Author Topic: Ego death help.  (Read 2122 times)


  • Posts: 378
Ego death help.
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2008, 01:58:18 AM »
Hi arzkiyahai,

The pacing lessons here are a good hint. Don't rush it, this is a journey of patience.
And don't forget physical practice to ground yourself. If you're not strong enough for a long walk, take several short ones instead. If I were your yoga teacher I'd tell you to make your meditation 3-5 times shorter than usual and put more asana and pranayama into your daily sadhana until you feel more inspired. Against depression, we use back bends because they're "up-beat" and opening the heart (anahata) and inversions or at least any asana that keeps your head lower than your heart.
Forward bends make the opposite - a good soothing exercise to get calm before you go to bed.


  • Posts: 23
Ego death help.
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 04:52:23 PM »
Hi arzkiyahai,

What Dinineis posted is what I meant when I suggested 'mindfulness' or living fully in the moment. It really does help.

Originally posted by Divineis

Bring your focus as much into the "now moment" as you can, but do so by letting go all expectation, all "shoulds", "should nots". Forget "accepting", forget "letting go", forget "silence", just sit and be (and let that being become whatever comes up).  

.... As you move more and more into the "now moment", it won't even matter if your mind is scattered. It's possible to know silence through a noisy mind, this... I know through experience.

Also, now that you've mentioned voices in the head I can understand more of what you're experiencing and I found it's classic pre-opened Crown chakra - and there's plenty of info here in the forums on that. :)

Another thing I would like to add is to drink plenty of water and other fluids.

Yoga and Kundalini can naturally lead to us needing more fluids to flush out the system anyway - plus I found out that headaches and chattering in the head could be a sign of dehydration.  Sometimes you may feel hungry but our bodies messages can be misinterpreted and instead of eating, try drinking water or fruit and vegetable juice.

Some practitioners suggest immediately drinking very large amounts of fluids but I would recommended starting by increasing what you normally drink per day slowly over time.  Too much detoxifying or flushing the body out can lead to further headaches and withdrawals as it's too much for your system to handle.

It really depends on how healthy you are to start, how much fluids you normally drink and how many toxins you have stored in the body.

kindest regards