Author Topic: Kundalini in animals  (Read 1201 times)


  • Posts: 718
Kundalini in animals
« on: November 22, 2008, 08:36:10 PM »
Hi All,
looking at one of my dogs today who seems to be getting a recurring limp brought to mind the effects of kundalini in animals.I have given my dog healing in the past and she was at the vets lately.I am not aware of any writngs on the subject but as kundalini is a neurobiological science it brought questions to my mind.
1)What would be the results of shaktipat on an animal?
2)If an animal could meditate, could they gain enlightenment?
3)Would it be possible to have a spontaneous awakening?
4)Is it possible to be born enlightened as some humans have been?
5)Is it possible to have a spontaneous enlightenment?
Might seem pointless questions but I am sure some of the curious out there will also be wondering now.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 01:07:02 AM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 641
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 12:02:24 AM »
Hi Dave,

Indeed, I have wondered about similar issues!

Not so much about if dogs can become enlightnened (do they even care?) but about what their perception of life is. In general, to me, animals appear more at ease with the flow of life than humans. They don't resist as much. They are much more accpeting of what it than general human beings. I don't know why this is, maybe animals have no or little karma? Maybe different animals have different aims spiritually? As we, when we die, will dissolve back into the earth and become part of all that is, we are also the animals, plants, etc. So, all is one. The difference, to me, between humnas in general and animals is that we resist more, we strive to achieve something, be it enlightenment or anything else. I don't know why. I guess it's god's will, whoever god may be.


  • Posts: 351
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2008, 01:07:02 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 3597
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2008, 01:48:33 AM »
Maybe they already are enlightened. Then pet owners think it's "cute" when they start acting human.


  • Posts: 641
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 02:14:00 AM »
Maybe they already are enlightened.

Good point.


  • Posts: 969
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2008, 02:14:34 AM »
You could try it out, Dave.  Let us know what you notice.

Apparently Ramana Maharshi liberated a cow.[:p]


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2008, 04:22:47 AM »
Hi Dave,
I have not read up on this so what I am going to say here is all hearsay.. but I have heard from a couple of Indian gurus, that animals cannot be enlightened. In this video (5 min into this video) Nithyananda says you need a human life to get enlightened.. even devatas/celestial beings (8 min into the video) have to be born as humans if they want to get enlightenment. (I am not agreeing or disagreeing with this.. I have no opinions on this one way or another). I cannot remember who else said it.. but I had heard another guru say that kundalini cannot be awakened in animals... if I remember where I had read/heard that I will post it.

Something from Biology Of Kundalini:
Humans even if they are not getting their real needs met still usually survive through to adulthood, and so kundalini is one way of rehabilitating the nervous system. All other animals than humans tend to throw off fight-flight-freeze tension—domestic animals do so less than wild animals however because they have been conditioned into similar repression as humans. Humans however have an increased capacity for repression through having a more advanced prefrontal cortex (superego). And perhaps because of this superior adaptive mechanism to trauma, our nervous systems also have a mechanism called "kundalini awakening" that can dissolve the former trauma induced wiring, and can reinstate a more open, less defensive chemistry once the danger is well and truly over and there is enough energy and resources for the healing crisis. Nature does this in the name of "energy conservation," because it is simply not energy efficient to run an organism on old faulty wiring that is "crying wolf" all the time.

But like Scott says, you can try it and let us know.


  • Posts: 2055
Kundalini in animals
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2008, 04:42:05 AM »
Hi, I've been wondering a lot about animals too, and we discussed a lot of interesting stuff in this topic

This post links to a lot of nice sites where the whole animal soul development is explained by one tradition. It made very much sense to me (and for what it's worth, it was confirmed in its basics by Bernie Prior during one satsang).

Particularly when my cat died, I was guided to read this (had not read it before) and got strong energy reactions when I read this part:

Each man is a soul, but not each animal or each plant. Man, as a soul, can manifest through only one body at a time in the physical world, whereas one animal soul manifests simultaneously through a number of animal bodies, one plant soul through a number of separate plants. A lion, for example, is not a permanently separate entity in the same way as a man is. When the man dies--that is, when he as a soul lays aside his physical body--he remains himself exactly as he was before, an entity separate from all other entities. When the lion dies, that which has been the separate soul of him is poured back into the mass from which it came--a mass which is at the same time providing the souls for many other lions. To such a mass we give the name of "group-soul".

- - -

The method of individualization is the raising of the soul of a particular animal to a level so much higher than that attained by its group-soul that it can no longer return to the latter. This cannot be done with any animal, but only with, those whose brain is developed to a certain level, and the method usually adopted to acquire such mental development is to bring the animal into close contact with man. Individualization, therefore, is possible only for domestic animals, and only for certain kinds even of those.

I'm pretty sure my beloved cat was going to individualize! A very special cat indeed. We could get tantra energies running between us and we had a good telepathic communication. [:)] And, of course, individualization is a necessary step in order to become enlightened. We have to separate first before we can get the nice ride back to unity...

When my other cat died in my lap, I could recognize something that looked very much like kundalini rushes in her spine and she did not seem to suffer. She arched and stretched just as I do when the rush is strong.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 04:47:12 AM by emc »