Author Topic: crown opening & enlightenment milestones  (Read 1013 times)


  • Posts: 787
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« on: January 07, 2010, 12:54:51 PM »
Hello friends,

My apologies if this has been covered before.

I am curious about how the opening of the crown relates to the enlightenment milestones. Is the crown opening a precursor to any of the milestones? Does it tend to coincide with any of them?

Quick reminder on the milestones:
1. Rise of inner silence
2. Rise of ecstasy
3. Blending of the two, outpouring divine love

Where exactly would a crown opening fit in here?

Thank you for any insights. Lots of love to you  [:D]



  • Posts: 422
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2010, 03:39:55 PM »
A properly opened crown would mean you've got good ecstatic conductivity,awakened K etc. But without inner silence, the merging, it's, Yogani tells us, not 'enlightenment'.

I don't know if this answers your quesstion as i'm pretty sure you already know this, and i'm kinda dodging them- your questions, that is.

 This is like multiple choice at school :)


  • Posts: 3178
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2010, 04:20:34 PM »
Hey Cosmic[:D]

I think it is different for all depends on where the nervous system is at in it's purification.  If your nervous system is pretty obstructed when the crown opens there will be different "symptoms" then if it is the last chakra to open.  



  • Posts: 787
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 12:28:49 PM »
Hey Akasha and Carson  [:D]

Thanks for your input on this, guys. What you're both saying makes sense.

I do see how everyone unfolds differently, especially with the order that the milestones arise, and the different scenery people experience. And each person has their own unique chakra situation as well.

But I still wonder if there is a cause/effect relationship that can be generally observed. The milestones seem to arise to some (at least small) degree before the crown becomes active. Can the crown open before the milestones are fully realized? Does one cause the other to happen?

With Love


  • Posts: 89
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 01:32:06 PM »
when ajna opens, astral lights are seen. when crown opens, the sounds of creation or brahma nada are heard in the head. this is from my experience, crown opening is very distinct as only one thing occurs, nada brahma also known as shabda or OMkar or AUM. you may feel ecstasy or feelings of activity in the head, thats only the beginning, when crown bursts open the sounds of flutes, streams, whistles, thunder, drums, roar of the ocean etc... are heard. chanting OM isnt the real OM. the brain becomes a music box or resonance chamber for the divine OM, and this experience is everlasting, every minute of every day divine sounds are heard. so in my opinion, no the crown cannot open before you have passed past the 5 centers of the body, past the 6th center of astral light, and into the highest or 7th center of brahmarandra where you unite with the divine sounds of creation. Everything has come from OM, and everything will be dissolved back into OM.
"He who knows OM knows God"

I think that is quite a milestone, as inner silence furthers, you will hear the Sound in Silence and attain to the Supreme Ananda or Bliss or ecstasy.
"I am OM, the sacred word of the Vedas, Sound in silence, heroism in men."-Lord Krishna Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7 verse 8

So all souls should traverse past matter and light and make it to the supreme source of all creation, OM, which is emanating from the Lord. You will hear Shiva's mridanga (double drum) and Krishna's flute resounding in your very skull, this is no metaphor, it is strictly literal.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 01:38:30 PM by michaelangelo7 »


  • Posts: 787
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 11:02:13 AM »
That's fascinating, michaelangelo. It seems way way later on the path from where I'm at. Do you find the inner sounds distracting at all? Can you easily distinguish between divine and "normal" sounds?


  • Posts: 89
crown opening & enlightenment milestones
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 02:09:06 PM »
the sound quality is heavenly nothing on earth could reproduce it not even close. they are very fine and smooth, no matter how loud and intense they get they don't hurt the ears like a loud normal sound hear on earth because it is coming from within the head and is very ethereal

Moksha (deliverance or liberation) cannot be attained until Kundalini Shakti is fully awakened by a Siddha Guru. Once this Kundalini is awakened, He states, Prana Shakti must be directed into the Sushumna Nadi and then constantly made to rise upward into the Crown Chakra in the head. Bhagawan instructs that the breath must be directed in this way without taking any air in from the outside (this correlates to the Shaivite practice of "Sushumna breathing"). He refers to this as Prana Vayu and emphatically states that this is the only means to directing your awareness to become absorbed in Bindu Nada (point of sound experienced in the Heart space in the head). Once your mind dissolves in this Bindu Nada, Mukti is attained. The goal of meditation, he tells us, is to keep our awareness in this Bindu Nada, even while going about our daily, mundane activities. This, he states is true Dhyan and Dharana. This alone is Samadhi.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 03:51:06 PM by michaelangelo7 »