Author Topic: How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?  (Read 18421 times)


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #60 on: January 01, 2014, 03:21:59 AM »
Happy New Year everyone


The Importance of Holy Communion for Christians

At this point Christian readers are invited to go deeply within to their core strength.  You will probably find it in the depths of your heart.  It is suggested that you remain in this place long enough to discover exactly what it is, so that you will always remember where it comes from.  If you have gone to the correct place, you will intuitively know that all of your life and strength derives from the Lord.  And the Love which resides deep in your hearts is not separate or different from the Lord Jesus.

That longing you feel for the Lord is the same as His longing for you.  The Lord was very clear in His instruction as He requested us to remember Him through partaking of the sacrament.  Every time you participate in Holy Communion that bond between you and God is sanctified and energized.  He wants us to do it, and it is absolutely necessary, because it causes our faith to thrive and our love to prosper.  That is why He requested that we remember Him in this powerful way.

It is my opinion but I think you will discover it to be the truth for you too.  The 23rd Psalm is so comforting because it clearly directs those who love the Lord to this sacred place within, the place where you are powerfully infused with HIS STRENGTH AND LONGING FOR YOU.  It is the place within where you become intimate with the Lord, the place where you enter into prayer contact with Him.  Please remain in this place long enough to never again doubt that the Lord indwells you and that His guidance (and spiritual discernment) is always available should it be required.  For me His guidance is always required.


« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 05:42:39 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #61 on: January 03, 2014, 04:23:22 AM »
In the thread topic Cosmic Kundalini Crisis and Presence, at the bottom of page one, ten suggestions are provided for dealing with a k crisis.  They are briefly as follows:

1.  Learn to trust the process
2.  Spend more time in natural environments
3.  Cultivate patience
4.  Experiment with practices and grounding techniques
5.  Make lifestyle adjustments as needed
6.  Cultivate detachment
7.  Cultivate a positive and realistic attitude
8.  See your experience as an evolutionary opportunity
9.  Adapt, improvise, overcome
10. Understand the role of bhakti in k awakening

Refer to the other thread if a more detailed explanation is desired.

May we all be enfolded in love[3]  

« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 04:37:39 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2014, 06:23:03 AM »
~ from research and my opinion ~

We will now look at the BOOK OF ROMANS, 8th chapter.  Romans 8 is sometimes thought of as the new law of the Holy Spirit and deals with the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  As such it may be relevant to k awakening from the Biblical perspective.

Romans 8:9-14 and 8:28-29 NIV

9  You however are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.  And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.

10  But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.

11  And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

12  Therefore brothers and sisters, we have an obligation - but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.

13  For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

14  For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.


28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

29  For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters

The Holy Spirit purifies, guides, corrects and empowers us in righteousness.

"..even though your body is subject to death...the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.....   For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live".

The Holy Spirit purifies for the sake of righteousness.  PUTTING TO DEATH THE MISDEEDS OF THE BODY means PURIFICATION AND THE REMOVAL OF BLOCKAGES.  That is - blockages to the free flow of righteousness.  We are also guided and corrected, via the Holy Spirit, for the same purpose of righteousness.  If there is illness and blockage in the body, the end of which would be death, the Holy Spirit is empowered to transform our physical vehicle so that the end result is life and not death.  This scripture implies comprehensive energetic healing on all levels.    

Notice the statement, or implied truth, that purification is a result of Christ being in you (8:10).

Romans 8:28 is one of the most well known and beloved passages in the Bible.  It states " all things God works for the good of those who love him...".  What about those who profess to love him but, in fact, do not?  What about them?  Is it significant that the Book of Romans is not concerned with them?  This is a book about how the Holy Spirit teaches, purifies and empowers us in righteousness.  It is therefore undoubtedly only concerned with those who have a genuine and solid connection with the indwelling Christ.  All that we might otherwise perceive as suffering, is the divine endeavoring to empower, purify, guide, and bring us up to a certain standard in terms of righteousness.

Romans 8:29 states that we are "to be conformed to the image of his Son...the firstborn".  The means by which we are purified and brought into conformity with Jesus - is through an intensification (or awakening) of the Holy Spirit within us.  This (k) awakening is an empowerment of the Holy Spirit for the sake of conforming us to the image of righteousness, that is, to Jesus the firstborn.

(Note:  I am of the opinion that k awakening is experienced by those with a genuine longing for the truth of the divine.  Non-Christians also experience k awakening.  However this thread is specifically devoted to the k awakening of Christians.   Therefore we've been taking a look at some of the scriptures that possibly give valid information regarding k awakening for Christians.)



  • Posts: 4
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #63 on: January 21, 2014, 07:26:59 PM »
Hello Parvati9, ,
Thank you for your thoughts on the Word, the Spirit, the Cross and the Name. Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I have just recovered from a couple of months of Kundalini overload and hadn't been reading too much in the hope of reducing it.
With regard to the 'Red Book' I would agree with you. I don't look at it as something to help me through my personal K experience other than to see that Jung had his own experiences, that he survived and came out the other side and that those experiences meant something uniquely to him which he then transformed into some great insights into psychoanalysis that can help us all. I believe all  dreams  should be interpreted by the dreamer as only the dreamer understands the symbolism of the content. Some experienced dreamers can offer help with interpretation but it is intimately up to the dreamer.   I have always been someone who has dreamed and undertaken interpretation of my dreams. Part of my K experience has been a huge escalation in dreaming so for me he stands as a role model of someone who took this seriously and then used the insights as a basis for his later works.



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #64 on: January 25, 2014, 03:01:59 AM »
Glad to hear you've recovered from overload Ramahlbuddha and it only took a couple months (?)  Felt like I was overloading for the better part of three years.. then for a few weeks last spring as well, while assimilating and integrating critical past life dramas.  But in hindsight it is realized that my whole being - body and soul - was incrementally aligning with a greater level of energy, purification, opening and restructuring.  Ordinarily this adjustment takes place gradually and in small increments over time, but not necessarily.

I've found that there are certain physical body insights (or internal 'exercises') that allow one to practice aligning and moving with the energy.. which tends to facilitate the flow, strengthen the physiological regulation, and help in stretching with the process.  That strengthening and stretching provides a physio-spiritual foundation, an anchor of sorts to physically and spiritually ground the energetic awakening.  Which in turn speeds up the periods of discomfort making the whole experience more smooth flowing and effortless.  Kind of like a rocket launch, in slow motion, if that makes any sense.

An internal kundalini martial art?
It is one of my heart longings to connect with others experiencing k awakening and determine if this adaptation technique can be developed into something like a kundalini tai chi.  For me, while this is obviously extremely similar to yoga (or specific types of yoga), it isn't the same.  What I envision is more of an internal martial art..  especially designed to facilitate k awakening.  What is the difference between yoga and martial arts?  Perhaps that's a good question to ask ourselves.  

I'm really good at anything involving movement, but if you want me to sit in one place for more than a few minutes, it doesn't come naturally (with the notable exception of research which I love and which can keep me online for several hours at a time).  My personal proclivity for movement has been helpful in aligning and flowing with the energetic awakening b/c the challenge of moving with a heightened energy is often enjoyable.. of mentally and emotionally adjusting with it.  Developing that kind of flexibility seems to come naturally to me.  Thus, I've found the fascinating study of internal martial arts to be a much needed stabilizing influence on my life in general; physical tai chi practice has also proved beneficial.  And I've drawn heavily on that knowledge and experience in order to become more resourceful during the difficult periods of k awakening.

A neutral or positive attitude is essential to k process facilitation.  And that means developing discrimination in regards to exposing ourselves to uplifting influences and positive feedback from others.  For me there was a strong inclination to sail through this experience joyfully and to seek out those resources and influences that helped me to do so.  In my case I tend to be oversensitive to everything and I usually know exactly what I want and where I'm going.  So when unhelpful or negative stuff comes my way, I've learned to effectively dodge it and move on.      

Entraining the divine energy flow is somewhat like a physio-spiritual isometric exercise which makes us more resilient, flexible and flowing with the energy.  It's almost like an internal massage, or perhaps an internal martial art.  And while I've never given birth, it is imagined to be somewhat like a pregnant woman in labor bearing down and moving with the contractions (as opposed to fighting them) so as to assist in bringing forth a new life.  This particular analogy is definitely apropos.

Regarding dreams Ramahlbuddha, my opinion is that sometimes they matter and sometimes they don't.  It's good to pay attention when they do.  However I've come to the conclusion that we dream all the time, even when we appear to be awake.  And when we start paying attention to our daydreams or the symbolic representation of our experience, then we have some real nitty-gritty to work with on our spiritual path.

There seems to be an undercurrent of peace - or detachment - in your commentary and the sharing of your viewpoint is much appreciated.  This long reply is for all of the readers but the inspiration for it derived primarily from your post.  Thank you.


(edited for typo correction and clarification)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 06:04:48 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2014, 02:05:14 AM »
Hopefully we will return, at least briefly, to the subtopic of internal martial arts as it appears to be supremely relevant to k awakening in general.  But first we'll take an inexperienced look at the subject of meditation and it's relationship (or lack of relationship) to k awakening.  Meditation is associated, perhaps integrally associated, with internal martial arts.

ponderings.  to meditate or not.  my personal incapacitation.
As Christians, we need to be absolutely, unconditionally, completely aware of and open to - God's love for us.   In spite of our perceived unworthiness or personal deficiencies.  How do we do that?  For many people, meditation has become the preferred means of connecting with the divine.  For many Christians, however, the mere thought of meditation is distasteful.  For many of us, meditation is anathema.  In my case this has not been from within a Christian environment.  It's actually more related to a personal disfunction, which will be shared although there is some shame associated with it.  

The reason it is being shared is that some of us have allowed our disfunctions to distort, interfere with, and essentially block - God's love for us.  And we have suffered in the process.  Perhaps it can be shown how to cut through all that nonsense.  We need to bask in God's love for us:  To allow it to make us strong, happy and healthy.  Nothing should stand in the way of being open to His Love, especially not our so-called disfunctions.  In my coming out of the closet, it is hoped that the sharing will somehow comfort and support others with perceived deficiencies.. which may have been allowed to become obstructions in the full experience and certainty of God's love for them.

As the result of a global epidemic of sorts, it has become slightly more socially acceptable.  But most people recoil in horror when acquainted with the fact that I am autistic.  I have asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism (albeit high functioning autism).  It has been the source of a significant amount of shame and ostracism in my life.  There's been bullying, ridicule, and rejection b/c of it.  And so therefore it has become a dreaded secret, rarely shared with others.  Due to the way they react.  As a dreaded secret harbored within, it tends to fester and cause even greater misery.  It is being shared as a means of purifying and resolving that shame.  There is a struggle with victim consciousness and this aspect of my personal psychology is an essential feature of that challenge.

People with asperger's can be brilliant but their social skills are almost nonexistent.  Among ourselves, we like to think of it as being differently wired neuorologically.  As such we see ourselves being neurologically deviant, or different from the normal neurotypical person.   It tends to make us moderately idiot-savant.  Think Rainman but not as extreme.  While it isn't pragmatic to convey much more than that superficial explanation, it should nevertheless be kept in mind during the process of describing my results with meditation.  As even tiny successes with meditation are huge for me.

Some of you who've read my other postings, may be aware that a couple months ago the ten week course of Michael Brown's Presence Process was completed.  Because there was more or less infatuation with the book, and the idea, a valiant effort was made to do something that has never been possible:  Attempts were made to overcome a lifelong aversion to sitting meditation.  When it comes to sitting meditation there appears to be almost total incapacitation here.   Well a decision had to be made:  to meditate or not to meditate.  Was it really impossible for me?  Or could my limitations be overcome?  Perhaps an attempt at innovation could be made?

Twice weekly sitting meditation (forty minutes per session) was possible for the duration of the course and once monthly sits after the course.  However the primary meditation success, briefly recorded in the following post, is not with sitting meditation.

There's been reluctance in reporting my tiny meditation successes b/c of the possibility of them being perceived as bizarre and disfunctional.  Whatever the consequences, now appears to be an appropriate time to share them.  


edit/ primarily content reduction
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 02:59:52 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2014, 06:43:46 AM »

To anyone who may have appreciated the previous post - sorry but it had to be deleted

Summarized concise version:

Meditation Report

type:  breath meditation
routine:  approx 1 hr 45 min most mornings before rising
practice duration:  6 months
comment:  very happy w/results so far [:)]

(deleted content may have been interesting to some readers however it was irrelevant to thread topic)

love [3]

edit/ radical content reduction
note - original 13 paragraphs was over the top; above revision is perhaps overly concise.. however it is an improvement.. learning to reign in my verbosity

(truth? I chickened out)

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 04:19:22 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2014, 01:56:19 PM »
Being open
We are at liberty to fight or fear our k awakening.  But if, instead, we choose to accept it - that means being open to it.  For 3 years I experienced overload or something on the verge of it.  I thought I was open to the experience.  I thought I was open to God's love for me.  Well, I wasn't.. not totally.  And that's why it hurt so much.  K awakening requires us to eventually open to the divine.  Completely.  On every level.  Nothing held back.  Until that happens, one way or the other, we will experience discomfort.  When k awakens, the divine insists on flowing through us.  The divine insists on blasting through every barrier that is consciously or unconsciously erected to block Its free flow in us.

Breath meditation has taught me something valuable, although it isn't easy to put into words.  Something like surrender, allowing, release, listening, being receptive and open.  To what?  If I told you it was being open to God, you might not believe me.  But that's what it feels like.  And I can tell it's not what I was doing before.  The only conclusion I can come to is that I wasn't open before, even though I thought I was.  I collapse in a puddle of tears now just at the thought that the divine wants to use me for Its purposes.  I understand a little what that means now.  I've prayed and prayed for God to use me as His instrument, but yet I wasn't open to what I was praying for.

For one thing, I wasn't open to my shame.  And that shame became a wall between me and the divine.  That's not all either.  Lots and lots of other things that were blocking and pushing away God's love for me.  But I didn't realize it.  Not until I began to meditate on my breath.  In a k awakening, the divine purifies us.  Shame, guilt, resentment and other useless emotions have to be purged, along with the blockages they've created in our bodies.  They have to be purified because they are found unacceptable to the divine.  But until we stop denying that they are alive in us, they can't be purified.  Because our denial constitutes fighting or clinging - either of which serve to prevent the required purification.  Once the energy is moving in us, we really have no choice but to surrender to the divine creating balance and order in our lives.  Balance and order which was severely lacking prior to the energetic awakening.  The divine constructs a clear pathway for Its energy flow in us.

However I have studied internal martial arts.  But without much understanding of the subject.  The following is from the book Cheng Hsin:  The Principles of Effortless Power, by Peter Ralston, beginning chapter 4.  He's written a couple other books (maybe more), one of them on consciousness.  This one is a textbook on internal martial arts.

...on the nature of energy...creating an opening to use intrinsic strength...

...we have confused energy use with its binding control or containment.  It is like opening valves that exist along a water line; if the valves are closed, the water does not flow.  The more open they are, the more flow we achieve, and each valve gets larger and releases more water the further down we go.  We have confused the use of the water (energy) with the contraction of the valves.  Thus, we use the "pipe" to attempt function, rather than the "water".  The nature of energy is that it wants to flow, so when we close the valves to its flow, we get pressure or tension.  This produces the "sensation" of strength, which is how we have learned to "use" energy...

It's not an easy book to understand and from the online reviews, one could ascertain that a sizeable percentage of readers find fault with the author's explanations.  However, in my case, it deeply affected me through what I'd call osmosis.  Just reading it, with only partial understanding, was extraordinarily beneficial.  The material was absorbed.

Because the sacred energy was intensifying and accumulating in my root and sacral chakras, causing discomfort, I imagined moving and massaging it upward.  Which helped to a certain extent.  But what I wasn't doing was opening to the flow.  Had I done that, there would have been no need to guide the energy upward.  It would have flowed upward by virtue of the fact that the valve was now open.  My intent was helping, but the tension and constriction which accompanied it was not.  Therefore my efforts were only partially successful and proceeded at an agonizingly slow pace.



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2014, 03:34:31 AM »
~ my opinion ~

Christians confronted with the necessity of dealing with kundalini awakening may wisely consider all helpful modalities - especially those orginating from within the eastern traditions.  Imho, Christianity is all about loving Christ and everything else is fluff (pales in significance).  It's a sacred heart-to-heart connection and without cultivating authenticity in one's walk with the Lord, one's walk goes nowhere.

Without authenticity, it's all show and no substance.  If we are genuine and sincere, we will walk our talk.  And doing that isn't necessarily conforming to a rigid set of standards, which tend to disparage the spiritual integrity of those adhering to a different belief system and alternate spiritual path.  Rather it's about developing and refining our own integrity within the context of passion and longing for Christ.  Perhaps trial and error is needed; we should consider using whatever tools/ methods work effectively in easing discomfort and facilitating comprehension of the k process.

After studying internal martial arts and practicing Tai Chi for years, it was realized that aptitude for these disciplines came from an internal awareness.  And that awareness has thrived within the context of a personal fascination with internal martial arts.  Innovation began to flow in attunement with the general principles, however the Teacher was found to be inside as well as outside.  There is an ongoing referencing of knowingness found within, a kind of creative resourcefulness.  A wellspring of internal wisdom.

Intent and creative resolve gradually adapts through pragmatic investigation.  From this point of view, there's never been a total reliance on external teachings.  New techniques are personally outfitted and designed for responding to the stresses inherent in k awakening.  The study of internal martial arts helps in creatively responding and shaping forces that dominate the energetic awakening.  In other words - dancing with the energy.  Tai Chi is a solo dance.  So is k awakening.  

Spontaneous k awakening can come on suddenly and with such great force, that it almost immediately takes over and reprioritizes our previously comfortable existence.  Breakthroughs are welcome and required.  K awakening is a movement of internal energy.  To learn to adapt to the intensification - and gradual refinement - of that energy ... is to learn the steps of a new dance.

As far as I know, martial arts originated in the east.  There are internal styles and external styles.  Tai Chi is an internal style.   To study internal martial arts is to study the mastery of one's internal energy system.

Peter Ralston has emphasized four cornerstone principles in the mastery of one's internal energy system.  We will briefly look at two of them:  grounded openness and authenticity.  

According to Ralston, "...the issue of balancing groundedness with openness comes up in every form and dimension of our living and our pursuits..."  We strive to keep these two fundamental principles in balance.

Direct and authentic experience is required for the mastery of one's internal energy system.  Ralston says, "Consistent with our commitment to become directly conscious of whatever is true, we do our best to have the most authentic and genuine experience that we can for ourselves - as opposed to merely believing something or having an idea that it 'may' or even 'must' be some way."

Refer to his website for more information:



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2014, 03:40:46 AM »
~ my opinion ~


A possible definition of baptism:  Religious or consecrated blessing, and spiritual cleansing, generally by means of assisted immersion.  That is a personal definition.   Dictionary and online definitions haven't been consulted to verify accuracy.  Amongst Christians there seems to be some controversy regarding baptism by fire.  Not much is known about this controversy except that there is far from universal agreement regarding baptism by fire or baptism by the Holy Spirit.  It is being mentioned due to it's likelihood of arising relative to k awakening, although there probably won't be much of a debate on this thread.  We'll look at bible references from the standpoint of the synoptic gospels, which seem to corroborate each other.  Speaker is John the Baptist and he is referring to Jesus in these scriptures:

Matthew 3:11 KJV
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentence:  but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.

Luke 3:16 KJV
John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water: but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose:  he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.

Mark 1:8 KJV
I indeed have baptized you with water:  but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

While Mark doesn't specifically mention baptism by fire, due to the similarity of the three synoptic gospel verses, we can infer he is referencing the identical statement by John the Baptist that is referenced in both Matthew and Luke.

For me personally there is no doubt whatsoever that these verses are referring to k awakening, especially those in Matthew and Luke.  Mark is not clear b/c the fire reference is omitted.  However there is a rather strong probability that John the Baptist equated intensified movement by the Holy Spirit with baptism by fire.  And according to him, baptism by the Holy Spirit, and by fire, is administered through divine agency, i.e. through Christ.

Blessing or Curse?
In my opinion, a baptism is a blessing as well as a cleansing.   Similarly, k awakening is a blessing as well as a cleansing.   It's a fiery blessing to be sure.  Exactly as confirmed in both Matthew and Luke.  And it cleanses the blessing's recipient of impurities.  Fire has been used for at least tens of thousands of years in a purificatory manner i.e. it sterilizes.  Fire has also been worshipped and considered sacred across a great diversity of spiritual traditions.  It has been specifically worshipped as a teacher, a very powerful, divine and holy teacher, or spirit.  We have looked at scriptures previously in this thread that declare the Holy Spirit to be a Teacher.  A teacher who endorses, reiterates and confirms everything Jesus has told us.  Essentially a very powerful manifestation of the divine - in us.  

But if you choose to view your blessing as a curse then you are perfectly at liberty to do so.  While not at all advisable, it is entirely up to you.  As far as I know, there are some Christians who may view the above scriptures in terms of punishment for sin.  And according to that view, a fiery punishment is reserved for the judgment of those following paths of iniquity, of unrighteousness, and of the counterfeit divine.

In my view, the tendency to sin is equated with the tendency to permit barriers between us and the divine; the tendency to indulge a notion of separation from the divine.  That is a very generalized statement.  What is imperative within the framework of such a view, is the state or condition of one's heart.  What is our intention?  Is it to glorify and serve God or is it to glorify and serve the counterfeit divine?  Where is the focus of our attention directed?  Is the heart relatively pure or is it contaminated?  And what exactly constitutes contamination?

If kundalini has awakened in you, I don't think you should accept the idea that your heart is contaminated.  Quite the opposite in fact.  But that is something that each individual experiencing the energetic awakening will be determining for themselves.  It is hoped the above scriptures will assist in that determination.    



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #70 on: March 10, 2014, 06:33:36 AM »
Two Matthews

Matt Maher lyrics from "Lord, I Need you"

Lord, I come, I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
Without You I fall apart
You're the One that guides my heart

(This song is so beautiful, every time I hear it, it melts my heart in love for the Lord)

Matthew West lyrics from "Do Something"

I woke up this morning
Saw a world full of trouble now
Thought, how'd we ever get so far down
How's it ever gonna turn around
So I turned my eyes to Heaven
I thought, "God, why don't You do something?"

Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of
People living in poverty
Children sold into slavery
The thought disgusted me
So, I shook my fist at Heaven
Said, "God, why don't You do something?"

He said, "I did, I created you"

(So many of us have this reaction to all the world's misery - God why don't You do something about it.  You know God, if you wanted to, you could put a stop to it.  My opinion on this is k awakening is God's answer.   And also, it's why God created us.  Because we care.  And because we do have the power of righteousness.  That power is Christ.  He's the One who guides our hearts)



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #71 on: March 11, 2014, 05:39:07 AM »
Food for Thought/ The Book of Ephesians
~ my opinion ~

Recently there have been challenges in my life with no easy solution.  Yesterday, when something of a miracle occurred and a breakthrough was made, right afterward those two songs came on the radio.  A solution to my problem, and a message to go along with it [:)]

Many lifeforms on earth are struggling to survive; humans are not exempt.  We humans, unfortunately, are usually more the problem than the solution .. but that is because we're taking our cues from bad examples and poor leadership.  It often looks like there is a deliberate effort to pollute and poison our beautiful planet.  Either that, or gross negligence combined with complete disrespect and downright contempt for the planet we call home.  Contempt for life in general, as well as intentional poverty for at least half the world.    

I've always wondered about something  ...

When 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God - why did He banish them from heaven only to send them to earth?  The answer that I've known (and been unwilling to accept) is a difficult one.  The answer is that God thinks those of us who still love Him can set an example that the fallen angels will not be able to resist... and so they will (eventually) follow our lead.

How are we doing with that?  Are they following our lead or are we just getting plowed under?  What's wrong with this picture?

If Ephesians 6:12 is correct and we aren't battling against flesh and blood i.e., lifeforms ... then what are we battling against?  Technology?  Programmed AI, artificial intelligence?  Some kind of renegade software program, like the Borg in Star Trek?  And how advanced is that intelligence?  Demons?  Isn't it possible that the term demon is code for something else?  Many religions have a belief in demons.  Where does that come from?

I subscribe to a common sense philosophy that finds it hard to believe in demons, but definitely believes in advanced technology ... and can conceive of that kind of sophisticated power being grossly mismanaged.  And likewise being utilized by highly advanced/ evolved beings ..  yet not exactly living ones, at least not the way we know life.  

Ephesians goes on to say that this is a force of evil and that it consists of principalities, consortiums of organized negative power, at very high levels ...   So what, then, is an appropriate, wise and efficient response to this consortium?


Well, it is to make the best of our kundalini awakening.  To direct the powerful love in our hearts outward in such a way that it not only assists in healing and rectifying everything around us... but also sets an effective example for others to follow.  As Jesus has set the example for us.

And there's one more strategy we can employ:  We can put on the armor of God.  Those visualized armaments empower us to engage in a reverence for life.  To love, honor, respect and protect those we love and the world that nourishes us.  In short to preserve what we value, what matters, what we care about.  

Next we will look at the biblical injunction to invoke spiritual protection in the book of Ephesians.  Is the spiritual armor we are advised to employ - miraculously effective against powers of which we can scarcely conceive?



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2014, 04:25:43 AM »
~ my opinion ~

De-cloaking the Illusion/ Unmasking the Counterfeit Divine

To facilitate comprehension of how precisely the Armor of God effectively neutralizes the adversary, we should perhaps take a closer look - even if only in speculation - at its probable identity and the tactical schemes it employs.  Its probable identity is that of a mechanized death force.  And it is beyond conjecture, at this point, that its tactical strategies revolve around the use of fear, deception and ridicule.  One of its weaknesses is that it appears to enjoy pomp and display..  and while it is careful to conceal the true nature of its agenda - as well as the force which empowers it - there appears to be a love of flaunting their domination in our faces.  Which is to our advantage.  Because in doing so, the adversary reveals the cards it is holding so close.

Our Lord has stated:  I am the way, the truth and the life.  That last word - life - has been bolded for emphasis.  Antichrist forces are anti-life forces.  Because they are probably AI, artificial intelligence, they have different needs from ours.  Their consortiums and principalities disregard life and its requirements because they are of no concern for the propagation of their constituents and their agenda.  To achieve full realization of this important possibility - that their consortiums' needs simply differ from ours - is to take this whole issue out of fear mode and into understanding mode.    Which is very much to our benefit, and definitely not to theirs.  

It is an understatement to say that detachment is immensely helpful here.  The concept of demons is not helpful as it tends to engender fear of fantasy monsters.  We are probably not at all dealing with fantasy monsters.  But what we are dealing with is no less dangerous.  By acquainting ourselves with what the adversary - in all likelihood - actually is, we are better equipped to consolidate our position and thus avoid irrational fears.  The term demon, in all likelihood, is a cover story.  A fictional term (from my perspective), purposely employed and designed to generate fear, confusion and compliance.  Fear, deception and confusion are major strategies employed by the adversary in order to coerce compliance.  And also to destabilize and keep us off balance.

However God has a plan.  God always has a plan.  The first consideration of God's plan is to stabilize us in His righteousness and restore our balance and common sense perspective.  The way He does that is to suggest visualizations that resonate with the vibratory frequency of His divine will.  Which is, of course, pro-life.  And as pro-life, it thwarts the adversary's agenda.

When we are in resonance with God's will for us, we are immune to all the ploys, schemes, deceptions and attacks delivered by the adversary.  We are effectively moving our consciousness out of the pits of despair which is virtually an imaginary miasma, and extricating ourselves from entrapment.  This entrapment/ enslavement apparently has both an imaginary and a real component.  However, the imaginary component appears to be absolutely essential in securing compliance with the real component.  The imaginary component sets us up for - and delivers us to - the fall.  First and foremost, God's plan intercepts the adversary's strategy at the level of the imaginary component (irrational fear).  Thus eliminating voluntary compliance with an insidious anti-life agenda.



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2014, 09:22:53 AM »
Ephesians 6:12-18  KJV
(note:  underline, bold, and numbers were added to text for easy reference)

12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14  Stand therefore, having (1)your loins girt about with truth, and having on (2)the breastplate of righteousness;
15  And (3)your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16  Above all, (4)taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17  And (5)the helmet of salvation, and (6)the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18  (7)Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and (8)watching thereunto (9)with all perseverance and supplication for all saints

Armor of God
1  Loins (hips) wrapped in truth
2  Wearing the breastplate of righteousness (over the heart)
3  Feet wearing like shoes (preparation of) the gospel of peace
4  Holding the shield of faith*
5  Wearing the helmet of salvation
6  Holding the sword of the Spirit

7  Praying always in the Spirit
8  Stay aware and observant (watching)
9  Persevere

~ my opinion ~

Numbers 7-9 are not technically armaments but very good advice nonetheless.  These verses are instructing us in the art of preserving that which is valuable and loved by us, and doing it in a way that is spiritually safe and effective.  The scriptures tell us how to be in the world but not of it.

In our confrontation with the adversary, we need to keep in mind that we're all in this together.  When we go along with the 'rulers of the darkness of this world' and passively comply with their dark (anti-life) agenda, we are essentially supporting it, even if we feel forced into doing so.  And therefore, we are sharing in the responsibility of perpetuating the awful poverty and enslavement that many people on earth must endure.   We should strive to stay aware and remember the trials and tribulations of our fellow humans and other lifeforms - as opposed to being in denial or refusing to think about it.

Eph 6:18 says we should persevere and not give up, especially in regards to praying for the saints (presumably genuine Christians).  Remaining continually in prayer, or always thinking of God, is the best way of staying close to and connected with Him.  Also praying in the Spirit means calling upon the Holy Spirit to intercede in regards to our prayer requests.

Obviously moving in the truth is vitally important and it is the first armament mentioned.. we will come back to that.  There are two places on the body with their attendant armors that have been emphasized.  The word stand is repeatedly used in these verses.  Placement of the feet is extremely important, along with maintaining the strength to stay erect, as opposed to taking a position of bowing or obeisance (as a slave would do).  

Either we serve God or we serve the adversary.  The scripture is telling us not to serve false gods - even if we would excuse such an act with the rationalization of being forced into compliance.  If we feel that we must comply, then the scriptures state that we should remain aware of that fact ... as opposed to not realizing what we are doing.  The other part being emphasized, and given the greatest significance of all, is the shield of faith.  No matter what else we do, we must hold fast to the faith (shield) and keep our feet firmly planted on the ground.  We will perhaps return to the subject of faith later as it is supremely important.  Although I believe its relevance to a successful k awakening has already been discussed in this thread.

Feet anchor the body.   The scripture is telling us we need to stay anchored in the gospel of peace.  That may mean the teachings, lessons and statements of our lord as recorded in the four gospels.  Or it could refer to the New Testament in general.  It's unclear what the word preparation means in Eph 6:15 ... unless the gospels need to be the foundation or preparation for everything we do, and everywhere we go (where our feet take us).  It could be that shoes (and the gospel of peace on our feet) relate to the meaning of life.  Where our feet lead us - is what matters to us ... and in that view symbolically shoes, and the gospel, offer protection for the personal meaning we ascribe to life.

The bible encourages us to consider the meaning that life has for those people who are subjugated in poverty, distress and slavery.  As Jesus has shown us utmost compassion, we should also show our brothers and sisters in slavery the utmost compassion.  And thus do whatever we can to ease their pain, including constant prayer that they be given relief.  

The breastplate of righteousness.  This armament is referring to the state of our hearts - in partnership with God. When we resonate with God's righteousness, we are attuned to His divine will.

The helmet of salvation refers to Christ Consciousness.  It isn't just the belief that Jesus has rescued or delivered us from sin..  It is having this mind in you which is in Christ Jesus, as Paul admonished.  It is to be led by the Lord in all we do, think, feel, and believe.  In effect, to allow the divine to take control of our lives.  (Not the counterfeit divine)

And now the sword.  All the other armaments are defense oriented.  Only the sword is offense oriented.  And what constitutes the sword is the word of God, say the scriptures.  The Word generally is assumed to be the scriptures themselves.  But my interpretation of this passage is that the Word is every single lesson and word the Holy Spirit uses to direct us in the way of Divine Truth and Righteousness.

So basically the sword, for me, is service to the Holy Spirit ... allowing the Holy Spirit to show us what to do and how to do it.  That's what happens to everyone experiencing k awakening ie., they are conscripted into service to the Holy Spirit.  Remember to keep your shield up, but advancing on the adversary in a timely fashion with a sharp sword is quite effective in keeping the dark forces at bay.  The adversary doesn't particularly relish the idea of confronting well-armed opponents, particularly those skillful in using their weapons.  Having a sharp sword of the Spirit and not being afraid to use it - also indicates we are wide awake and not mesmerized by the adversary's schemes and traps.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  To gird our loins with the truth, is to only walk in the Spirit.  Those undergoing k awakening can't do anything else.  We can try to fight it, but (as has been stated previously) most of those who've successfully handled a k awakening will testify that it does no good to fight or fear the experience.  We've been given the very high honor of being personally trained by the divine.  

It is hoped that the readers find this discussion to be helpful.

edit/ minor revision
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 11:03:17 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #74 on: March 15, 2014, 01:09:38 AM »
~ my opinion ~

God's Plan/ Leveling the Playing Field

Clearly visualizing and employing the Armor of God neutralizes the adversary's grip of control, by effectively placing guards at all the gates .. entry points wherein the negative principalities may attempt to manipulate human consciousness.  The act of visualizing with comprehension the above quoted scriptures in Ephesians - very skillfully facilitates a necessary method of spiritual discipline.  By which we become capable of remaining alert and vigilant.   This maintaining of our consciousness in sharp awareness protects the integrity of our health, vitality and spiritual focus.

With our defenses alerted and securely positioned, it is more difficult for the adversary to exert a controlling influence over us, without our realizing it.  And when we further place ourselves at the unimpeded disposal of the Holy Spirit, it then becomes almost impossible for the adversary to sway us in overt or subliminal fashion.  What this means, then, is that we remain in complete possession of our faculties and souls ... free from undue influence and manipulation by the adversary.  That is God's plan and it's a good one.  

From my experience and perspective, the adversary has three main tactical schemes in its bag of tricks:  fear, deception and ridicule.  If we'd prefer not to fall for those tricks, it may be best to tackle them in order ...  First fear is de-fanged and dismantled, then deceit deconstructed, and finally ridicule is swept aside as a tactic of desperation.  It is suggested that generally the effective resistance is accomplished in that sequential order.

There is a shift in consciousness that gradually takes place in one of two ways:  In k awakening it is automatically accomplished through entraining with the Holy Spirit.  But it can also be achieved as an act of spiritual will, when our individual will is aligned in accordance with Divine Will.  In my opinion, this is exactly what happens when we 'put on the Armor of God'.  

Moving in the Spirit, praying in the Spirit and wielding the Sword of the Spirit - is code for k awakening.  But it is also an accurate description of the upper tiers of God's formula for rendering the adversary impotent and ineffective.  When we are in harmony with God's Armor and plan, our consciousness is shifted to a higher level.  At that level, we are synchronized with the Holy Spirit.  The power of the Holy Spirit is almost indescribable.  However those who've successfully weathered a k awakening will sometimes claim that it is the most formidable force in the universe.  Nice to have that power on our side then.


edited for clarity

« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 01:10:49 PM by parvati9 »