Author Topic: Awakening of Kundalini  (Read 2180 times)


  • Posts: 13
Awakening of Kundalini
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2011, 08:51:14 PM »
**Name chage from Tulasi to Knowsoul**
Sharing my experiences once again.
Now a days doing SB for a minute (5 times Breathin and out) and DM for 10 to 20 minutes.
Recently  I had visions during DM and rolling of eyes upwards and tongue touching my palate.This continued for a week and was enjoying my practices.
But since from one week especially in the evenings my heartbeat increases suddenly and I could feel my heartbeat when I close my eyes just heartbeat nothing else for few seconds and sometimes intense chest pressure.
Here comes selfpase.So have decided to cutdown SB and reduced DM 5 to 10 minutes and now am back to normal no more discomforts
I am experiencing these kind of issues only when SB is added to my practices.why is this happening as Iam just doing it for a minute not more than that and taking rest after practices
One more thing actally on weekdays I do DM once and weekends twice,is this matters?
Please advice.



  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Awakening of Kundalini
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2011, 09:12:09 PM »
Hi Knowsoul,

That's quite normal. Once the kundalini becomes active you do not need to be doing much to bring yourself over the edge. Even a few minutes, or even breaths of Spinal Breathing may be too much. It sounds like you are self pacing to the right level if you are getting no discomfort.

It doesn't matter at all that you are practising twice a day at weekends and once during the week. Whatever you have time for is fine.
