Author Topic: Desensitization  (Read 2180 times)


  • Posts: 351
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:53:42 AM »
845 From: "obsidian9999" <>
Date: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:05am
Subject: Desensitization  obsidian9999
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    > I believe the time for secrets is past Yogani gives us the lot
> without frills. There will always be a tiny minority who manage to
> harm themselves doing advanced practices but they are tiny.

Hi Richard,
yes and also the idea, that receiving the instructions from the guru protected
you conclusively from harm, is mythical. One can find on the internet
testimonials of nasty experiences while in a guru-disciple situation.

> The advantage people who live in the modern world have is that they
> have become to a certain extent desensitised i.e. strange sensations
> or even horrific visions are not going to send them off the rails
> they see enough in the daily news and the effects in modern movies
> which would have been enough to drive one of the ancients insane.

A very interesting idea. I had never before heard any positive spin on our
desensitization due to media exposure. Very, very interesting. The idea
certainly makes sense.

