Author Topic: Chakra location  (Read 3424 times)


  • Posts: 264
Chakra location
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 04:18:14 PM »
Originally posted by emc

Hehe... I remember this one - For the ladies!:

If you read it it will become obvious why it got me to conclude Yogani was absolutely right about not diving too much under the hood... [;)]

Thank you so much EMC, this brings me peace of mind because hindus and tibetans reach the same conclusion.

BTW, the 90 degrees turn into vagina can be easily visualised when reading page 108 of the book "The Bliss of Inner Fire" by Lama Yeshe:

There is also the secret, or sex, chakra. This is red, has thirty-two branches, and is level with the base of the spine.  In a man, this is located at the base of the sex organ. As well, there is the middle secret chakra, also known as the jewel chakra, which is white and has eight branch channels; and there is the tip secret chakra, which is at the end of the penis, where the central channel ends.
A question might arise: the secret chakras of the male body are explained very clearly, but what about teh female chakras ? A woman also has three secret chakras: the secret, middle secret, and tip secret. For a woman, however, these three are hidden inside her body. The tip secret chakra, where her central channel ends, is at the end of the cervix where it opens into the vagina. The man's organ is outside, but the woman's is held inside. As this shows, there is a mutual arrangement between male's vajra and female's lotus.
Completion stage tantra also explains that a yogini has a subtle channel that extends from the end of her central channel, and that when the male and female organs join, this subtle channel enters the central channel of the yogi, giving rise to incredible bliss



  • Posts: 304
Chakra location
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2008, 10:10:26 PM »
I wanted to kind of finish my observations of the chakras for others here who are interested in the inner mechanism. This entire area of study is really not related to spirituality as such. It's sort of like an infant discovering it's physical fingers and toes for the first time.  That is not spirituality either. That notwithstanding, I would like to continue and maybe finish off some observations for the readership of kind of my major research interest in life, that has developed over the last eight years as a result of my yogic and meditative practices. I try to only include direct personal observations in all these posts because what has been written on this subject in old dusty books may or may not be true, often steeped in misunderstandings and ritualistic interpretations that are culturally flavored, and cloaked in odd terminology. So a couple of additional footnotes:
1. Muladhara Chakra: This is a huge chakra with a hole in the center, same as Ajna has in it's center(As they say "As above, so below") Always symetry. It is below the sexual constellation of chakra centers, and infact melts into them. It is indeed root shaped as it's name implies. The roots of Muladhara extend down into the legs and feet, forms a pancake loaf of energy vortex over the buttocks, sacrum, extending into the perineum, hips, and up into the sacral plexuses, prostate gland in the male, and fuses with the lower aspect of the sex chakra Swadisthana chakra. It has much less sharp edges than most of the other ones because it is so very large.
It is closely associated and fused into Swadisthana's components and could even be considered as a single structure with Swadisthana, though for our purposes as procreative creatures, we enjoy reveling in the sexual chakra, dwelling on that, drooling on that, obsessing on that...That's OK, we are sexual beings and so naturally feel so.
2. As noted in my last post and implied in the quotes by another author regarding Tibetan terminology, there are three component parts of Swadisthana in both men and in women. See above note. Incidentally, there are no variations of chakras between one person and the next of the same sex, except to the extent that some of us have different facial characteristics, and even between men and women surprisingly little difference to those who "see" these things.
3. So Muladhara is a very large, irregular, even amorphous structure, and Swadisthana is the top pancake on top and fused into its upper part. Manipura, the abdomen is also very large, filling the abdomenal cavity, but totally separate from the two lower ones.
4. Anahata is very large, filling the chest completely and bursting out into infinity on occasions in my experience, It has concentric features like peeling an onion, containing the soul with a chamber there(Hrit Padma). The latter is fleetingly visible as a little flame. It is our true "center" in every respect,if we have true dispassion and don't dwell with awareness continually at the two lower ones just mentioned. In fact that's the great risk of the "Hero's Path" of sexual tantra of never seeing the trees from the forest because dwelling alot on the sexual centers causes a fixation that interferes with further meaningful psycho/spiritual development. The latter requires total dispassion in that respect, so be advised, you left handed ones.
5. Kala chakra above Anahata is smaller, but very worthy of awareness development of course.
6. Vissudi and Ajna I will skip over, escept to say that Ajna has a hole in it's center same as Muladhara. So we are actually a hollow tube filled with vital energy, but as the Buddhists say, we are "empty."
7. Sahasrara is not a chakra, but a display of lights against the sky. This is our destiny, later on.
8. And finally, there are no chakras really, at all! Just one seething energy structure, with our awareness roving here and there within that.  With meditative practice, we learn to develop "one pointed awareness" which focuses our awareness(like a ball of refined energy" upon this chakra or that. If we have been thinking about sex all day, at night while we sleep, our awareness stays seated in that chakric field.  If we spent the day with awareness seated at the Heart, with caring, loving , compassionate thoughts, and doing acts of kindness to others all day, our awareness will be seated in the chest, and we can experience that energy center at first awakening from sleep. But meditative practice gives us the one pointed focus to make these perceptions in the stillness, at 3 AM! Hey it's 3 AM in Portland Oregon, where I sit typing. Time for the first meditation of the day. God bless. (The above was typed in ten minutes without corrections nor looking back.)
7. A


  • Posts: 304
Chakra location
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2008, 05:03:33 PM »
I see no posts since the one above I typed in yesterday. But all the above posts and observations about chakras miss the mark a little within the grander scheme of things... I think it was Ramana Maharshi who pointed out, that there is only one chakra, which is that of the "Self" seated in the Heart. The astral-mystical-energy body with all of it's chakras, is certainly wonderful to experience and behold though, walking through those halls and corridors of gold. Like the lost treasure of an Inca Temple. And makes us wonder about the Mystery of who we are.. and who we could and will Become.


  • Posts: 264
Chakra location
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2008, 06:53:15 PM »
Originally posted by John C
1. Muladhara Chakra: This is a huge chakra with a hole in the center, same as Ajna has in it's center(As they say "As above, so below") Always symetry. It is below the sexual constellation of chakra centers, and infact melts into them. It is indeed root shaped as it's name implies. The roots of Muladhara extend down into the legs and feet, forms a pancake loaf of energy vortex over the buttocks, sacrum, extending into the perineum, hips, and up into the sacral plexuses, prostate gland in the male, and fuses with the lower aspect of the sex chakra Swadisthana chakra. It has much less sharp edges than most of the other ones because it is so very large.
It is closely associated and fused into Swadisthana's components and could even be considered as a single structure with Swadisthana, though for our purposes as procreative creatures, we enjoy reveling in the sexual chakra, dwelling on that, drooling on that, obsessing on that...That's OK, we are sexual beings and so naturally feel so.

Hi John,

You are raising a point connected to the webpage below which is about the real location of the chakra connecting us to earth hence providing safe grounding when awakening kundalini :

Hi All,

I have two other questions about AYP system:
- is it necessary to see chakras and nadis to practice correctly AYP
- what reference lesson provides a detailed solution for grounding



  • Posts: 6025
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Chakra location
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2008, 12:03:35 AM »
Originally posted by selfonlypath

I have two other questions about AYP system:
- is it necessary to see chakras and nadis to practice correctly AYP
- what reference lesson provides a detailed solution for grounding

Hi Albert:

No, it is not necessary to see what is happening "under the hood" while driving the yoga car we call AYP. We use the main controls and do our best not to micro-manage the details. [:)]

Lesson 69 introduces the subject of grounding. It is further developed in lessons listed in the Topic Index under "kundalini" and "self-pacing." And it is much further developed here in the forums. Check the FAQ on Grounding, and try a "subject only" forum search on "grounding." If you do a full text forum search, an eight page list of topics will come up mentioning grounding.

The "AYP Easy Lessons - Volume 2" book (due out in a year or so) will provide a more organized approach to grounding, as will the "Eight Limbs of Yoga" Enlightenment Series book due out this summer. It is somewhat personal -- some folks like to dig in the dirt, while others prefer to take long hikes. Both are grounding, as are many "down-to-earth" activities.

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 304
Chakra location
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2008, 01:45:41 AM »
It is my experience that the feet chakras are pulling energy in through the great toes of each foot, more so in the left great toe. It then moves up into the feet, ankles, calfs, knees, and from there this rising prana continues its journey into the main system. I don't perceive any flow out the feet. It has been my observation that the earth energy is not going out the feet, but that contrary to that, the wonderful earth energy is pouring in through the feet, just like the wonderful sky energy is pouring in throutg the head downward. These flows are perceptible when laying.
The leg and feet chakras are like the branching roots of a tree, absorbing earth energy and like the nutriets that travel up a tree's roots, enter the lower system through roots.
Second point, there is a ball of awareness that appears to be a more refined energy phenomenon, whether this would be the causal body I am uncertain what it is, but it appears to be seated at certain areas of the system, throwing consciousness into that particular area, and thus insight into that part of the system, but at first awaking from sleep, it is totally spread out over the entire body, but then in a flash becomes a single point of awareness and contracts suddenly. This latter ball of energy is not under any conscious control, unlike the spinal energy flows which one can circulate during spinal breathing by virtue of the Third Eye chakra, the command center, which will pull the upward rising prana up Sushumna quite under conscious control.
All things considered, these are all interesting phenomena, including the sound of OM pervading the entire body a good lot of the time which is also very inspiring.  But despite all of this, I relate to Ramana Maharshi's view that none of any of this matters a twit, because the only chakra is the Self seated in the Heart area.
Ramana Maharshi makes me humbled by his wisdom, and I feel by comparison to be like a little infant discovering his hands and feet, at the beginning of the journey into human life experiences. This is a crazy process. Hard to believe all this stuff. But it's got to be.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 11:53:12 AM by x.j. »


  • Posts: 409
Chakra location
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2008, 04:59:14 AM »
Hi John,

John C:

All things considered, these are all interesting phenomena, including the sound of OM pervading the entire body a good lot of the time which is also very inspiring. But despite all of this, I relate to Ramana Maharshi's view that none of any of this matters a twit, because the only chakra is the Self seated in the Heart area.

I like it.

Best, yb.


  • Posts: 572
Chakra location
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2008, 07:34:55 AM »
John C:
All things considered, these are all interesting phenomena, including the sound of OM pervading the entire body a good lot of the time which is also very inspiring. But despite all of this, I relate to Ramana Maharshi's view that none of any of this matters a twit, because the only chakra is the Self seated in the Heart area.

I think one of the best explanations of understanding various levels of experience was given by Abdul Baha, in which he used the metaphor of that of a stone and plant (to paraphrase) 'although they occupy the same space, the stone is unaware that the plant exists', and, 'the lower kingdoms are unaware of the higher, although the higher are aware of the lower'.  Not in the sense that one would quantify any experience as superior to another, but to use the example to conceptualize seemingly contradictory experiences/statements among the Sages.

A good example is that of Buddha meditating beneathe the Sacred Fig Tree (Bodhi), whose irridescent/heart shaped leaves are said to sparkle within the moonlight:

In which case, Buddha used the body (the fig tree/moon) to reach the (sun) the Self.  One path that leads to Seat of the Self, at the heart center; but is not the seat in the sense that it is the only seat, but is progressive.

Another good example, showing the progression from the heart center to the higher brow center, third eye, or the realm of Absolute Command, (Faith) is that of Christ:

"When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false."  "How do you know me?" Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you." Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel." Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You shall see greater things than that."

John 1: 47-50

Notice that Nathanael agreed to follow Christ when Christ explained that he saw him still under the fig tree, before Phillip called him and also, you shall see greater things than that.  Wait a minute, wasn't it Christ who saw Nathanael?  [;)] Or were they one and the same, maybe consciousness at varying levels of experience?[:D]

The allegory of the pure/detached Heart Chakra moving to the Ajna Chakra, or the realm of Faith, or Absolute Command.

My pennies worth:


« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 08:23:51 AM by VIL »


  • Posts: 304
Chakra location
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2008, 04:36:25 PM »
I was meditating tonight, and had a view of the Akashic Record. This doesn't happen very often to me.  (I wonder if others out there have this happen or know of "The Book." in which all is written.) The Book. This sounds really crazy incidentally. Anyhow, out of the Stillness there are pages that come into view during meditations in samadhi. The message I read tonight was a correction to what I had said yesterday on this thread, and it went like this: "The sound of OM pervading the entire body is the Presence of God. Never disparage that, nor speak of it lightly."

The statement I had made yesterday was:
"All things considered, these are all interesting phenomena, including the sound of OM pervading the entire body a good lot of the time, which is very inspiring. But despite all of this, I relate to Ramana Maharshi's view that none of any of this matters a twit."

So in view of this revelation, I stand here with remorse in this forum, regret having made that brash comment, and retract the part of that  statement referring to "the sound of OM pervading the entire body."
Instead, I am obligated to say: "The sound of OM pervading the entire body, is an occasion of the greatest reverence, and I humbly bow in appreciation for that sacred gift, OM."

And, "OM and the Supreme Self are One."
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 05:14:09 PM by x.j. »


  • Posts: 530
Chakra location
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2008, 05:50:30 PM »
Very interesting, earlier on in the purification process, I had several vivid experiences of reading while in a yogic sleep or state.  Barely conscious of what was happening, but enough so to observe the experience of reading something on many occasions.

I was never able to consciously engage these pages, as I would our AYP posts, but it is likely that the wisdoms I later experienced could have come out of such an experience.  I'm not really sure, it could have just been a dream of some kind.  Or part dream part truth, where one is actually experiencing something but because it is in an altered state of consciousness, the conscious mind has to create images that coincide with it in a logical way.  Like dreaming of a ringing phone when the phone is actually ring.

Your revelation that Om pervading the entire body is the presence of god rings true for me.  The felt perception of what is.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 06:07:16 PM by Kyman »


  • Posts: 264
Chakra location
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2008, 07:10:36 PM »
Originally posted by Kyman
Your revelation that Om pervading the entire body is the presence of god rings true for me.  The felt perception of what is.

I happen to have for a long time now what we call in french "acouphenes" which I think is called ringing ears aka anahata sound aka one clap sound. I wonder if it is not a lower form of hearing the presence of the Universe or God or a minor form of hearing clearly OM ?

In France, there so much contreversy on ringing ears by conventional medecine up to a point some say you can become crazy or even die of it. I always tell persons that it is a blessing to hear internally a sound not produced by them (ego-free) so it is part of the process to fear becoming crazy or dying when hearing Goddess this way !

Of course, there are many other physical ways to feel the presence of Godess but this one seems connected to third eye chakra.



  • Posts: 409
Chakra location
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2008, 11:59:40 PM »
Hi John,

There is a book called the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ and the author states that it was written or copied from the akashic record.

You can google it if you are interested.

Best, yb.


  • Posts: 572
Chakra location
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2008, 06:53:20 AM »
Hey, John, I enjoy your posts and if I had a penny for the amount of times I made brash comments I still wouldn't be half as rich as the number of times I've stuck my foot in my mouth.  Btw, I've started reading some of the Writings of Sri Ramana Marishi.  What a wealth of beauty and wisdom:  
