Author Topic: Digest Number 2  (Read 1595 times)


  • Posts: 351
Digest Number 2
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:10:28 AM »
53 From: Paul Berry <>
Date: Sat Mar 5, 2005 9:50am
Subject: Re: Digest Number 2  paulselwynberry
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    Hello everyone. I am fairly new to Yoga practices but have trying diligently for the past few weeks to do my two sessions daily. Finding quiet in the midst of a busy urban and family life was found to be the biggest difficulty. As a child I believe I suffered from what is now diagnosed as ADHD and probably still struggle with a milder form of this. My mind can be very easily distracted by external stimuli and I have difficulty staying focused and getting it quieted down at the best of times. I have found that using soft sponge ear plugs (the type used in industry around loud machinery) has been very helpful in allowing me to do the practices rather successfully with a minimum of distraction, regardless of where I happen to be. I have found the practices to be a huge help in quieting and focussing my thoughts, something I have always had great difficulty in doing. Blessings to all,


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 59 From: Ramon Sender <>
Date: Sat Mar 5, 2005 9:26pm
Subject: Re: Digest Number 2  rabar94114
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    rudran2 wrote:

> . Most of
> the worlds urban areas have high decible levels. This is true of
> India too, even at Ramana Ashram in Tiruvanimalai. S

Hello, everyone. I very much enjoy reading the postings here,
and learning who else has discovered Yogani's excellent method.

As for noise, I don't think it's 'cheating' to wear earphones and
listen to soothing sounds. I use a cassette of surf and seagulls
with embedded hemi-sync put out by the Monroe Institute.
The Mind Food Hemi Sync cassette or CD titled "Surf"
is available from

(I have no connection with them.)
I also tried others from another group, but found them much less
soothing. in fact quite the oppostie. The surf cassette I have probably
listened to hundreds of times. Excellent!

May you all achieve your highest aspirations!
