Author Topic: Wings in the etheric body?  (Read 6755 times)


  • Posts: 191
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2008, 12:32:42 PM »
Christi, thanks for starting this topic and thanks to everyone who posted.  My take on wings is a little different.

A few months ago I went back into the gym after many years' absence.  It was a bit frustrating, because I had to adjust my workout to emphasize stretching and grounding rather than gaining strength.  It is taking me a long time to re-inhabit my body.  If I'm not careful I work out too hard and hurt myself.  Somewhere down the line I severed my mind-body connection.

About the same time the idea of wings spontaneously appeared to me during meditation.  At the urging of another meditator I embraced the idea and allowed the wings to sprout.  The wings were associated with strength so I used workouts as a time to practice the visualizations.  The wings helped me lift the weights in upper body workouts.  As I used my "imaginerial sense" the wings grew larger with much more detail - feathers, scales and talons.

I feel that the wings are a divine gift.  They serve a useful function.



  • Posts: 3001
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2009, 07:16:57 AM »
hi Christy and all,

i had an experience today ("scenery") which might relate to this post and in case not i would like to hear if you experienced anything new in relation to this post Christy.

okay so here's what happened: during DM my head usually goes down and rests on my neck or chest half way through my session and during my 2nd daily session today my head went way down and then the sushumna was very alive and going outside the body from head to half back and i could feel it there living and radiating and visible by inner vision (etheric blue) and it was vibrating and spreading both ways right and left.

but to be honest this experience got just a little bit of my attention bcz i was way too much deep and enjoying myself tonsss so i didn't give it too much attention and i wasn't going to post about it since it seems like so many other scenery which come and go but while i was looking throughout the forums i found this post of yours again and saw a connection.... maybe my sushumna was trying to grow out wings who knows until then at least we know we've got one angel looking after us in the forums[:)].




  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2009, 10:42:31 AM »
HI Ananda,

yes, that sounds pretty similar... only in my case, the light was golden and rose up into the air fallind down around me on either side. It was something that only happened once and I don't give it much thought these days.

I am quite sure we are all angels. In fact, when I once flew with angels it was not their wings that I was entranced by, but their hearts. And when I once visited the angels in heaven, again I didn't even look at their wings because I was spell bound by the beauty of their singing. Their form seemed to be of secondary importance compared to their love and their devotion.

Thanks for sharing your experience.



  • Posts: 3001
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2009, 08:22:57 PM »
thk you for the feedback Christy, and for sharing your beautiful experiences with us.



  • Posts: 1201
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #34 on: May 25, 2009, 09:02:53 PM »
Once before my initiation to second level of Babajis kriya yoga,the night before,i traveled with etheric body to that realms of angels.
I heard their music,they played it all the time,and i remember very well sounds of trumpets specially (and something like harps i think).I didnt see any spititual being,but i remember i was in an incredible dimension of incredible pure love,pure light,incredible bliss and God was very close.
Earth was a crude imitation of that.I couldnt believe such incredible place could exits.
It was not like the music of this earth.It was more than that.Difficult to explain.Not earing it with my ears.Just with my soul and earth...
There are realms more subtle and better that this dimension of existence.I know it.
That music is celesial music.There they play music too,and our music is a poor imitation of that.
When i think about it it makes me long for it,it makes my soul cries,and all i want to do is my yoga practices.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:18:52 PM by miguel »


  • Posts: 3071
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Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2009, 10:06:05 AM »
Hi Miguel,

Yes, that's the place I was talking about. Beautiful isn't it? [:)]



  • Posts: 1201
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2009, 11:28:27 AM »
Whit tears in my eyes: yes,it is...further more than imagination can reach.

Thanks for sharing this.

God bless you.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 11:44:56 AM by miguel »

brother neil

  • Posts: 752
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »


  • Posts: 1201
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #38 on: May 30, 2009, 02:59:47 AM »


  • Posts: 3001
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #39 on: March 21, 2010, 01:16:17 AM »
there's a beautiful scenery that happened with me last week and i wanted to share it at this topic but somehow i've let it go...

on top of wings in the etheric body, i became an angel... after a certain session last week during rest i kept on having this scenery of being a white angel of white light... like a small body of light started expanding from within and then suddenly i was a white angel; it was a white on white thing but there was the color dark blue on the outside don't know how to explain that and there was bliss to it but i kind of don't remember the whole thing quite exactly.

anyways just wanted to share, it's just a beautiful experience that makes me wish i could draw good.




  • Posts: 831
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2010, 01:57:03 AM »
That is wonderful Ananda. [:)]

I agree with this scenery!! You are an angel. And beyond.

Much Love [:)]


  • Posts: 3001
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2010, 03:48:33 AM »
hi Yonatan, and thank you for the lovely comment[:)] but this ego of mine which i am still pretty much identified with wishes to have the qualities of an angel but is actually far from being... but i trust in the words of dear Yoganiji that with time, practice, and bhakti all will keep on heading toward the better and up till now that's working faster than i thought it would and it's beautiful to watch it take effect: the yamas and niyamas are definitely getting much more... and there is a dawning of a new insight into matter at hands, i wouldn't call it wisdom but it's a step toward a simpler way of being[:)]...

namaste brother and much love to you too(f)

Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2010, 07:23:22 AM »
Eka dantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dimahi Tano Danti Prachodayat...

I turn my thought to the Lord with one tusk...
I meditate upon Him with a crooked trunk...
May the tusked One guide us all in the right Way...

Once, when at a satsang conducted by a visiting guru, I had a vision of Ganesha (the Indian "elephant dude" god) -- but not as he is rendered in art - but rather, very much a living Ganesha -- with the trunk radiating a specific visual energy ---- and it was like, "Ohhhh, I see where the elephant-headed idea comes from!"

That's a wonderful insight...I might point something out as well...There is a reason why Lord Ganapati is related to the Root (Muladre Chakre.)  One has only to look at the human skeleton/body in gross anatomy...

Viewing it posteriorly (on the "backside") the Pelvis, Sacrum and Illac form his great winnowing basket ears..., the Sacrum and Cocyx form his trunk.  Folks that put there bills and lottery tickets under Ganapati do not fully understand him.  Remover of obstacles is only one of his many names, he is also the Lord of Obstacles, he creates them, puts them in place and he removes them.  Hence depending upon its inherent action Mulaband either "anchors" or "releases" the Kundalini in the Root.

In Western religious parlance we often hear of the Holy Spirit as "descending in the form of a dove."  If one looks at the top of the Caduces (the forebrain, midbrain, brain stem and spinal cord), it again becomes clear where this image comes from.  Alternately the wings of the dove are the "occipital horns" of the brain, or looking at the medial portions of the two halves of the brain, from a flat perspective, with the stem beneath, it resembles a dove with its wings outstretched!  (Pretty kewl heh?)

Regarding the discussion of wings, often times becoming aware of the subtle bodies I've experienced many things...I have experienced the concept of "wings", and as well, experienced it as the body becoming enormous, enough to fill the cosmos, or becoming infintessemly minute, able to ride on a single proton.

While enjoyable, fun, interesting, etc, and often (for me) experienced outside of formal practice, I treat such things as "window dressings" or "roadside scenerey" to utilize Yogani's metaphor.

Jivaakabhasana Yogi


  • Posts: 3001
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2010, 09:35:30 AM »
hi Jivaakabhasana Yogi[:)], don't worry all of us here know that it's passing scenery... i mostly share it to inspire beauty and bhakti and remember some of the beautiful scenery i've seen on my path when i get back to my old posts\\ on the other hand i share my pains and sorrows as well so that i may remember where i came from...


Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2010, 10:06:51 AM »
Originally posted by Ananda

hi Jivaakabhasana Yogi[:)], don't worry all of us here know that it's passing scenery... i mostly share it to inspire beauty and bhakti and remember some of the beautiful scenery i've seen on my path when i get back to my old posts\\ on the other hand i share my pains and sorrows as well so that i may remember where i came from...



Yepperdoodle, no worries here Ananda !!! [:D][:D][:D]

'spose I only mention that out of a sense of "duty", but yea, the scenery can darn well be inspiring to share in the right time n' place for sure.

Angelic wings were also a Talmudic and Kabbalistic way of saying that the individual or being in question was not limited by time or space...this carries over to Orthodox Christianity, where one often seas John the Baptiser with wings (as well as other particular saints that were said to bilocate during there lifetimes.)

I'll also take this time to wish all a happy Vernal Equinox.  In many cultures throughout history, the equinoxes (equiniii???) symbolized new beginnings, as the day and night are equal in can then leave something old behind, and take up something new one desires.

This link goes to my holiday wishes for Yogani and all the AYPers out here:

Deepest regards,