Author Topic: Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?  (Read 838 times)


  • Posts: 1
Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?
« on: July 22, 2008, 08:46:24 PM »

I am a 25 year old guy with allot of problems, most that are products of nervousity and anxiety. I have problem with my stomach (something like IBS), problems with my prostate (non bacterial prostatitis), skin problems like writing skin and stuff like my face becoming all red when I excercise etc.

I have been to doctors and they tell me that it could be that my body creates to much adrenaline, and thats whats causing this feeling of always wanting to be aware of everything and always wanting to be prepared and ready to fight or flee. Of course, being high on adrenaline all the time, always walking on your toes prepared, is not good for you, and the problems I described above are the results.

Now, there are allot of medications that makes you calm, but I dont want to be dependent on drugs. Doctors have also told me that I could benefit from practising stuff like yoga or Qi Gong.

The problem with yoga is that there are so many kinds and sorts that I dont know which one to start with. Kundalini yoga seems to be the most popular kind, but after reading this:
especially the part about kundalini charging your system with adrenaline, I am a bit sceptic sine I'm already over-charged with adrenaline.

So, could I benefit from practising from kunalini yoga or should I choose some other kind? I need to practice something that helps me calm down, that includes meditation but also is a little bit physical.

Thanks in advance!


  • Posts: 28
Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2008, 09:57:10 PM »
Hi Dan,

I too used to find all the different choices between different types of Yoga very confusing.  I think the whole confusion around Yoga has been cleared up wonderfully by Yogani and I would suggest (and I imagine it's the general consensus around here) the best path to Yoga is the one right in front of you now, in the AYP Lessons :)

No need to worry about choosing a particular flavour of Yoga, Yogani has taken the most effective practices from across all the different schools and presented them in a simple easy to follow system which many people here have been successfully following.

- Gray


  • Posts: 420
Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2008, 01:55:59 PM »
Indeed gray, AYP was beautifully constructed, what a great resource :).

What I suggest Daxia, is to get started with simple meditation. Really, that's the core of the practice, the rest is sort of "embellishments" to ease that "going within" for meditation. Once you set the foundation of meditation though, easing in to different practices and finding what's right, is almost too easy with AYP on your side :).

 I also hear Tai Chi is great for grounding oneself. I plan myself to start up classes soon. I think anything that'll give you greater "body awareness" will be a huge help. Eckhart Tolle's books are also great to explain how to bring meditative "stillness" into everyday life. The gist of his method being breath awareness when "stuck" in moments of anxiety (or whenever... :)  ), allowing you to get in your body, and get in touch with your emotions and the space around them, the stillness that's always there.    


  • Posts: 229
Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2008, 01:56:36 PM »
Hello Dan and welcome to here [:D]

I am also prone to anxiety and digestive disorders, so I can relate to your situation.

Personally, I've found hatha yoga and deep meditation very helpful with anxiety. By "hatha yoga", I just mean any of the physical types of yoga that are very popular these days. You know, the bending, stretching kinds. You can find a class at any yoga studio, and increasingly at many gyms and community colleges.

For deep meditation, you've come to the right place! [:)] Check out the lessons on the Main Lessons page of this website (the link Gray posted above).

If you're concerned about adrenaline or raising kundalini, you might want to stay away from energy-raising practices (such as pranayama, siddhasana, sambhavi, etc.). Just stick to deep meditation for now.

I also recommend taking a slow, easy approach to the AYP practices. These are powerful practices here.

A little Bob Marley does wonders too [;)]

Fortune and Glory


  • Posts: 16
Would I benefit from practising kundalini yoga ?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 08:13:01 AM »
I would recommend this:'s%20Articles/Articles/newarticles.html

Its a simple but good chi kung and will open channels done correctly.

 If your face gets red easily it could be that the dan tien chi rises up.  imagine there is some warmth below the feet. This could help. Also learn to breathe from the stomach(don´t keep the lower abdomen tense).

Abstain from sex for a while, like 100 days, this will build up your body and kidney jing and will also help with relaxation.

 Even if you fail abstaining sometimes its ok if you try your best. Notice how different you will feel only after a couple of months. Also don´t watch porn, this will also deplete your kidney jing and hormones.

Watching porn will enlarge your prostate btw. I have also had problems with my prostate.

(could be hard if you don´t have much willpower, I have experience with trying to do this with not much chi in the body)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 10:13:36 AM by salaam123 »