Author Topic: Painful, Involuntary Air Swallowing  (Read 593 times)


  • Posts: 130
Painful, Involuntary Air Swallowing
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:14:27 AM »
The past few days I've experienced a lot of pain in my throat and chest upon swallowing food or liquid, but it is not like a cold or flu-type sore throat. More like the muscles in my throat feel sore and unhappy. Related to this is that I find I need to burp after almost every bite of food or sip of liquid. I don't intend to swallow air, but it just seems to happen somehow, and the extra air in my esophagus is painful.

I blame myself getting too aggressive with jalandhara bandha. I had been using my hands to help push my chin down into the hollow above my chest, and it felt extremely ecstatic to do so, especially when combining this with yoni mudra kumbhaka, which would cause me to feel a great pleasure in my upper back. It didn't seem to be causing any problems at the time, and it was extremely pleasurable, so I didn't think to "pace" myself.

Also wondering about the connection between jalandhara and swallowing air. I've read here that some air getting into the GI tract is a normal part of the process, and I've previously experienced harmless gurglings in my stomach and intestine, but is jalandhara somehow related to this process? I can understand how I might have caused my neck muscles to become sore with too much jalandhara, but it's harder to fathom why suddenly I'm unintentionally swallowing a lot of air, and whether that is a result of the jalandhara, or something else.

I haven't done any jalandhara for a few days now and I'm still having this very annoying pain. I guess it will probably go away on its own with a little more rest, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this particular side effect, and, if so, whether there's anything to be done to alleviate it. Also, is there a good way I can continue to do jalandhara bandha without risking this kind of painful side effect? Thank you! [/\]
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 01:17:28 AM by tamasaburo »