Author Topic: when to replace one practice with another  (Read 543 times)


  • Posts: 212
when to replace one practice with another
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:26:12 AM »
hello everyone,

i am currently doing a considerable length of breath meditation as a replacement to deep meditation.

i recently added spinal breathing without too much instability and some pleasing results. (i seem to be ripening a little)

my question is this:

does breath meditation result in the same quality of inner silence that mantra meditation of iam produces.

this has come up because my meditation seems to be developing more ecstatic conductivity than inner silence.

i don't seem to have much abiding silence within which to rest when all this energy is moving around.

i seem to be ready for deep meditation but im scared of the resulting clunkiness which left me feeling overwhelmed and a bit scared.




  • Posts: 14
when to replace one practice with another
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 03:51:45 PM »
Hi Joe,

I've only been meditating for about 5 months, so I'm very new to Deep Meditation.  I did have some initial difficulty with it though. I had to ease into it.  Maybe you could try doing Deep Meditation for just a minute or two.  And stay with that for awhile to get used to it.  Then, as time goes on, you could try adding another minute, and another, as you feel comfortable. [/\] [3]
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 04:05:18 PM by Jeanine »