Author Topic: Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones  (Read 743 times)


  • Posts: 46
Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones
« on: November 09, 2013, 10:41:42 PM »
I apologize if this topic has been covered before. I tried looking through a few pages and couldn't quite find it.

Although I stopped AYP about 1.5 months ago, I'm still experiencing energetic openings and sometimes this effects my mood and I can become irritable and easily upset.

I have often had a desire to let my parents (with whom I live) know just what it is what I do with my practices, what goes on, and what can go on inside me so they know why I sometimes can get the way I do. Although I try to be gentle and calm, sometimes it gets away from me, and I'd like to explain to mum that it's just energetic movement that needs time to balance but I don't know how to go about that conversation and to what extent I should explain what AYP is.

Part of this desire also stems, I think, from a both conscious and subconscious fear that one day I will have a full blown kundalini awakening and that my parents will be scared witless that I have broken my brain on drugs or something. I silently petition the divine mother for this not to happen. Mum has recently started doing yoga asanas on her own and has been reading 'The Power of Now' for about two years now so I don't think she's too resistant to these things, but I still am unsure how to go about it.

Franky, and I'm not sure why, part of me is very scared to do it. The notion of talking to my mother about such things as god or love scares me, even though we love one another. When I do hopefully eventually tell her, I think I won't unleash the full shabang, just give her a simplified rundown of what can happen when people meditation regularly and not really mention kundalini .

Anyway, I would appreciate if anyone had any advice, experiences or stories related to introducing your practices to those close to you and how it went.

Thanks for your time!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 10:48:00 PM by Arman »


  • Posts: 787
Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 11:36:25 AM »
Hi Arman [:)]

I lived with my parents when my initial awakening happened, and during the first several years of my AYP practice. In the beginning, there was a strong desire to share my experiences with friends and family, and to explain what I might go through as a result of practices.

I found that most people didn't care or didn't understand what I was saying. I would relate a mystical experience and they'd say "Hmmm, that's interesting. So what kind of pizza should we get?"

After a while, I decided to remain mostly silent, and keep things very basic when I did speak. I might say things like "I'm going through something right now and need some space. Sorry if I seem down."

If they pressed me (which was rare), I might say "Don't worry, it will pass. My meditation brings stuff up sometimes."

My desire to talk about experiences now is low. It diminishes further and further as time passes. I realized that my journey is deeply personal, a path I tread alone. Nobody needs to know the inner details. I try to give them a "head's up" when certain things will affect them, but they don't need to know everything. They have their own path to follow.

This is only my approach. I hope you find the right balance for you and your loved ones.




  • Posts: 483
Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 12:42:39 PM »
Thank you, Arman and Cosmic. I can relate to both your experiences at a personal level. I was living with my mom when my awakening began. I discovered, slowly, that discussion is of little use to those who do not have similar experiences, and really, not much use for those of us who do, either.

It is deeply personal and real. For me, the words and visions afford me little rest, and even though I want to share everything, it is not possible or healthy for humans. But my Ishtas are happy for it, and I can only pray for the purity of their eternal will. As a person, though, I need loving relationships with other people, which is proving the hardest lesson.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 12:47:44 PM by Anima »


  • Posts: 46
Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 07:23:29 PM »
Thank you both dearly for your responses. :)

They have helped a great a deal. After reflecting on my own past experiences with sharing these kinds of things with people, I feel much better and confident in how I will go about bringing it up.

I've decided that it's unnecessary to discuss most of what was on my mind, and that much like cosmics approach, I'll gently say that my meditation is causing some slight imbalance and that it can sometimes happen to me. I don't think much more or less is needed. :)

Thank you again!


  • Posts: 787
Trying to explain inbalances to loved ones
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2013, 02:26:45 PM »