Author Topic: essence of yogi grace, guru purnima july 18 friday  (Read 1475 times)


  • Posts: 362
essence of yogi grace, guru purnima july 18 friday
« on: July 10, 2008, 09:20:46 AM »
jai guruve thunai, the wonderful guru within!
jai guruve thunai, the guru who is all forms!
jai guruve thunai, where wisdom guides the intellect!

ancient beloveds of the knowing,

below are tapasyogi kalathi adiyen aadi nandhi's offerings as to enhance the inspired grace of knowing and our collective oneness of consciousness from the yogic depth on this special day, the guru purnima, this full moon.

unfolding before us is an auspicious time. the auspicious time of guru purnima when all the meditative masters themselves look upward to their guru and heaven's goodness flows.

to be conscious of the shift in energy and aware of how to allow the receiving-

- beyond the mind's stored karma that surfaces up as perceiving, there resonates the ancient mantra joys and the knowing that took form/s to give. if those sacred bonds were cut through the mind's past, send waves of healing energies of love to express the heart's ultimate gratitude of having received the divine awakening experiences. gratitude to the masters who 'came into us' through our pilgrimages, books, music and all other ways- those who lit the lamp fire within us that we nurture each day and night.

the ones who give us the ancient resonance (mantras that have been cooked well over many years of single pointedness) and the inner guidance is our guru. the one who dwells in the mantra energies is the guru. mantras that have been 'cooked' are potent as they are the rich ancient presence. mantras connect tapas lives of the masters who spent entire lifetimes dwelling to be in the now moment while in body and now as spirit, simply dancing as presence in the mantras!


- open our arms and breathe out knowing we are the five elements in the slow inhale, and in the retained breath  surface to the NOW moment, exhaling in the knowing above.
in the inhale, conscious of ourselves in the five elements and gently surrender into oneness.
in the inhales hereafter, collapse into the sacred lamp lit at the root chakra- worship our guru/s here where in karmic reality we thrive. guru's grace from the root chakra is most complete of angelic essence since its this fire that keeps us in the love of inner seeking- guided through the muck to have the mind as the blossoming lotus above.

- alight a lamp. its the lamp that condenses all altars, shrines, temples, all places of worship to then be allowing of the ancient joy presence of the divine we invoke. connect to the divine, each in their own beautiful ways to climb above breath, inspired to allow oneness to dwell.
within this lamp is the guru's grace that enables 'asaiba gayathri', the digestion of all the past joyful divine experiences such as visits into the sanctum santorum of all the sacred places that enshrine the divine.

this guru purnima holds the grace of angelic manifestation with the wake up call to serve and be free through being the immense awake spirit simply enjoying the inspired doings that unfold as completions that fulfills. here dwells abundance, wellbeing and the inspired knowing to be spirit- the angelic form.

jai guruve thunai!

blessings of each to each!

tapasyogi kalathi adiyen aadi nandhi


Story of Kabir:
Kabir is one of India's well known mystics, who lived in the 15th century.  Kabir's life message was derived from his spiritual experiences. Kabir is not easily categorized as a Sufi or a Yogi -- he is all of these. He is revered by Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs. He stands as a unique, saintly, yet very human, bridge between the great traditions that live in India. Kabir says of himself that he is, "child of Allah and Ram.". In expressing his vision, he bluntly criticized both muslims and hindus for their blind attachment to dogma and ritual forms. Kabir's life was filled with miracles.
As a baby found abandoned, he was adopted by a muslim family. He had deep yearings to the spiritual path and he realized that he needed a Guru. Kabir was drawn to Ramananda and was afraid that Ramananda would not accept him as a disciple since he was a muslim. Kabir hid on the steps down which Ramananda walked on the way to his daily bath early morning. Stumbling over Kabir, in surprise he uttered, “Ram!” After this, Kabir claimed, he had been initiated and was now Ramananda's pupil. Years later, Ramananda saw in Kabir the mature spiritual aspirations and he began teaching Kabir formally.
One of the most loved stories associated with Kabir is told of his funeral. Kabir's disciples disputed over his body, the muslims wanting to claim the body for burial, the hindus wanting to cremate the body. Kabir appeared to the arguing disciples and told them to lift the burial shroud. When they did so, they found fragrant flowers where the body had rested. The flowers were divided, and the muslims buried the flowers while the hindus reverently committed them to fire.
Kabir's poetry:
"If all the land were turned to paper and all the seas turned to ink, and all the forests into pens to write with, they would still not suffice to describe the greatness of the guru." -Kabir
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 12:27:52 PM by nandhi »


  • Posts: 252
essence of yogi grace, guru purnima july 18 friday
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 09:44:03 AM »
Thank you Nandhi, you lovely man.

Ever since I found out about Guru Purnima, I have loved it.

I celebrated my first Guru Purnima at the Ramakrishna Vedanta temple here in San Francisco.

This year I will be thinking about and giving love to Norman Paulsen, The Nor Man, the man from the North! You giant man of God!

I learned from him how to practice kriya and received initiation from him.

And wouldn't you know it, searching his name on the internet is how I stumbled upon AYP and Yogani.


  • Posts: 362
essence of yogi grace, guru purnima july 18 friday
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 04:58:31 AM »

divine hunter, thank you for being the radiant being you are!

in our yogic journey is the subtle energy connect- ancient bonds that assumes form and most times as words/thoughts to teach. gratitude to each of those who empower our awareness through each breath.

thank you for mentioning about norman. will look him up. adorations!

all in abundant grace,



  • Posts: 351
essence of yogi grace, guru purnima july 18 friday
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 03:01:58 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement