Author Topic: Grounding  (Read 633 times)


  • Posts: 78
« on: March 13, 2009, 09:28:59 AM »

I would just like to let others know that a very effective and quick method of grounding, when feeling we have overdone it, is with the help of gemstone.

Specifically one called HEMATITE.

I stumbled onto this quite by chance.  I was feeling very ungrounded and spaced out for months, not really knowing what to do about it or what was happening.  But somehow one thing let to another and I bought a small piece of hematite at a crystal store and on my way home i felt a very strong "pull" back into my body.  Really difficult to describe unless you have had the experience, but literally felt like I was pulled back into my body.

After reading up on it Hematite is supposed to have the property of pulling the etheric body back into the physical body.

Now, every time i feel i need to ground i hold my hematite in my pocket.  Usually after 20 minutes i feel grounded.

Needless to say that this has led me into the fascinating world of gems and crystals and how they have the ability to affect out energetic bodies.