Author Topic: When you have a new lifestyle and friends  (Read 1255 times)


  • Posts: 1
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:47:00 AM »
Over the past few years I have really grown into myself. I finally know myself and am completly comfortable with my being. I embrace life. Recently, I moved back into a city where I lived befor. Since moving back alot of my old friends desire my time. But when I see them, it's like going back in time, going back to a place where I am not anymore. I am 26 and I don't drink and don't want to clubs, parties, and I don't want to spend my time talking about other people. It seems like that is all people my age do. When I spend time alone, then everyone thinks I am depressed but I am actually more content.
Has anyone else experienced this? A change of life equals a change of friends?


  • Posts: 1589
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 01:46:49 PM »
Over the past few years I have really grown into myself. I finally know myself and am completly comfortable with my being. I embrace life. Recently, I moved back into a city where I lived befor. Since moving back alot of my old friends desire my time. But when I see them, it's like going back in time, going back to a place where I am not anymore. I am 26 and I don't drink and don't want to clubs, parties, and I don't want to spend my time talking about other people. It seems like that is all people my age do. When I spend time alone, then everyone thinks I am depressed but I am actually more content. Has anyone else experienced this? A change of life equals a change of friends?

Hi Skyler and welcome to the forum,[:)]

Often we can experience periods in our lives where we feel disconnected from those around us including long-time friends. Relationships naturally oscillate between periods of closeness and periods of distance (and everything in between) depending on where we are in our lives.

I have experienced times in my life as you describe, finding myself having little in common with those around me. What I noticed interestingly was that some of the time, those relationships took a break for a while and other times I made the choice to meet my friends on different terms, like one-on-one or in environments that were closer to the "space" I was in at the time.

In situations where there was more distance between myself and some long-time friends, it was interesting to see how one day when I wasn't looking, that they seemed to  jump forward in their personal growth and  to end up in a space where we could relate to one another more closely again. Other times with different friends, those relationships simply changed and/ or remained more distant (or ended) only to have new people come into my life who were more like-minded.

I would also suggest that as you go along your path, you will find it easier to relate to almost everyone around you and find yourself having fun with people and situations you never expected to enjoy in the past.  

Best of luck to you,



  • Posts: 875
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 12:19:11 AM »
Originally posted by Skyler

When I spend time alone, then everyone thinks I am depressed but I am actually more content.

Welcome to the forum, Skyler.  I can relate to what you write, particularly the above.  Since it's so easy (and preferable) for you to be alone, it's doubly important to get out and be with people.  Not all the time, but often enough that you don't become insular.  I'm currently experiencing something similar to you, and have found that my ability to be alone and content for extended periods of time can be limiting in my spiritual growth.  Next time you hole up for a few days without much human contact, watch how you react when you go out in public.  If you feel prickly, easily irritated, and not very grounded, then you probably need to get out more.


  • Posts: 73
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 08:03:00 AM »
I have been pretty introverted throughout my life, which is probably one of the aspects about myself that drew me towards yoga.  I tend to spend more time alone than most people, but I believe that having a small handful of close friends is just as good if not better than a larger network of friends.  

I distanced myself from many friends for a good period of time.  Having moved to a new country for a few months I have realized that I want to be connected with all the people I already know (unless it's calling for trouble).  Sometimes it takes separation from your everyday life to see what you really value.


  • Posts: 969
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 08:38:07 AM »
"Sometimes it takes separation from your everyday life to see what you really value."

Wisdom!  I would say the same for this topic.  Be careful about taking what you have for granted.  As a yogi, you should find peace in every it drinking with your friends or being at home.  If you're more content in one situation than the other, what progress is there?


  • Posts: 112
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 01:44:58 PM »
Hi Skylar,

Welcome to the forum!

Just wanted to say that I think it is a sign of growth that you feel this way - having been through this myself - I found that when I started to get very committed to my Yoga, when I was 20, many of my so called friends moved away from me or I from them ... doesn't matter... we were on a different frequency and had nurtured different interests.

Don't be too concerned. This too shall pass... and you will find other people with similar interests soon enough.... maybe at a yoga class or a chant somewhere.... or even online;-)

For me, though I have found, I've had to become very discerning who I let into my world, as my sadhana (and my relationship with my husband) is paramount for me.... to be honest... I have found it is a rare person who gets it.

So enjoy this time of physical solitude... you are never really alone when meditating and on your path when you think about it.... so no worries:-)

Love and light,



  • Posts: 2055
When you have a new lifestyle and friends
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2007, 10:15:24 PM »
I find now that quite a few of my friends (about 10-12 of them) during the latest year have started to get interested in yoga, meditation, self development, spirituality etc. Several have started to get visions and obviously has a sixth sense that is beginning to awaken. It is so exciting! Suddenly we have so much to talk about. I find more and more friends just opening up to the mysteries of the world. It is a huge change going on.