Author Topic: The golden ring  (Read 517 times)


  • Posts: 182
The golden ring
« on: August 21, 2010, 11:44:19 PM »
Hello, yesterday I saw the golden ring for the second time, clearly and for the first time it started off as a star then the gold ring got brighter and brighter and that was all I could see really, it was beautiful. Though when I saw it at some points it was brighter on the left side and i thought that this correlated with some of my previous experiences. My third eye often buzzes / feels like there is pressure on the in/+outside, not unpleasant, this has been happening for years, but sometimes it buzzes more prominently on the left side, this is happens reasonably often.

I broke my nose when was younger, I think it happened over a few occasions, anyway it is broken-ish on the one side and not the other, I am told that the airflow is slightly restricted on the left side (which correlates to the right side of the body/brain right?). Anyway, the bulk of my physical problems are on the right side, I have tinnitus, i think it is just in the right ear (or just much more prominent), I get pains in my right knee etc. I am wondering wether all this is due to my deviated septum (nose), including the more prominent buzzing in the third eye + light in the golden ring. I wanted to get my nose corrected for years because of how it looked (and occasionally how it felt), now I am not so bothered about that but I am wondering if all this means I should get it corrected (if possible on the NHS), if it is having more of an effect on my body, mind, soul than I thought, or should I just leave all this + all these thoughts alone, continue with practices and consider it an under the hood type of thing?

Om Shanti