Author Topic: About those pesky para-normal experiences  (Read 2772 times)


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About those pesky para-normal experiences
« on: July 08, 2005, 04:05:52 AM »
1185 From: Mark Dahlby <>
Date: Sat Jul 2, 2005 3:49pm
Subject: About those pesky para-normal experiences.  bluephurba
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    David wrote, about siddhis or "para-normal" abilities:

> If this is true, that people can do such things,
> the world needs to
> know.

Hi David,

Actually, the majority of people in the world already
believe in these abilities. I think what you meant to
say is that you'd like the scientific community to
validate the abilitiesfor those of us who don't
believe in them or aren't sure.

Most surveys I've seen find that the majority of the
population of the U.S. has a personal experience of a
"para-normal" event during their lives. The fact that
they aren't repeatable and, for the most part, cannot
be caused at will, puts these experiences outside of
the purview of science. For that matter, science still
can't prove that consciousness exists - there is still
an ongoing debate in both science and philosophy as to
what consciousness is, if animals have it, if it's
merely an epiphenomena of material processes, etc. But
we don't need science to validate that we're conscious
- it's the one thing we all know for sure.

If we expect science to be the final arbiter of truth
and reality, we ask too much of it. Science can only
deal with what is objectifiable, observable, and
repeatable, and a lot of life isn't. That said, there
is, I believe, more and more science reporting on
"psychic" phenomena. (Sorry about the quotes but
really everything we experience is "psychic" so it's a
clumsy use of the term but I don't know a better one.)

For the person looking for Benson's work on tummo,
it's reported in his popular book "Beyond the
Relaxation Response." (hope that's the right title)
Also in journal papers though I don't have the urls -
should be locatable through a search. The yogis
definitely manipulated the temperature in their body -
but so what? The real point is what's going on inside
the practitioner and that can't be measured.

Last thought to all - how about trimming some of the
quoted material off your reply?



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 1186 From: "Dave Moore" <>
Date: Sat Jul 2, 2005 7:06pm
Subject: Re: About those pesky para-normal experiences.  riptiz
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    I am currently reading a recommended book from a friend.'The Tao of
Physics'.It is written by a scientist/spiritualist and compares
eastern philosophy to western science. Seems theres nothing new on
this earth that wasn't known for a long time and science is finally
catching up on what was beleived by the east for a long time.It's
worth a read.
 1188 From: "david_obsidian1" <>
Date: Sat Jul 2, 2005 11:35pm
Subject: Re: About those pesky para-normal experiences.  david_obsidian1
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    --- In, Mark Dahlby <bluephurba@y...> wrote:
> David wrote, about siddhis or "para-normal" abilities:

> > If this is true, that people can do such things,
> > the world needs to
> > know.
> Hi David,
> Actually, the majority of people in the world already
> believe in these abilities. I think what you meant to
> say is that you'd like the scientific community to
> validate the abilitiesfor those of us who don't
> believe in them or aren't sure.

Mark, no, something close but a little more specific (indeed this
may be exactly what you mean) --- to establish them as fact to
scientific standards, for the scientific establishment itself.

> Most surveys I've seen find that the majority of the
> population of the U.S. has a personal experience of a
> "para-normal" event during their lives. The fact that
> they aren't repeatable and, for the most part, cannot
> be caused at will, puts these experiences outside of
> the purview of science.

Aha, there you have it! My only truck is with those who claim that
they _can_ repeat them and cause them at will --- but don't, and
wonder why certain critical thinkers don't believe that they can
repeat them and cause them at will. Obviously I have no issues with
what you are saying, because you don't even believe them repeatable.

> Last thought to all - how about trimming some of the
> quoted material off your reply?

I, for one, am aware of this issue and usually trim quoteback
according to judgement, usually using a lot more when in a more
complicated interaction where a small amount does not seem enough.
Other people's quoteback doesn't generally bother me as I only read
what I want of it.

