as we stay alert.
And of course we are blessed to be a family here, so we can benefit from eachother experience on particular issues like crown and kundalini symptoms.



  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2009, 12:59:53 AM »
Hi all,

Basic alternate nostril breathing (anulom vilom/ suka pranayama) does not normally involve kumbhaka. It is pretty well known, so I don't think any great secrets are being revealed by sharing it here. In fact it can be found on dozens of websites, and there are videos on youtube. It is a very safe practice as far as I know, and I have never heard of anyone coming unstuck with it.

Adding kumbhaka into the mix is another story, as kumbhaka is an advanced and powerful form of pranayama. So counting practices such as in for 4 counts, internal retention for 4 counts, out for 4 counts and external retention for 4 counts is a combined practice and should be on the list of practices that should be managed carefully. I often practice SBP combined with kumbhaka but Yogani does not advise it as he believes it makes the practice too powerful. I also often combine the microcosmic orbit with kumbhaka.

Adding visualizations onto alternate nostril breathing makes the practice even more powerful, but could make it safer if, as Ananda says, the ajna is used as the "top end" target.

So I think you are really talking about different practices here. On the one hand suka pranayama (ANB) and on the other, kumbhaka.

The reason that adding kumbhaka to the mix makes everything that much more powerful, is because when we breathe in, there is a pull on the prana from the lower storehouse in the pelvic area. If we then hold the breath, there is a time when the prana continues to rise, and will build up in the higher centres whilst the breath is held. During this time the 6th and 7th chakras are activated. Then, on breathing out, the prana will be drawn back down to the pelvis. If we hold the breath after exhale, the prana continues to fall and builds up in the lower centres activating the first and second chakras.



  • Posts: 422
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #50 on: May 21, 2009, 07:04:38 AM »
What i've noticed with this purification business in my limited experience with ayp is that any logial casality between actuall practice and symptoms of purificiaiton often seem at variance- i.e  no time link effect. Do this-feeel that

My hunch is that  whay you are geting is major opening and purification, & symptoms etc. Offten the greater the discomfort, curiiously, the more auspicious, the more  clearing and opening.

You have a very powerful and effective system. so with it powerful efects, some  more disconcerting than others.

you first reported 15th,then suggest the spots dissapeare but then paralysis, which is understandably very diisconcerting, appears on 19th  on one side face etc.

i know i've got a dominant pingala,right handside, but my one month ayp is  helping much balancing this out. you sound like you might have a dominant ida, hence why folk may have suggested nadi shodhana ( in my experience yes kumbhaka made it more powerful,-i used an unrestrained natural retention,it felt gd and i was experminting when i introduced it to my usual nadi shodhana practice one last session)

the general principle/rule seems to be 'reduce practices'

only you can do nadi shodhana safely bu if you wished to do that you may want to consider abdominal breathing and Viloma I & II to prep and energise the nadis , and the system before-hand

i've got this one bookmarkeeed in my pranayama folder as i sense it is useful and safe.i do it on a seat/spine erect.

you're with ayp, you've got all your friends here, this wonderful  powerful yoga sytem. and loads of kind support.i suspect what you are experiencing is very Auspicious.

i'd do short DM sessions,  and reduce.
if you must do non-AYP pranayama say keeep it very light and gentle. The princiiple with the breath is keep it veeeerrrry slow, full,deeep,smooth,gentle.Some folk point at the thirf ye with 2nd finger. kumbhaka will make nadi shodhana more potent, in my experience but potency often affects the safety scale.

less is always mre - i never do that many rounds- would never go over 20 mins and always tend to do about 2-3 rounds. you could go up to six.  you must observe  the cause and effect yourself,miguel, of course.learning nadi shodhana now maybe is'nt the best idea but i added  a some little retention recnetly  as i felt the breath was naturally lke that when completley relaxed and i was experimenting  a little- (someone suggested doing it on the switch,although you need a balancing practice,sure)( and you want to be ina relaxed state when you do  pranayama) pranayam is anything but simple but an extremely subtle awareness is necessary to guage the details. that said, DM seems to be the finest tooth-comb,working on the manamayakosha and Beyond all the way to the bliss sheath. so that may be the more apporriate tool ,when done gently,small sessions.

i do nadi shodhana this way-
inhale through left nostril,exhale right nostriil,inhale right ,exhale left.  that completes 1 round

it porbably does'nt mater if you do it the other way(i.e  start with an exhale as  perhaps suggested)-it might indeed be easier t work out retention ratios  naturally( withouth mentally couting, which i don't  bother with)

you need to take wht is useful to you here as only you can connect with your own guru.

it sounds to me like the pingala side of your nadi sytem could literally be flushing through, or least the drain-pipe analogy comes to mind- that there is blockage and it is wanting to flush through and is about to.

as i say sounds auspicious even though from your perspective it may be somehwat disconcerting. so main thing is to stay relaxed and calm.

i can understand your concern miguel though i think you have a very capable sytem here wand a very capable experienced support group( & a number of gurus) here to guide you as best they can.

i have  akeen eye on this thread and your eventual resolution of symtpoms you report here.and follow it with interest.

i've had mild awareness in my left-hand cheek during DM sessions- one could interpret this as my left handisde waking up. if you look at the sensory-motor cortex right at the crown of the head, the face,ears etc tke up huge tracts of  this part of the brain.---they're like strips that run over laterally .one in front of the other, right on the apex.

where you describe  the nerve betwen roughly occipital and brain-stem regions could be irritated or, in nadi-terms, blocked.  there may be a wholescael flushing going on in  the whole head region.sounds like there is obvious safety reasons why root to ajna is the favoured approach, to help ameliorate  or avoid symtpoms involving  excessive & unripe/premtaure opening and purification in hte brain region at large. it is like bud about to open. it will open in it's won time,own pace.

also bear in mind the occiptal region involves the eyes( ajna being spiritual third eye,intuition and concentration) from a medical standpoint.

i uspect you are geting major opening and purification. you have a very powerful system,  with some very powerful effects.

i watch your thread and transformation with interest. and am here to offer any advice i think it's good though. you've been doing  ayp presumably for about 4 months say(longer than I) and you're getting massive openeing and flushing of obstructions,(per Yogani's beautiful and mind-blowing explanations,sorry the pun)

keep us updated. i really do hope you recover as soon as possible. and i think you will. you are totally in the right place , my friend. and the tool-box here is pretty sophisticated and effective. sounds to me like a process you are going through.

Much Love, Miguel
with love
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 07:31:26 AM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2009, 02:01:09 AM »
Thank you very much Akasha (and christi,christiane,ananda of course[;)]).Your post is very encouraging.I enjoyed reading it.[:)]
I have been doing ayp for 2 months now (not 4).Before that,it was a long phase of aproach to ayp and specially self pacing procedure.
Its courious,the spot where i feel the pain now (the begining of my inflamated nerve) its very near of a spot in which i had with 18 years old a  very heavy knock.After that knock i was some weeks with lot of pain there.Maybe I must have gone to the doctor...but i didnt go...
This days,sometimes i feel this spot where i knocked my head,and i feel the same pain and emotions of that days (8 years ago)....its courious thing...
Some time after that age,with 19 years old,i went to Other city for studying,and trying to scape from my "old" life.I returned from that city to my natal city almost two years ago,and since then,i am in a not easy phase of healing my past and self aceptance,and discovering who i am.I the other city where i went with 19 years,i lived 5 years of contiunos opening and beutiful times (of course,there was suffering too)...Now,im learning that we must acept who we are and where we come from,we cant cut our roots,its impossible,they follow us,its our karma....
On the other hand,little by litle and due to my medical treatment,the right side of my face is better than last days.Only a little,but i clear percieve it.Its a good thing.[:)]
For the moment i was thinking,,and i prefer doing my normal routine,sbp and dm.I think its all i need,they are powerfull practices,and i feel confortable with them.I think its all i need for managing this phase.More tools,brings more stress and confusion here,but i apreciatte your advices.[:)]
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 02:24:43 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2009, 02:40:10 AM »
Im having lot of grounding activities this week.I have been acting in two teathre plays this week,and doing lot of previous  rehearsal for that plays along this week.Its terrific grounding[:)] and i have moved lots of emotions there.I think the universe is giving me now the grounding that i need now for managing phase.Who it has ended (the t.plays) and im returning to my regular life-style...but that grounding has helped a lot here...

And after writing this two post,i feel again lot of energy arising  from lower chakras up to my head.My head is full of heat energy now,and Its a very pleeeeaasant experience.[:)]
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 02:51:58 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 422
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2009, 09:25:59 AM »
Sometims doing nothing( abit like DM) is our best practice,and engaging in normal life/grounding ativites.

I'm a month into AYP.have'nt done any DM for 3 days now and i feel good(lot more relaxed than i was a month ago,progressive changes along the way from the inside---out.essentially the old self fades away. the  sadhguru one of the posters here referenced, i looked him up on u-tube found a video called ' How to transform oneself?' and he said something nice( see the end)Saddguru Jaggi Vasudev---

'Yoga is the science and technology of nourishing the roots of your existence so you flower'.

self-pace,reduce,ground- you know this already
as 2 months is not long. yoga maybe slow but ayp appears fast to me.

 probably best to stick to what you know,too, i agree on that too.


« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 09:48:54 AM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2009, 08:27:30 PM »
Thanks akasha and everybody for the great advices.
It has been 2 intense months.And i think and feel ayp works very fast also.
All the best in you path![8D]
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 11:44:50 PM by miguel »


  • Posts: 422
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #55 on: May 23, 2009, 03:32:01 AM »


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #56 on: May 23, 2009, 03:59:35 AM »
[:D] [:)]
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 05:39:41 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 787
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #57 on: May 26, 2009, 06:27:27 PM »
Miguel, mi amigo, you are a fast "up and comer". Good luck to you brother. Good things are happening  [:D]

With Love


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #58 on: May 26, 2009, 07:50:59 PM »
Hi cosmic.Thank you very much amigo.
good luck to you also.[:)]


  • Posts: 422
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #59 on: May 27, 2009, 03:34:59 AM »

Thank you Miguel
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 03:36:34 AM by Akasha »