Author Topic: Raising Money For Orphans  (Read 579 times)


  • Posts: 182
Raising Money For Orphans
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:06:28 AM »
Hello lovely AYPers.

(to mods, I hope this is the right place to post this)

I am raising money for SOS Children. A wonderful charity that help orphans worldwide.

(My story in the following links is meant to be humorous, so, apart from the cause and donations, it's not supposed to be taken seriously, just meant to bring a chuckle and a smile into people's days.)

Donate money here and I'll cut off + donate my hair to the little princess trust (they use hair to make wigs for children suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatment)

Donate money here if you support long haired males and have enjoyed my hair over the years (though, I'm probably going to cut it off + donate it anyway; this just maximises funds for orphans worldwide by giving you alternatives, hippies, goths and other general hair fans a chance to show your support and donate. For you vulcan like individuals who are indifferent on the matter (I didn't make a page for you, which I'm guessing you won't mind cos you don't mind about much) donate here anyway please)

I hope that is ok to be posting this here??? Just thought you lovely folks might want some bonus Karma points and to make it easier for me to do certain Asanas . [:)]

Much love. x


  • Posts: 351
Raising Money For Orphans
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 09:32:34 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement