Author Topic: Overload Feeling?  (Read 567 times)


  • Posts: 64
Overload Feeling?
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:40:21 AM »
Ey all..

I was wondering what you guys feel when you're body is overloaded with Kundalini/Energy?


  • Posts: 252
Overload Feeling?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 03:56:53 PM »
Hi Ichigo,

From what I have experienced, and what I have read in the forum - those are so numerous and different in form, that if noted in detail in one place - it might casue a massive reply overload [:)]

My suggestion is that take your time and try to go through the previous posts, mostly in kundalini or self pacing section. You will get valuable information.

It is a positive thing to seek and know about overload symptoms, so that you can watch out for them and recognize sooner than later. Following is a post as a starter [:)]



  • Posts: 7
Overload Feeling?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 02:29:03 AM »
Namaste Ichigo,
  I write from an experience I had last week because of a certain medicine interfered with my K energy and caused a overload.

  I experienced:  
  Symmetrical skin rash on left/right chest, groin, above tailbone, between shoulder blades and on left/right area between shoulder and neck. Ajna chakra was pulsating very  strongly and would not let me sleep. I lost all appetite and had a dry mouth almost all day. Also constant energy was felt in my lower back/neck/spine.

Take care,


  • Posts: 3178
Overload Feeling?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 05:46:53 AM »
Hi Ichigo [:)]

I think that the overload symptoms that show up at any given time will be the direct result of what is being (excessively) purified from the nervous system at that time.

I am personally going through one of the more intense periods of overload I've ever experienced.  Until this morning (when I had a 20 minute meditation) I haven't been able to sit since last Thursday morning.  I went three days without doing any practices which is the longest I've gone without practices since starting AYP in the summer of 2008.  Here's what my symptoms have been this time around:

-2 day long migraine.  This started on Thursday during my morning meditation.  It was mostly located on the left front of my head and behind my eyes and the rest of my head was filled with an electric tingling sensation.  It was a very bad headache and I'm not prone to headaches at all so this was unusual for me.

-Feelings of being on "speed."  My adrenaline glands must be working over time right now because I have all the symptoms of someone on methampethamine/speed etc.  I'm having a hard time sleeping, there is too much energy in the stomach area (which causes me to always feel like I have to take a $hit), and I haven't been able to stomach food (I either throw it up or literally can't even put it in my mouth).

-Irritability.  When I am instructing people in AYP I often talk about self-pacing and what kind of overload symptoms to watch for.  I often use the words "irrational irritability" when talking about this.  But just this past week I've realized that it's not just "irrational" irritability that can be a overload symptom.  I use the word 'irrational' because I want to leave room for "regular irritability" which is bound to occur for everyone and isn't necessarily related to yoga related purification.  But I'm realizing now that once you've practiced AYP for a while and your state of being is usually pretty "non-irritatable" [:o)] when irritation shows up, whether it's 'irrational' or not, it can be a sign of overload.  That's what I'm going through right now.  It's kinda like the balance between "Silence" and "Energy" is off... too much energy, not enough silence causing me to feel generally irritated.

-Body wanting to go into spontaneous meditation.  Here's an example of what I mean....yesterday evening my wife and I went to the wedding of my one of my closest friends.  There were points during the wedding where I literally couldn't keep my eyes open as I was being pulled into deep meditation.  There were some incredible ecstatic surges that would cause my eyes to roll back in my head, every cell of my body was filled with electric sensations and it was *very* hard to "stay here."  Had I been at home I probably have "indulged" in allowing the body to go deep, but I was in the middle of a wedding and surrounded by dozens of friends etc, many of whom I hadn't seen in years.... I wanted to remain present.  This may not sound like it was an uncomfortable overload symptom and that would be correct.  It was a *very* comfortable overload symptom. [:D]  But, for me, an inability to stay present indicates overload non-the-less.

-Aversion to anything "spiritual."  Practices, the forum, teaching classes, etc... a complete aversion to it all.  Definitely *NOT* normal for me.  

-Symmetrical skin disturbances showing up on my chest and face.

There are probably a few more minor ones that I'm forgetting, but the above will hopefully give you an idea about what overload can look like for someone.
