Author Topic: Kundalini or just Crazy?  (Read 987 times)


  • Posts: 130
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:24:04 AM »
Hi guys,

The past couple nights I've gotten barely any sleep because every muscle in my body has felt like it wants to go, go, go (even twitching), and my mind is hyper alert. I also have been feeling some strong ecstasy during yoni mudra and chin pump lately. Last night I got out of bed, took a hot bath, and did every asana or stretch I could think of, which seemed to be what my muscles wanted, and which did help significantly, but still not enough to get much sleep.

It also corresponds to me trying to take vitamin D, which I've had trouble taking off and on, because I'm supposed to be deficient in it, according to doctors, but every time I take it it either makes me feel painfully sleepy, painfully wakeful, or like I have the flu (or some weird combination of the three). I'm very confused about vitamin D because it seems to produce some good effects (energy, a kind of calm, despite the energy) and because I'm deficient in it, but it also produces some unpleasant effects, like muscle aches and insomnia. The thing is it's hard to tell if these are "growing pains"--something I have to "get through" to get to a healthy level, and which will ultimately prove beneficial, or if I'm just making things worse.

There's also the fact that I have some bipolar-ish tendencies, though I've never had a true manic episode per se (I do struggle with anxiety and depression, though). Could this excess energy and sleeplessness just be some weird mania, possibly induced by vitamin D? Or is it more of a good (if somewhat excessive) symptom of purification, maybe caused by the combination of overly aggressive pranayama and trying to get my vitamin levels up too quickly?

Thank you for any thoughts or experiences. [/\]


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 12:36:44 AM »
Hi tamasaburo,
This full moon seems very powerful... I know of a few who haven't had much sleep the past few nights, very high energy and the mind has been really active... so would suggest wait till this Friday passes before deciding what may be going on. [:)]


  • Posts: 263
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 06:55:37 AM »
That is interesting Shanti the last 3 or 4 days have been exactly as you described for me as well.Would you mind expanding more on your full moon comments. Thanks.


  • Posts: 345
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 07:16:11 AM »
I agree, yesterday I had a lot going on in the evening. Energy moving in the body, the body wanting to flex and move.



  • Posts: 130
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2014, 05:02:20 AM »
Huh, I never really believed in the moon having an influence on people, but apparently there are some scientific studies showing that people sleep less and less deeply during full moons, perhaps because evolutionarily, you might have to be on higher alert during well-illuminated nights, as you could get eaten by a tiger, or what have you.

What was weird to me was that I actually felt really good in a way while I was having this insomnia--full of energy and muscles aching to do things. It was just bad timing. Similar thing last night, but a little better. Didn't take the vitamin D, so might have something to do with that.


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2014, 05:24:06 AM »
The energy increase during full moon has been discussed a few times at the forums:
There are many more topics on this (full moon and headaches, full moon and menstrual cycles, etc.), just search for the word full moon.

In my experience, I find the energy is highest during full moon and no moon (with a build up to it from a few days before)... however the quality of the energy is different... full moon is more active and erratic and mindy and pulls us outward (that's why sleep is affected as well) (I equate it to the feminine/shakti energy), resulting in feeling tired even when we haven't done much, while the new moon the energy is high but has an inward pull, calming (male/Shiva energy), makes us want to meditate/be silent/inward... there is a feeling of being lethargic or contented but not tired.

Just what I have observed.


  • Posts: 130
Kundalini or just Crazy?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2014, 06:31:49 AM »
Very interesting about the moon.

I guess a more general question: when others experience strong energy surges, do you ever experience it as a kind of intense need for all the muscles to move (they aren't involuntary movements, exactly, the muscles just "want" to move) and moreover, to move in concert, all together? That is, what I've been experiencing is almost seizure-like, though I know it's not actually a seizure. More like a feeling of wanting to fire every muscle fiber at once to bounce off the walls.

Of course, we know that kundalini has a lot in common with orgasmic energy, which itself has a lot in common with seizures (all the nerves firing at once), so that may be a normal part of "housecleaning"?

My other thought is that vitamin D increases absorption of calcium, and calcium helps muscles fire, so maybe for me, being D deficient, the addition of a little bit sent all the muscles into overdrive? But it seems a little extreme.

All in all, the symptoms seemed very much like other "purification" symptoms I have experienced, making me think they may be a sign of some positive underlying developments, but I also don't want to ignore any potentially serious problems by just chalking it up to "purification" (also don't want to keep taking a vitamin that I think is helping my nervous system purify itself, if it's actually making me sick).
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 06:42:57 AM by tamasaburo »