Author Topic: Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?  (Read 1008 times)


  • Posts: 182
Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:45:04 AM »
Hey, I have a random question [:)] , when I was younger whenever I did something nice or thoughtless (as in egoless, thoughtless in a good way), it could have been something as simple as lending a classmate a pencil when they had needed one etc, I used to get/still get this buzz (when I gave/did nice things, from about the age of 7-8, as far as I can remember) . I think it comes Manipura Chakra, or Anahata, or Vishuddhi (That is what I think, it could be coming/have been coming from Mooladhara but it feels more centered than that, I am drawn towards saying Anahata , though I am not sure) but it starts low rushes up the Sushumna and then buzz's reasonably intensely around the Medulla oblongata, Ajna and Sahasrara, ending up at the Sahasrara. It is a very pleasant feeling, very clean, kind of like when you get goosepimples/when your hair stands up, but much nicer.

I remember it happening from a young age and it has continued to happen at other points to this day, usually when I do something nice/when something works out/when I have some kind of nice divine thought etc, also I had some healing done a few weeks ago and a very similar buzz happened then.

Before I knew about the Chakras and all that jazz etc I didn't pay much attention to it apart from it guiding me towards my career, I remember in the later years in school / college saying to others and thinking to myself, "If I get this buzz whenever I do something nice/selfless, then if I go into a Job in which I am always doing nice things I'll be buzzing all the time!" [:D] I knew I wanted to help people, eventually I decided to become a mental health nurse (1 year off completing my training.). Though now I know more about "Chakras and all that jazz etc" I am interested in what this buzzing could be? What does it mean?

So I am asking, does anyone know, what this could be? What does this mean? Is the buzzing a pre-enlightenment feeling, it would be beautiful to feel like that all the time [:)] .

Thank you in advance for you responses

God bless you all and everything    

« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 06:41:12 AM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 787
Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 06:26:10 AM »
Hello jono,

Sounds like ecstasy to me, which is a pretty common experience here. I sometimes get what you described, usually when something meaningful happens, or I'm struck by something beautiful. Hearing certain songs will often cause this pleasant feeling in the spine and crown.

As for what it is and what it means, I can't really answer that. All I know is that it's a side effect of AYP and I call it ecstasy  [;)]

Hopefully others will chime in.



  • Posts: 351
Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 06:41:12 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 34
Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2010, 02:28:42 AM »
My name is Adi and i want to say that the awakening of kundalini is extremely dangerous and i wish for the safety of everyone not to be too keen on this if it happens good if not then one should not push it
it brings ecstasy and keeps one buzzing but to be in that state permanently is another thing. Its my seventh year living with this divine energy yet it has taken me so many times on the brink of insanity, i guess i am allright living with it now and it has had a profound impact on me and has altered my state of being in every possible way.i wish all the bliss and peace but not the nirvana nightmare


  • Posts: 26
Buzzing / Bliss up my Sushumna / Spine any1 else?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 09:11:47 AM »
In my experience it comes from the manipura chakra. When my nadis where less purified I would feel the explosion there clearly and then it would shoot up filling the brain. It is caused by experiencing strongly, its what the whole mindful meditation is about, being more aware, more in the moment. Once you experience enough it is experienced as bliss, the stronger you experience the stronger the bliss. Most people dont experience this because they havent trained their awareness so their experience doesnt reach bliss. You can even turn unpleasant sensations into bliss if you are willing to experience it strong enough. And like cosmic said I find listening to music that moves you the easiest way to experience it.