Author Topic: From Anandatandava  (Read 41355 times)


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #300 on: March 04, 2014, 09:10:38 AM »
The Muse

In all times and climes it's been solemnly said
that 'twixt soul and lips something goes dying
for Spirit cannot speak direct thru the head
but in some this truth would clearly be lying
when a Muse speaks for itself even when the corpse lies quite dead.

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:38:45 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #301 on: March 04, 2014, 09:34:27 AM »
Feeling Frisky?

The writing and editing have been more slippery than normal lately, as I've been on an intrastate and intraprison version of the federal system's interstate "diesel therapy", where a prisoner is moved so quickly and often that his mail and property can't keep up with him, wearing down his will and ability to act.  It's typically reserved for gang leaders or those fighting for one pesky constitutional right or another.  I've been cast in the latter role, my prayers set on disability accommodation so I can keep writing - what else?

So should you wake up one day feeling frisky rebellion against Big Brother's most indecent underbelly, wind up all those unfocused frustrations of yours and pitch a swift script to the bucks I need to carry the fight forward - via even a single dollar to my sister's PayPal account at .  It's the thought that counts - especially now - but if you do it drunk, your tipsy self just might interpose to add or transpose a digit or two - who knows?

Sure, there are a gazillion noble causes out there, but this slightly ignoble one needs a little lovin' too.  And you know me to run right at the surface so you can watch in near real-time the ripple effect of a kind touch.  So, if you might, trickle down just a little bit of that good old voodoo economics.  If it's got to be done in BitCoin instead, gimme a bit o' time and I'll perform that miracle too.  Working together, we can force a bifurcation in the balky stalk of Correction to create a more secure niche for yours truly, for of the small income for which I've fought, so far there's not!

- Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #302 on: March 04, 2014, 01:57:13 PM »
Baby's Way

(with apologies to Tagore)

From him something sagging like a curd soufflé
at last miscarried, pooped out and gave way
and then down sprawled Baby with a lusty squall
cradle, diaper, fontanel and all!

But it's an easy thought to see it matters not
if he even sports a lobe or crumb of snot
for his heart-strings are a lovely lute
and he's just so darn delightfully cute!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:24:11 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #303 on: March 04, 2014, 02:04:54 PM »
My Personal Pleasure

Hello, Ecstasy, my old friend
I've come to see you again
for even prison life can be made an art -
a painted pony before a manure-filled cart!

Baptized into the religion and ministry of language
prose and poesy are bodily nutrition and spiritual food
without their daily composition, my own would shrink away
so as the canaries in the whim-bearing mine-drift of my mind
inquire into their health and know that of mine!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:26:39 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #304 on: March 04, 2014, 02:09:42 PM »
Heaven Enough

O Lord -
If I love Thee to gain Heaven's felicity
pray deny it all to me!
And if I love Thee to turn aside Hellish wrath
pray place it direct in my path!
But if purely for Thine own sake need I love Thee
pray leave it be, as that is Heaven enough for me!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:28:21 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #305 on: March 04, 2014, 02:20:12 PM »

Neruda, sunburnt wizard
I see just what you've done
lines diced and jullienned into a word blizzard
desert market harvest delivered on the run.

Spurning old rules
of stanza, meter and ryhme
(at least in translation - is that really you?)
I've tried a bit, but more would prove a crime.

For, my virtuoso Chilean brujo
a barren ground sun has wound your pen
whereas I'm tossed in a wavy flow
at times of the sea, at times equestrienne.

But all to the better, each to their own
both for love, I for mine, yours for thee
for if all were ditto, all were clone
what a monotone droning world it would be!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 05:48:34 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #306 on: March 04, 2014, 02:42:01 PM »

This year's last leaf left high and dry shivering
forest dryad, pressed bare-breast against a cold hibernal sky
have not all your parti-colored clanmates one by one long since
flown the nest in a sudden leap and grateful spiralled sigh?

Consummate connoisseur of beauty, reluctant to rest
tho erenow you've gathered and gleaned all the best
of vegetal delight: every blushing sunrise and rubied sunset
each darting flight of bright gorget, every rainbow's pennant crest!

Delicate dreamcatcher, you've worn yourself to the thinnest slip
wavinh that ravening palmate web of fine-spun variegated thread
heaven's daintiest sky anemone, most gossomer of sheer filigree
dressed in briefest negligee, isn't it high time to hightail it off for bed?

Deciduous dream, leaving your topsy-turvey pole dance on public display
yet refusing to share that proudly well-endowed summertime harvest
only teasing from afar, then sending lonely signals by leafen semaphore
all the while the real party's underground, in a rock'n grotto love-nest!

For all your woodland friends are there, teeming, teaming head-to-tail
and bundled beneath their cosy patchwork plaid quilts of earth
so give your hoop skirt a rustle and come sail down on the hustle
to burrow back into Gaea's warm womb and the wonder of rebirth!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:36:50 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #307 on: March 06, 2014, 07:20:27 AM »
Flame Whisperer

Friend of the friendless, servant of servants
embracing the untouched, kissing the lepers
soft on the hardened, easy on the difficult
attending to the absent, waiting on the tardy
rescuing the resistant, promoting the backward
abiding the impatient, overlooking the obvious
looking after the wandering, caring for the careless
ministering to the sinning, tending to the terrible
crossing all boundaries, judging no man
all these things and more I gladly do
for I oft’ may be any one of them too.

So I lay down among the most reviled
the hungry ghosts, the lost yogis
the supposed or self-proclaimed perverts
the Serpent or Sun worshipping converts
gladly, gladly – but most particular of all
those devoured complete by enraptured Flame
who in sibilant blue dance lightly flickering
for while consumed in the highest ecstatic heat
all souls are equal, all souls may meet!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 07:58:28 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #308 on: March 25, 2014, 08:52:03 AM »
Enough of Thought

learn from the birds
flit, fly
just the lightest
upon the page

-Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #309 on: March 25, 2014, 08:56:43 AM »
'Nuff Said?

The moon hung like a bell a-tolling
and set my mind a-right a-rolling
so I stretched my hand out like a snare
and snatched me up some poetical air
so tho some say rhythm and rhyme are old stuffed heads
I suggest you stay put and read on - 'nuff said?

-Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #310 on: March 28, 2014, 05:54:18 AM »
Falling Away

Is there another place, another way, another home?
I've stayed on so long, I'm made of prison stone
that time has carved upon, and indelibly shown

that prison sound and sonance, they lift up and they fall
but they will never fall away
prison dirt, musk and dust, they lift up and they fall
but they will never fall away
prison stains, tears and pain, they lift up and they fall
but they will never fall away

no, the frowning towers and scarred-up boles
of prison yards, tiers and segregation holes
will never topple, erode or decay
only the bodies and souls of men pressed between them
will forever, like leaves, perennially fade
and finally fall away.

-Ananda T.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 08:08:54 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #311 on: March 28, 2014, 06:11:23 AM »
Story Teller

He was a Navaho storyteller (and part-time soak)
and always ready with a naughty novel joke
called me his brother, as together we walked
faithfully cheerful, even tho he was being stalked
by the most violent lot in Midwestern cellblocks
but unfearful we stood, back to back, hip to hip
for such was the nature of our kinship
(having simply shared far too much to be scared)
so we were rightly seen as the very best of friends
the very best of buds, as they say, to the end
but how could I know, much less comprehend
that it would end so soon, by a brutal act
in a pool of blood - just yesterday - to be exact.

Yahzee, just yesterday, I heard you call my name
and three tiers up I saw your beloved face framed
by the cell door being locked for your own safety
but later opened in error when the whole pack gained entry
-with their razors-

So now there's only this pathetic little poem as eulogy
for, Yahzee, my friend, I'm simply crying too hard to see
but now, tho alone, I will try to do better by you:

I will walk your walk
I will talk your talk
I will be the storyteller.

-Ananda T.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 08:03:49 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #312 on: April 07, 2014, 08:34:32 AM »
Heaventides of Night

Even a man in extremity can know a little serenity - Ananda T.

Thru my lancet-narrow window slit
I watched falling shadows fold and knit
unguent fibers of puce and plum
sumptuous spectrum of a plunging sun
supped by vespers honey-tongued
with slanting draughts of dusk's decantings
and final thoughts of day's enchantings.

But then darkness reclined groaning upon the land
and reached out with long groping hands
to where I sat in my cloistered home
seized my mind, struck me blind, an island
in a meaningless sea, outcast and alone.

Time now held strained in a bitter spell
and imagination only stirred the inky well
but then, in the wake of a ghostly abstract
opened a break thru the opaque carbon-black
that poured from hidden quarter a milk-lacquer tide
to rinse and revellie the trees erect
like tinsel-tipped lances with shafts of jet
that chipped at Heaven's scarlet anthracite
to parry the shores of encroaching night!

My soul now gazed in blind devotion
at a scene sweet-glazed by a lactescent ocean
a candescent flux into which I tucked
where gloom ducked back, having lost its pluck
but still the wonders were not near done
and indeed, the best were yet to come.
(big inhale)

For first shyly peeping, then boldly sweeping
a swollen globate moon of flaxen full oblation
shrugged away Her seven veils of enshrouding clouds
then sailed like a rounding dhow of pearly light
up from the sill of the world, bounding prow of white
carving argent arcs thru cloudbanks calving in flight
and bowsprit splitting the frowning brow of night
thrusting tusks of ivory gleaming thru the gloaming
musth-laden dusk, to my adoring eyes then seeming
to shimmy thru my window-slit and hit the flagstone floor
with the clank of a solid silver foundry plank
then melt to a vastly expanding sterling pool
that illumed every somber corner of my room!

And therein, by means of a recurrent dream
again had arrived my burnished Lunar Queen
to tip from Her full and sultry lip
a celestial cinematic stream of posied cream
to which I dip, to ever sip
and hope to never wean - would you?
(*puff* *puff* mirabile dictu!)

-Ananda T.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 07:07:27 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #313 on: April 08, 2014, 01:18:36 PM »
Revised Version

Flame Whisperer

Friend of the friendless, servant of servants
embracing the untouchables, kissing the lepers
soft on the hardened, easy on the difficult
attending to the absent, waiting on the tardy
caring for the careless, looking after the wandering
rescuing the resistant, promoting the backward
ministering to the sinning, tending to the terrible
abiding the impatient, overlooking the obvious
crossing all boundaries, judging no man
all these things and more I happily do
for, transparent-hued, I take on all others' colors too.

So I lay down among the most reviled
the hungry ghosts, the lost yogis
the Serpent or Sun worshipping converts
the supposed or self-proclaimed perverts
gladly, gladly - but most particular of all
those devoured entire by enraptured Fire
who in sibilant blue dance lightly flickering
for when consumed in highest ecstatic heat
all souls are equal, all souls may meet!

(Besides, I look so good in blue.)

-Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #314 on: May 30, 2014, 12:50:16 AM »
From a Torn, Grey Sky

It was not a sound
to which the earth was used
so shook off
in watery echoes
as the lone goose flew
slowly, each wingbeat
another sobbing woodwind cry
low over the gun-pits
where he last saw
his mate.

-Ananda T.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 08:06:22 AM by anandatandava »