Author Topic: Love and subservience  (Read 1264 times)


  • Posts: 3178
Love and subservience
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2012, 10:11:23 AM »
Hi Kami [:)]

Originally posted by kami

Can I just say I absolutely and totally love you?[:)]

I totally love you too! [:D]  And it's really great to watch/feel you grow like this.  I get a big heart swelling sensation whenever I read your recent posts.  Can't wait to see you in person again someday.

Originally posted by kami

About the cultural thing - actually, the men friends who affirmed this are *very* white [:D][:D]

I have no doubt.  I'm sure it is prevalent everywhere, in every culture, in every "class," even in every one of us to some extent or another (until it's not anymore).  I guess what I was mentioning was more that some religions, cultures, and personality types tend more towards desiring subservience in their female partners.  I know that in some of the Christian sects I grew up in the men take verses like Genesis 3:16 very literally; "To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”"

Anyway, something that hit me as I have gone about my day with this topic in mind... I think there is a potential that there is a trend in the way karma yoga (service) plays out (at least for me).  I tried to start a topic on it here at AYP, I think I called it "The Evolution of Service."  What I've specifically noticed as I've gone about my day with this topic in mind is that when action is done with a heart filled with a desire for service, the doesn't even need to be another (to serve).  Just having a heart filled with the desire to serve is enough to have every action filled with the radiance and divine love I mentioned in my last post.  

Thanks for starting this thread... great food for inquiry here.

Lots of love,
Carson [^]


  • Posts: 893
Love and subservience
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2012, 11:18:13 PM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

I totally love you too! [:D]  And it's really great to watch/feel you grow like this.  I get a big heart swelling sensation whenever I read your recent posts.  Can't wait to see you in person again someday.

You have been a key catalyst, guru Carson. No doubt here that we will meet soon and share stories late into the night, and I will come away a better person to have spent time in your presence, as it has been every time.[:)]

Originally posted by CarsonZi

Anyway, something that hit me as I have gone about my day with this topic in mind... I think there is a potential that there is a trend in the way karma yoga (service) plays out (at least for me).  I tried to start a topic on it here at AYP, I think I called it "The Evolution of Service."  What I've specifically noticed as I've gone about my day with this topic in mind is that when action is done with a heart filled with a desire for service, the doesn't even need to be another (to serve).  Just having a heart filled with the desire to serve is enough to have every action filled with the radiance and divine love I mentioned in my last post.

Yes!! Karma yoga is wayyyy more than "selfless service". It is the attitude of surrender and desire for service, and love for whatever it is we might be doing. Even washing dishes is karma yoga when done like this. Most popular yoga talks about karma yoga as going to impoverished countries to "help", which is fine, of course when and if we can do that. But we need not wait for such opportunities - they are presenting themselves in the moment. Selfless service to That, to our Ishta, in any and every form.. [:)]

Love to you and your beautiful family.


  • Posts: 674
Love and subservience
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2012, 01:11:48 PM »
Just to backup Karl and Carson,

I prefer strong playful extatic women who love to love and to be loved without fear over any dull dead subservient women. If that woman serves you with great love and respect and you do the same to her, then there is no real subservience either.

Any man or any woman, who lives together with someone who is practicing, will become extatic, strong and rdy for more love in both directions anyway. If both dive into silence and wake up the spinal nerve, then haleluja =P

So in the longterm if you do your practice, then no matter who you are with, he or she will become a god/goddess sooner or later aswell. Start thanking Yogani men/women of this planet as thanks to him you get more and more strong lovers, lucky lucky you all are =)

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Love and subservience
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2012, 01:48:28 PM »
Originally posted by kami
There is a new-found intimacy, joy and curiosity, much deeper than even our early years of marriage. We suddenly love hanging out together, and talk more than we ever did, even about "spiritual" things. Even in disagreements, there is humor and playfulness. The more I open and surrender to the moment, the richer and sweeter it gets. A love that cannot be classified as "romantic" or otherwise because it just is. No doubt this will evolve and change in a myriad ways. He stated recently that I am a "much better" person than the one he married so many years ago. I smiled in gratitude and returned to what has become the main pre-occupation - polishing that mirror.

Whoa. Mucho inspiring. I bow to you with folded hands. [8D]


  • Posts: 149
Love and subservience
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2012, 02:40:26 AM »
Thanks for sharing that Kami!

My relationship has been so up and down, and issues galore, but also with tons of happiness and love thrown in too. But the hard times can be sooo challenging to say the least! Certainly its not an easy road with  relationships!. Thank you for bringing to light the truth,  that in the end, it's all a mirror/reflection of our inner world. :)


  • Posts: 893
Love and subservience
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2012, 05:13:57 AM »
Holy, Bodhi and Sparkling,

Thank you for your beautiful words and open arms.. [:)]

Love you all <3