Author Topic: spinal breathing vs taoist microcosmic breathing  (Read 1889 times)


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spinal breathing vs taoist microcosmic breathing
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:26:31 AM »
656 From: "left_freedom" <>
Date: Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:27pm
Subject: spinal breathing vs taoist microcosmic breathing  left_freedom
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    Hi All,
I was wondering what is the difference between psinal breathing and
taoist microcosmic breathing. That taoist breathing seems to complete a
revolution that is perinium->up the back->down to third eye-> down the
front to end at the perinium. Spinal breathing seems to be only half
the microcosmic orbit. Anyone know what the differnce between the two
are, the benefits, why do one as opposed to the other? Thanks look
forward to the replies.
 657 From: Ashwin Sun <>
Date: Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:44pm
Subject: Re: spinal breathing vs taoist microcosmic breathing  ashwinjlsun
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    Dear One-

I have found that in Yoga the front channel is also
used, but just like the spinal back channel. It is
used in breathing up & down it(like
spinal breathing) without actually linking them as the
microcosmic orbit does. The only warning I ever heard
was from an Ayurvedic Doctor/Yogi who said to choose
one way, so that when intense 'arising' occured, that
the Kundalini or Prana, would know (be trained) on
which way fro it to descend back down.

ie... if you practice both, perhaps in a moment of
intense 'rising' the energy might spilt or cause harm
when seeking its way back down to the root.


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 666 From: "jim_and_his_karma" <>
Date: Tue Apr 12, 2005 0:36am
Subject: Re: spinal breathing vs taoist microcosmic breathing  jim_and_his_...
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    Every time I ask Indian/kundalini experts or Taoist/microcosmic orbit experts - or people
with extensive experience in both - I'm told the same thing: the two don't "map".

That is to say that over millenia, a whole bunch of extraordinarily insightful dudes in caves
have come up with essentially the same conclusions about the body, spirit, mind, and God.
But while it's all the same in the end, the routes and models are not the same down to the
details, and attempts to compare the apples to the oranges will just lead to confusios.

I'm no master of either tradition, but my experience bears out that it's better to stick with
one model and not try to "span" multiple traditions, multiple models. These practices are
all just rafts to get you up the river. Overmuch attention to the raft is unproductive. Pick
one and ride.

--- In, "left_freedom" <el_stamatakos@h...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering what is the difference between psinal breathing and
> taoist microcosmic breathing. That taoist breathing seems to complete a
> revolution that is perinium->up the back->down to third eye-> down the
> front to end at the perinium. Spinal breathing seems to be only half
> the microcosmic orbit. Anyone know what the differnce between the two
> are, the benefits, why do one as opposed to the other? Thanks look
> forward to the replies.