Author Topic: Trembling/Shaking  (Read 955 times)


  • Posts: 119
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:57:30 AM »
Has anyone experienced trembling hands or bodily shaking as a result of increased energy flow in the body? Lately been noticing a caffeine like jittery feeling and my hands trembling since increasing energy pratices, however it's come and gone in the past as well. Also at other times when there's a more pronounced physical sensation along with the energy my body sometimes shakes, mostly my legs. I've been wondering if the jittery feeling and hands trembling are health related or a result of increasing energy flow for a while, but since I've noticed it again recently after adding more energy practices I think it might actually be that. I'm definitely sure the legs shaking is from the energy.

I don't want to stop any of my practices, I feel really good with them. But I don't enjoy the shaking when it happens around other people, it does make me a little self-conscious. Is there a way to deal with the physical symptoms of energy flows and make them more smooth and less extreme? I've tried being more active/getting more exercise... It helps a little with the jittery feeling but I find the trembling and shaking still happens... So is there anything effective I can do about it? What helps to calm down the physical symptoms for you?


  • Posts: 822
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 02:05:39 AM »
its part of the process. no need to worry. the shaking results from prana meeting resistance.

good time to actively surrender more and limit expansion.


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 03:00:21 AM »
I experience both body shaking and trembling legs, most vigorously during chanting. It also happens during meditation but less frequently. Shaking legs can happen anytime even while sitting at office desk.
my feeling is also the same, it happens when energy is more in the system.
we generally refer to such movements as kriya.
if i meditate at a public place like an ashram, temple etc i have found that by simply requesting the energy to not allow external kriyas is enough for no movements or swayings...
it is an intelligent energy and responds to the inner voice. And yes its a pleasant experience for me as well..barring on a fasting day when it stretches itself more than usual...
all has been very fine till date here...

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 01:51:27 PM »
Grounding and expression. Grounding and expression.

Barefoot walking. Tactile connection to Earth. Swimming, canoeing, running, frisbee, etc., etc.

Expression means creative movement of any kind, including, but not limited to: spontaneous kriyas and dynamic postures, dancing, skipping, jumping, martial arts, playing music, manual labor, and the list goes on and on...

There might be some herbal/organic supplements as well (pump up the potassium and magnesium). I've struggled with nervous legs since childhood, and the above remedies have helped. The body is a fine-tuned instrument which we must constantly listen to and cooperate with.

Godspeed, mate! [OM][8D][OM]


  • Posts: 142
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2014, 02:00:40 PM »
oh man lol. when i frist began kriya and had kechari i swear if you watched me during sadhana you'd think i was having a seizure.


  • Posts: 5
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2014, 01:17:47 AM »
I feel compelled to add my two cents here.  My kriyas started 14 months ago.  They have ranged from trembling and shaking to being moved through asana.  As my heart opens and I feel the connection of everything they intensify.  They are fed by everything at this point as my perceptions of everything has changed.  I hid for a long time...but then began to hunger for interaction.  I realized they will end when they the meantime I don't want to be a hermit.

Nature and grounding intensifies them as well.  Beauty everywhere, All living in me.  They are constant now.  I am blessed to be surrounded by people who give me space with them.  I watch myself so closely - am I overly intrigued?  I ask myself if they stop tomorrow will I be disappointed? And the inquiry just takes me deeper into stillness....and the reactions in my body intensify.  

I love the idea of active surrender - and when I meet the point that it is not possible to be with things inside and outside just the way they are total acceptance that of myself and my inability to let go.  In that acceptance everything just falls into stillness....and the ride goes on.

I feel so blessed to know there are others experiencing this amazing journey with me.  I wish I could tell you Chaz how to calm them...but I guess I  just find surrendering to the fact that what I have been seeking was seeking me all along is the only way to be with the bliss and beauty and grace that is becoming the norm minute to minute is say thank you in anyway I can.  I call the kriyas the cost of connection...and it is a small price to pay.  [3]


  • Posts: 119
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2014, 05:31:34 AM »
@tonightsthenight: Good advice... I don't know why I haven't thought of it as a way to practice surrender. While it usually happens on it's own when I give in to the pleasurable sensations, at other times I'm so caught up in my mind going crazy over the fact that I can't stop shaking in front of people. I will have to learn to accept and welcome it in these situations.

@purohit: I like that idea of communicating with the energy. I've tried it before in the past with success. Simply asking Shakti to rise was enough to get rushes up my spine. Thank you for reminding me!

@Bodhi: Yes, grounding and expression are being used here. I do or have done most of what you've suggested but have yet to observe any reduced shaking as a result. In fact a couple weeks ago I went into the woods barefoot to go hang out by a creek, play fetch with my dog, and do some Zhan Zhuang. It felt very grounding but the energy was still causing my legs and hands to tremble for a while after that. I will look into herbs and supplements and maybe give that a go.

@adishivayogi: Lol it certainly can appear that way. Hence why I get a little self-conscious about it in public. The visible demonstrations of energy movement can certainly alarm or scare others and it's something I try to avoid.

@spiritflwr: Beautiful [3] I can relate to a lot. It is indeed a wonderful blessing to know there are others experiencing this journey with us. We are all headed home. [OM]

Thank you all!


  • Posts: 141
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2014, 06:58:15 AM »

As many have said it also from my experience as well i can say Acive Surrender is the key when things ae not working then it is best to just let go. In my expereince that is the best grounding technique as well. Also as myself being sensitive meditator cann't do much of the breathing but i do the following in the attached link. It helped me a lot.