Author Topic: Always for Now  (Read 762 times)


  • Posts: 1843
Always for Now
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:49:27 AM »
Hi all

Am back from an island in the Atlantic ocean and Satsangs in Norway [:)]

First of all, an Irish friend of mine (thank you) gave his Standing qi-gong over Christmas. All I do is stand...feet pointing forward in allignment with shoulders...knees slightly bent (only as far as comfortable and never over the toes)....pelvic tucked in (buttocks follow... relaxed)....belly fully relaxed.....rounded circular arms like hugging a trunk of a big tree...shoulders relaxed....chest relaxed.....slightly rounded from a point between the shoulder blades....hollow of open hands turned towards Dan Tien.....

and then there is sinking...relaxing into the body....with all the attention in Dan Tien. I stand like this for 10 minutes after 5 min of alternate nostril breathing and 15 min of Deep Meditation full mantra enhancement, and rest for 5-10 minutes all according to state. This practice still is working I wrote about it here in the following post....but right before Christmas there was again signs of slight overload:

And now....the practice has changed. Inspired by this thread...thank you emc for starting it and Yogani for the new lessons. And Christiane for bringing up alternate spinal breathing. Instead of Spinal breathing pranayama there is now 5-7 minutes of alternate nostril breathing. And then Deep meditation with SHREE OM SHREE OM I AM I AM NAMAH NAMAH for 15 minutes. And rest for 10 minutes.

The 10 minutes of standing qi-gong....have been at it now for 3 has a wonderfully grounding effect here. The chi itself corrects the posture if "off" (arms or head etc will simply gently "pop" into place)....I do nothing but relax and stand still like described to be available for all sets itself. It helps embodiment greatly. It also has given energetic information as to the difference between chi and Kundalini. Not that it matters to know doesn' is just interesting to notice. Although the source of the energy is the same...and as such the energy is is felt to be different experiencially. All kinds of points are felt (I don't pay attention to them while doing the exercise)...dont know their names...but some of them feels more central than others. Attention is kept at Dan Tien.....reflection on the points are done afterwards...since there is great residues of chi long after the exercise is finished.....

Chi is clear, light....gentle...anchoring everything all the way deep into the earth...

So...just wanted to is a wonderful enhancement here and the signs of overload smoothed out. However - know that standing qi-gong is not an AYP practice. And always keep in mind that we are at many different stages energetically, so do not add this practice if what you are doing is already working well for you, or if you have recently added something else. [:)] Something that is balancing for one may create overload in always be alert and go slower rather than faster when it comes to any enhancement.  

Am going back to the  Atlantic island next live in nature for almost 4 weeks....back-packing all I need for survival outdoors....there are wonderful places in nature there. Not is only a 1 1/2 hour walk (one way) to supplies and there is water close by. Also friends close by. And walking is much needed no matter how grounded I am [:)]

Have purchased an Irish Low Whistle and am going to play it out there....and continue to live in allignment with the air, sea, sun, moon, stars.....being immersed with them in THAT without which nothing would exist

While on the island over became obvious that all space and time are for the satsangs and one-to-ones to come. So this retreat is for that. It is for deepening of the connection...funnily in many more ways than one....I am not becoming a recluse. I am not alone. On the contrary......I am learning about non-attachment....while immersed.....while engaging. Being One and two.......I will never understand it[:D]

I am not to "set up a practice" anywhere. It must unfold where I am. Staying available is all I can "do"....

Always for now [:D]


  • Posts: 2055
Always for Now
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 01:08:42 AM »
[:D] Nice to see you around here again, Katrine! Sounds great what you're doing!!! Thanks for the qi gong practice. It inspired me much. I might even try it!!!

Love, emc


  • Posts: 831
Always for Now
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 05:21:58 AM »

I love seeing you here again, yesterday I thought.. "hmm Katrine hasn't posted on the forums lately".. So great to see you.




  • Posts: 1843
Always for Now
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 07:37:54 PM »
Hi emc and Yonatan

It is lovely to see you too [:)]


  • Posts: 1843
Always for Now
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 08:55:05 PM »
Something happened yesterday......

I went to Galway to visit a maker of harps.....I am going to play the Irish historical harp.......It is quiet an adventure how this came to be, but to skip the story and cut to the point:

I am bringing Yoganis book "The Secrets of Wilder" with me to give to a friend on the island mentioned above. It has been sitting in my cellar in Norway, so I collected it when there after Christmas....
Anyway.....I picked the book up to take with me to read on the train to has been 4 years since I read it......

You know how THAT speaks to us in many ways.....on my way to Galway this poster kept flashing popped up everywhere.....the following words were written on it: "It is so simple". I cannot tell you what the poster was was simply a commercial.....I never noticed because the words had me taken before I got that far...I let them go.....everytime the words plucked my heart....I let them go.....wondering what was happening.....

Then I read Secrets of Wilder....and when reading the part where Christi Jensen explains to John about the real name of Jesus....about the Word......the sacred vibration......the real name that we all are.......everything scooped itself into vastness......and I was told to go back to the mantra I enhancement. It said that the standing qi gong has now made it possible for the body to go back to Spinal Breathing Pranayama and the ....i am......meditation.  It said that the break had been necessary......but that it was now time to move on/come back.

Deep silence after that message........could not speak.....

Much later I red on to where Christi taps John on the chest and explains the difference between the outward and inward intention when intoning the ...i am...... Tears streamed down my face on the train....yet no sound came....and no muscle stirred.....only the string in the heart vibrating its song.... the mornings....for years now I have done this back stretching and back excercising is a mixture of ordinary back exercises building strength in the small muscles supporting the back vertebraes, the abdomen and the pelvic organs and Pilates excercises. All is done in synchronicity with the breathing....where all effort is always alligned to the out-breath. The whole thing takes about 12-14 minutes, and I have normally done it first thing in the morning. But today the routine changed this is what the practice looks like as of this morning:

5 minutes of Spinal Breathing Pranayama
15 minutes of Deep Meditation (only ...i am....)
5-10 minutes of rest (lying down)
10 minutes of standing qi gong
12-14 minutes of exercise and pilates

Same before dinner......only not the back exercises.....usually other activity at that time of day.

So that's it......the Deep Meditation....everything popped into place this morning. It is now finally possible to look upwards into the Ajna....and to have tounge rolled to touch the soft pallate.....this has been impossible earlier...due to the intensity of the surges.....and the activity in the crown....

Also....when tracing the spinal is now possible to see it at the same time as feel makes the pranayama much more accurate....  

When visiting the harp maker......the resistance harboured here when I understood what was asked of me regarding spending so much money on an instrument I have not yet learned to play....this resistance vanished......the harp is a vital part of the unfolding has started even before the harp is made......and it will be a beautiful enhancement in the satsangs....and also open other doors....doors that will make it easier to "pass it on". The Secret of Wilder I mean.....the......i am....meditation.

It is the only open secret there is.....the....i am......the nothingness and the word vibrating from it......

I am very grateful......
Very grateful [|)]

And Yogani.....
I don't know what to say other than thank you.....for the less that is more......

.....I am crying....


  • Posts: 319
Always for Now
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 09:47:26 PM »
Like Yonatan i thought yesterday "it's been a long time since i saw new posts from Katrine"..
I was about to send a post called "Where is Katherine?!"

You've been missed..



  • Posts: 1843
Always for Now
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 10:02:05 PM »
Love to you too Christiane [:)]

Thanks for calling [|)]


  • Posts: 831
Always for Now
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 10:19:01 PM »

Thank You