Author Topic: Kechari experiences  (Read 1255 times)


  • Posts: 351
Kechari experiences
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:09:32 PM »
256 From: "sifbear" <>
Date: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:04am
Subject: Kechari experiences  sifbear
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    I thought I'd add my two cents about kechari. I've been trimming my
frenum on and off for several months now. I have been able to put my
tongue above my soft palate and can keep it there without the use of
my finger, but I haven't yet been able to reach to my nasal septum.
I'm close--I can feel the triangular opening framed by the hard
palate bones. One thing that has helped me is stretching the frenum
membrane, rather than stretching the tongue muscle. To do this, I put
my tongue into kechari 1, tighten the tongue muscles, and then push
with my finger so that I can feel the stretch in the frenum. Dropping
the jaw can increase the stretch. You can do this with or without
cutting the frenum. I often do it after making a cut to stretch the
membrane a bit more...this is a little painful and may be
overzealous, so use your own judgement. (And remember to keep your
scissors, mouth, and fingers clean to minimize the risk of infection.)

There was a question about the uvula in yesterday's digest. When I go
above the soft palate, I go to one side of the uvula or the other. I
then have to wiggle my tongue around a bit so that the uvula slides
down the underside of my tongue and stays in the mouth cavity, rather
than being folded up above the soft palate.
