Author Topic: Can't stay away...  (Read 570 times)


  • Posts: 5
Can't stay away...
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:24:24 AM »
Hello everyone,

I would like to open my first post with a message of heartfelt gratitude to Yogani and to all of you on these boards.  You have been an immense help in my journey inwards in the past few months since I found this website.  While I've been on this path my whole life (maybe longer...), the progress this community has helped me achieve so far has been humbling and far beyond what I would have accomplished myself.

Since early November (when I found this site) I have been regularly practicing AYP techniques and perusing the wealth of information here with a drive that surpasses anything I have felt before.  At first I thought I was under-sensitive to the techniques, but after about a  month of recklessly adding practices there was one day when I realized how broad and profound were the effects occurring inside and out.  I have since scaled back and am in the process of settling into a stable, long-term practice routine.

The issue I'm bringing before you all is not overload (at least I don't think it is yet), or difficulty dealing with my new-found sensitivity to the subtle connections between everything, but rather I am concerned the path I am on could lead to new levels of opening I might not be ready for.  Specifically, I feel I am heading for trouble in relation to activity at the crown.

I have read Yogani's advice on going about opening the crown, and have decided to just leave crown exploration for later on when my practice is more routine and stable.  However, I have been noticing more and more activity at the crown recently outside of my practices.  It is highly pleasurable, and at first usually occurred when I was listening to music or was having an interesting conversation with somebody.  Over the past few weeks I have been feeling myself drawn there more often, and for longer periods of time.  I don't go there intentionally, but once I'm there, I can't seem to pull myself away.  This activity doesn't seem to be harmful or interfering with my life, but I am concerned by all the cautionary tales and advice I have seen.

In short, I would like to know whether I should try to stay away from the crown when I feel myself drawn there, or whether I should let whatever happens, happen.

Thank you Yogani for creating this digital sanctuary and place of learning, and to all of you who have helped me so much.

P.S. I hope this is a suitable place for this post.  I wasn't too sure about where to put it.


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Can't stay away...
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 03:51:42 AM »
Hi Songandwind,

Welcome to the forum.

There is nothing wrong with having activity at your crown chakra, it is a normal and natural part of the awakening. It is also quite natural to be drawn to the crown chakra in ecstasy as it is opening. If you are not having any detrimental symptoms inside or outside of practices then I would not worry. It means you are experiencing a right-on-time crown opening.

If you do at some point in the future experience anything unpleasant going on, then the first thing to suspect would be the crown chakra, and then you may well want to limit the amount of time that you spend in that place.

Sounds like things are going well.



  • Posts: 4
Can't stay away...
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 05:31:52 AM »
Hi Song and Wind,

I have practiced a kind of Chi Gong opening of all the Chakra centers for years, and have never had any problems. I think it is because of my emphasis on opening everything and blending it, which seems to naturally bring balance. Fear is always an impediment. I think being trusting and childlike in simplicity is always good. The essence of our heart is simple trust, and courage. Blessings of Love... and, I really like your name.


  • Posts: 5
Can't stay away...
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2012, 04:09:23 AM »
Thanks for your quick and helpful replies!  I suppose I had already heard your answers when I asked myself this question, but hearing it come from someone else really helped solidify things and nip my budding preoccupation.  Guess I still have work to do in trusting my inner guru!

Originally posted by piolilly

 Fear is always an impediment.

You said it! [:I]