Author Topic: Headaches after Meditation  (Read 1121 times)


  • Posts: 13
Headaches after Meditation
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:12:56 AM »
Can headaches after meditation be caused if the bones/muscles etc ... are out of proper position in the neck, shoulders, ribs?

I am trying to discover whether I am over sensitive or just physiologically challenged due to severe injury.

I've gone from
20 minutes - 5 minute rest to
10 minutes - 5 minute rest to
5 minutes - 10 minute rest and still have severe head pain
Now I am taking a day off and will try
2 or 3 minutes - 10 minute rest

Any ideas to help me find a stable manageable practice would be appreciated.


  • Posts: 4947
Headaches after Meditation
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 01:24:22 AM »
What you are doing sounds good... but if possible add some chiropractic care or acupuncture or massages and see if that helps loosen the muscles around your neck/back/head.
You could look into adding some asanas as well.
Try the anana starter kit listed here:

Take a look at this lesson:

Headaches are not fun... and I lived them them for years... and acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care helped me a lot.

Also, there are a few suggestions in this topic that may help... (this ones later has info on how to take the pressure off the head)


  • Posts: 252
Headaches after Meditation
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 06:53:49 PM »

Thanks again Shanti [:)][:)]:

Yogani says in lesson #71 –

“asanas are last in the pecking order … (however) You may be naturally inclined to do asanas and leave pranayama and meditation behind. That's okay. It may even be necessary if you are having some kundalini imbalances. Asanas can help smooth out the inner currents …

… If it feels good after practices for the rest of the day and night, you are in the right ballpark. Then you are in the best position to consider adding more advanced yoga practices at some point.”

I think this is the thing I needed to know, standing where I am now. I am almost out of practice; with only breathe meditation once in 3 to 4 days, barely able to stay 10 minutes with it. With one such sit yesterday, today I am tackling the worst overload in past 3 or 4 weeks (it’s like I cannot sit quietly in room without thinking anything [V], what the heck!!!)

Sometimes I feel like I am somewhat unfit for this, but then, I am definitely going to see the end of it (of course with self pacing). Yogani’s comments regarding asanas are a new ray of hope for me. I am going to reconstruct my systems with asanas first, if this is in the order.

Meanwhile I have got a hathyoga sequence in another post from Maheshwari -, which I am going to start with now. I would just forget about meditation for now, but may be SBP will be helpful to find balance? Or, should I do it downwards only - for now?

Shanti, I have read what you told Shimon about ‘jumping’ from third eye to neck in SBP, here -
I also feel that whenever I near to third eye, crown draws more attention towards it, as if the third eye and crown are linked. So I am going to try this jumping.

Lots of Love [:)]


  • Posts: 2294
Headaches after Meditation
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 08:39:25 PM »
hello DawnCalling[:)]
as Yogani said s ok to do only asanas at the begining of the journey....later on meditation will be added naturally....(actually this was my case...years back i only did asanas)
doing SBP alone can be added to your asanas problem in that...
keeping in mind that the big effects of SB will not realized unless combined with DM
best of luck[:)]


  • Posts: 13
Headaches after Meditation
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 02:35:18 AM »
Dear Shanti:  Thanks for your advise and reassurance.  I was able to do 3 minutes deep meditation with a 15 minute rest.  I did not experience the headache or other physiological issues.  I went straight away to my routines of daily living and now at lunchtime I am still fine.  I will repeat this for the afternoon session and hope for the same gentle results.  Thanks again for you guidance and reassurance.