Author Topic: Kundalini and then what?  (Read 1441 times)


  • Posts: 75
Kundalini and then what?
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:20:09 PM »
last night I felt a sense of burning in my lower back, exactly where I had felt pain (and still feel some residual discomfort) about a week ago. The hotness of the sensation was not painful, per se, but noticeable. I was falling asleep when I started to feel it and it did not keep me from slumber. AS I fell into a pre-unconscious state, I had a hypnogogic experience. I heard a voice say, "They are all valid but pick a practice and stay with it."  The day of this event, I had held that question in my mind. I had gone to a meditation sit with a Zen practitioner (mainly to test out what may be best for me). The voice was like I stated, At least, this what I thought I heard...then I went through a phase of sleep and wakefulness at the same time, but it was not lucid dreaming because I don't think I dreamt at all. I kept thinking about Kundalini in this state but there were no images or  imagery or anything but emptiness to go along with these cognitions. The thing is that it felt like it was more than thinking, it felt like it was connecting in some way...but to what, I am not sure. This morning,  I thought about my experience last night which was all in a drowsy, sinking, sub-alert state of consciousness but I remembered it all. The question that literally woke me up this morning (along with my alarm clock!) was, "so what is on the other side of a Kundalini awakening?"  I understand it is a personal experience and the aftereffects or aftermath or whatever is a very personal journey, but can some one clue me in?

Many thanks,



  • Posts: 218
Kundalini and then what?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 03:30:23 AM »
Same thing on both sides, Kelly, how could it be otherwise if, as Upanishads proclaim, "All this (ever-changing relative reality) is nothing but that (Unchanging Absolute Eternal Reality.)"  However, just because in actuality there can be no difference, this does not mean that, at least initially, it appears to us as if there has been a huge change.  The change is not in what things are, but in how we are now looking at them--our perception changes, evolves, and so our experiences of Reality, both inner and outer, do shift.  Just as the world appears so very different to us when we are either awake, asleep or dreaming, so when Awareness evolves and changes, the world seems different.  It's not, it is our consciousness which is different.  Rest assured that, as our Awareness changes, grows, expands and evolves, and our sensory perceptions and intellectual understanding struggles to keep pace, we will feel some periods of disorientation, discomfort or strangeness, but that as time goes on these new experiences become normal and everything goes back to feeling ordinary again.  Not the same as it was before, but no longer so strange or different.  Sort of like, when one gets married and moves in with one's new partner, it's all so different, having this person around all the time, it takes awhile to get used to that.  After a year, we feel comfortable with them around and, it may be, that it will feel strange if they are out of town for a few nights!  So perhaps we're moving in with this new room mate--some degree of expanded awareness!  We need to take some tome to get to know her better and become comfortable around her.  In the meanwhile, enjoy the view, but don't become too attached to the scenery, for it will change, again and again...