Author Topic: Kundalini and Electronics  (Read 1984 times)


  • Posts: 3178
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2011, 03:04:30 AM »
Hi Bewell [:)]

Originally posted by bewell

Originally posted by bewell

Who is the "I" that needs a working cell phone?

You replied:
"The "I" that works. [:o)] [;)]"

I laughed when I first read this, but on second thought, in a mood seriousness and respect, I want you to know that I honor the "I" that works.

Perfect....then you got my true meaning with that.  It was meant to be funny, but it was also meant somewhat seriously.  It truly is the "I that works" that requires a working cell phone.  To me, in this journey towards a deeper and deeper connection of Unity with All, it is not advantageous to deny that there is a "small self."  Denying anything is not advantageous from my perspective.  I prefer to take an approach closer to "reconciliation" then to "denial."  Denying that there is a small self seems to have sent many "hardcore Advaitists" ricocheting through endless cycles of confusion and suffering.  I prefer not to deny that there is a small self that requires things like a working cell phone and to instead try to reconcile the fact that there is both a small self and a larger Self.  Much Love my Brother. [|)]



  • Posts: 1264
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2011, 06:05:20 AM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi
Much Love my Brother. [|)]

And much love to you.[:)]


  • Posts: 84
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2011, 06:25:47 AM »
Hi Carson,
1. Move into silence.
2. Get your beloved to press this point hard (EX-B1 DingChuan), and hold for at least 30 seconds
3. Wait 30 seconds or so, and repeat pressure.
4. While in the silence relax into the pressure, and relax into any meaning you find deep within the point.
5. Identify your energy field, and intend that it pass harmlessly through any and all electronics. (You could visualise this last part)
6. Report back.



  • Posts: 3178
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2011, 07:30:35 AM »
Hi BuddhiHermit and All [:)]

I will try as you suggested Mr. Hermit. [;)]  And, I will report back. [:D]

I had someone also suggest something to me after a meditation class I attended last night.  She herself had gone through 2 years of blowing up computers and tv's etc, and what she recommended was to get a "grounding blanket."  Supposedly there is a bedsheet on the market, that you plug into a wall socket and will ground your electrical energy while you sleep.  She said it made a huge difference for her.  I may look into this.  If I find one, use it, and it works, will let you all know so that you can save yourselves some money replacing all the electronics you own. [;)]



  • Posts: 1264
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2011, 12:05:09 PM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi
Supposedly there is a bedsheet on the market, that you plug into a wall socket and will ground your electrical energy while you sleep.  

Or you could go the opposite direction -- remove all electricity from your house!  Sounds strange, but there are whole communities -- the Old Order Amish -- who do just that.  They will not tell you that it has anything to do with balancing the "electricity" in their bodies, but I think there is some connection.  I once visited an Amish Grand-uncle for the express purpose of learning about traditional Pennsylvania Dutch folk healing practices.  He introduced me to various healers in his community.  Some of them talked about feeling "electricity" in their bodies, and using the energy in healing.  Looking back, I see that visit as a kind of initiation for me to the awareness of subtle body energies. Like the Amish, I also have a fascination with eliminating electricity use (I know -- this medium is a contradiction -- so be it, I'm surrounded by contradictions), and to that end, one summer I lived in a row house here in Baltimore without gas or electricity for seven weeks.  I think there is some connection between my K awareness, my desire to live without electricity, and my Amish roots.  

I heard of a small sect from among the Amish who had a tendency to mysteriously mess up electronic equipment in stores when they were shopping there.  Cash registers would go out in their presence.  The story told by a non-Amish  charismatic evangelical Christian who interpreted it (predictably) as a sign of demon possession.  I do not know how it was resolved if at all.

I have had a problem with my laptop shocking me, and with electric blankets shocking me.  Plugging in a blanket for energy grounding seems contradictory to me.  But I want to keep an open mind.  Do let us know if the plug-in grounding blanket works for you.


« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 12:11:37 PM by bewell »


  • Posts: 3597
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2011, 02:34:22 PM »
The wall outlet has three connection points, and one of them is the "ground" (or called "earth" in the UK).
That ground connection is connected directly to the ground. In the US there is an eight foot long rod or equivalent driven into the ground. So if that's the only wire hooked to the blanket, it would be grounding, and no electricity would be involved.
(Also the joke about aluminum foil hat was partly serious; aluminum foil shields one from high frequency electromagnetics.


  • Posts: 1264
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2011, 09:39:47 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish
...the "ground" (or called "earth" in the UK).
That ground connection is connected directly to the ground.

Our use of the word "grounding" to refer to k energy management must be borrowed from the use of the term in electrical engineering.


  • Posts: 1843
Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2011, 06:00:21 AM »
Hi Carson

Just my 2 kroner:

If you can get your boss to supply a handsfree it is worth trying.

And: The energy needs somewhere to is always like that. It has to go somewhere. When I went through this my credit cards would not work if I handled them...always having to ask the cashier to pull the card,  my computer would turn itself on by itself, and lightbulbs would crash upon entering a room .........everything was always going up and out.

Eventually things started to go down too....and once the energy could stream out of my feet and into the ground the "problems" stopped.

It might not work for you, but if you have these essential oils:

Sandal Tree

then try applying a drop or two on your wrists, ankles and soles and behind your knees. They are very grounding.

Hope this fase passes soon [:)]


  • Posts: 2269
Re: Kundalini and Electronics
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2019, 03:44:11 PM »
2 Posts

 Posted - May 21 2018 :  02:07:57 AM 

Sorry to resurrect a dead thread but if anyone is still having this issue. I highly recommend placing your thumb on the base of your little finger while stimulating your chakras. This will ground the excess energy. You might feel an immediate rush if you a highly charged.