Author Topic: Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block  (Read 31097 times)

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #135 on: June 05, 2014, 06:28:02 AM »
Examine what your body does to clear ear canals (eg on planes). It's the same thing. There's no forcing, no muscle action. It's just an easy dilation. Many people find this challenging, and force. Force in yoga is always always always self-defeating. It's one of the very few blanket statements you can make. So if it's not coming naturally for you, try something else!

I didn't intend for everyone to try all zillion suggestions. Just to find one or two that seem right. And not get uptight and clingy/clenchy/obsessive/anguished about them. Such attitude IS the block!


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #136 on: June 05, 2014, 09:45:00 AM »
Well I at least am not anguished! This thread is great and has inspired me to get proactive again. I've tried too little for too long, feeling little hope for serious progress within a decade and sometimes feeling cursed. I have to try things to know if they seem right, since as usual my intuition is fuzzy from head-pressure, and that's the only other way to know. I'll even drive up and down a hill a few times to pay closer attention to ear dilation, as flat lands and few planes necessitate that, lol.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #137 on: June 05, 2014, 03:16:34 PM »
Cool! Check off "anguish" then!  :)

I don't think you ought to go to those lengths to re-explore your ear clearing dilation move. If you aren't someone with body awareness in those particular places, then that suggestion isn't speaking to you, and I'd skip it. You will just create more problems if you keep straining at the throat. I'd give it a rest. The straining IS the block (as I've repeated a number of times in this thread).

There are approximately one zillion people in this thread completely geared up about doing "proactive" things to "make progress" because they feel "cursed" yet delighted to have loads of moves to forcefully overdo and obsess over in an attempt to improve a situation that's caused by their being completely geared up about doing "proactive" things to "make progress" because they feel "cursed" yet delighted to have loads of moves to forcefully overdo and obsess over.

No one seems able to spot that loop, no matter how bluntly I point to it. The hot-headedness of bhakti is not always a good thing, and I speak from experience (so I sympathize; I really do!)

Definitely not speaking specifically to you here, tunakelid, but whenever I hear people insisting the world will be a peaceful wonderful place once everyone does sadhana, I chortle. The reason there's only a thin drizzle of bhakti (even if there's more now than before) is that the world couldn't possibly survive much more of it.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 04:13:16 PM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #138 on: June 05, 2014, 06:41:16 PM »
LOL! [:D][8D]

PLEASE tell which of your techniques will make me a comedian too! Surely there's dozens of them and I NEED TO AND MUST DRILL those techs like 24/7! GOTTA GIMME ALL THE TECH MAN! I HAVE TO MAKE PROGRESS LIKE, YESTERDAY! [:D] [:D] But seriously, it's something like a zen koan isn't it: "How does one change without doing any changing?" A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. We can see the infinite loop, but still want to say: so what do we "do" about it?

Also, I meant to say I am (not anguished, etc!), or so I think. [;)] And if I seem a bit wacky here, it's all my energy doing it I promise! LOL, but likely is my damn heart again, making progress. Gotta do something about that...

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #139 on: June 06, 2014, 12:48:44 AM »
Again, I sympathize. You try the kundalini experiment, stuff happens, genies don't go back in bottles, it's all a bit more than you bargained for, and nobody can "fix" you (though the internet's full of opinions), and you can't discuss it with family/friends without sounding like a nut. The kundalini makes everything feel super "significant", which throws off your reasoning, and you find yourself applying super ardent fervidness to your efforts to be less super ardent and fervid. You try to simply surrender to issues, but surrender's what got you into this in the first place, so it's like a Chinese finger trap that tightens as you try to escape. I get it, I do!

Comedy isn't a bad course to take. It strips away some of that "grave significance of it all" feeling, and it's grounding. Laughing at yourself takes you at least partly there. And FWIW, you don't seem particularly whacky. You're one of the more grounded ones. I was whackier when I was in the thick of it. And I still need to step gingerly....still not back to 20 min meditation sessions (I'm at 10).

Engage. Laugh. Do stuff in the world. Go outward, don't stay obsessing inward. And do nano-practices, not zero practices. And Tai Chi, or whichever of my suggestions feel natural to you.

It dismays me when cancer survivors deem themselves Cancer Survivors. There's more to life than Having Been Sick Once. Same with Kundalini. Don't turn into a Kundalini Person. Get back; get back to where you once belonged. Seize the carpe diem. Work, exercise, joke, hang out, walk. And avoid pitta producing foods (NO spice, NO alcohol)! Pretend to be normal until it "keeps". That's the escape from the loop.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:50:45 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #140 on: June 09, 2014, 12:00:27 PM »
Well my energy awoke spontaneously and I was actually hoping to avoid it, as I'd already read about kundalini casualties. I'd guess that's uncommon but who knows. But I think avoiding nano-practices has been a big mistake. I tend to be either intense on something or I dump it. Often useful, but it's really cost me with this. So even if I find 5 mins of spinal breathing and/or meditating are all I can handle, that's just what I better do.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #141 on: June 10, 2014, 01:52:49 AM »
Thinking in terms of "kundalini casualty" is about as useful as talking about "puberty casualty" just because some 13 year olds go sex crazy for a while. The problem's not in the biological progression, which is natural and inevitable. It's in one's underlying issues which may become more apparent in times of transition.  And those problems had to be dealt with, eventually, anyway.

The analogy goes pretty far. Puberty doesn't make you a sex crazy, it just gives you the wherewithal to channel those drives. And kundalini doesn't make you an over-ardent maniac, it just gives you wherewithal to be that. Puberty gives you the fuel of semen and orgasm. Kundalini gives you the fuel of fervidness. The two transitions don't make people crazy. They simply offer people more power to over-indulge their pre-existing craziness.  

I think back to my freshman year at college. Some kids went crazy drinking cuz they could. Others didn't. It wasn't the alcohol that did it (except for the small percentage who were actual alcoholics, a very different thing).  They weren't "alcohol calamities".

I'm not trying to make this a moralist  condemnation. My point is that right there in your own words you describe an intemperate mindset. It's the same thing I've been pointing to again and again. You seem pretty cheerful about it (just as sex crazy 13 year olds are quite happy with their orgasms and college freshman are quite happy about their vodka). You're also ruing the downsides, as the 13 year olds and freshman might. But just like them, you're blaming the wrong part of the equation. It's not the genitals, the booze, or the kundalini.


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #142 on: June 11, 2014, 04:40:49 AM »
Well this discussion seems to be getting too philosophical for me as I'm missing your point(s), or their importance. "Kundalini casualty" is a term I've read many times and so I used it, but referring to others who have experienced far worse still. I think I best focus on solutions requiring less insight.
Speaking of which, in 2007 you said: "Even better is a qidong I've been practicing. But I'm not ready to share it yet." (Better than the slight-crouch exercise, where you visualise a ball between hands, you meant). And in another post you seem to call it a form of deep earth kidney pulsing. So is there a reason you didn't mention it in your first post in this thread? And did you learn it from Michael Winn's 2 hr Sexual Vitality Qigong DVD? Thanks.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #143 on: June 11, 2014, 06:38:24 AM »
Sorry, Tunakelid, I've been trying to express the same observation from several different directions in the past few postings, hoping one might jar something. A couple did seem to get somewhere (e.g. I'm making the exact same point I made in the amusing post you seemed to enjoy), but I should have quit while ahead! [:)]

The qidong was this one, which is indeed a Michael Winn thing. It didn't do much for me, but I may have done it wrong, or quit too soon.

The ball crouch is, I think, ace.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 07:36:13 AM by Jim and His Karma »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #144 on: June 13, 2014, 02:06:55 PM »
Yet another way of saying it, this time courtesy of Gurdjieff


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #145 on: June 17, 2014, 06:29:19 PM »
Well unfortunately Jim, you're just confusing me now more than ever. Gurdjieff doesn't say what to do about the "other lower centers co-opting the energy (of) the sex center". So to me it seems just another general problem without an obvious or simple solution. I can collect all the diagnoses in the world, but without treatments what good are they. Anyway, I'm trying something that seems to show some potential, and I ordered Winn's Qigong (Chi Kung) Fundamentals 3 & 4, which is about rooting/grounding.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2014, 12:52:10 PM »
In this thread, I've offered of dozens of things to do. Plus the suggestion that you simply calm down and stop focusing on it. Whichever you choose, good luck in your quest!
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 03:49:52 PM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 8
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #147 on: June 18, 2014, 09:56:43 PM »
Well when I said "This thread is great and has inspired me", I mainly meant your posts. And you have great ones elsewhere. I'm pursuing a few of your ideas and stumbled on another that already shows promise so I'm cool for now. [8D]


  • Posts: 141
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2014, 06:43:55 AM »

Totally agree with the statement and can very well relate to that.

 "You try the kundalini experiment, stuff happens, genies don't go back in bottles, it's all a bit more than you bargained for, and nobody can "fix" you (though the internet's full of opinions), and you can't discuss it with family/friends without sounding like a nut. The kundalini makes everything feel super "significant", which throws off your reasoning, and you find yourself applying super ardent fervidness to your efforts to be less super ardent and fervid. You try to simply surrender to issues, but surrender's what got you into this in the first place, so it's like a Chinese finger trap that tightens as you try to escape. I get it, I do!

Comedy isn't a bad course to take. It strips away some of that "grave significance of it all" feeling, and it's grounding. Laughing at yourself takes you at least partly there. And FWIW, you don't seem particularly whacky. You're one of the more grounded ones. I was whackier when I was in the thick of it. And I still need to step gingerly....still not back to 20 min meditation sessions (I'm at 10)."

Thanks for the post.



  • Posts: 253
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #149 on: July 22, 2014, 02:51:36 AM »
Hi Jim,

There's been a repeated shift in the attention field.  It widens, feels lighter, everything's not so heavy.  It happens most often while driving, occasionally at night, and sometimes during meditation.  Is this what you have been pointing towards in the latter posts in this thread?

I keep seeing a choice.  I can find this space and let things arise and fall, but I'm pretty sensitive and don't want to fry myself.