Author Topic: Psychiatry in our Lives  (Read 308 times)


  • Posts: 483
Psychiatry in our Lives
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:40:03 AM »
Please let me present this brief opinion on mental health.

Regarding "depression," I must say that it is mostly a constructed myth. It did not exist as a disease, like most clinical diagnoses, before Freud. It was not something requiring the prescription of dangerous drugs before the late '60s. Aside from our decisions in life and the resulting circumstances we find ourselves in, I see very little to suggest that people are hopelessly sick in their feelings and thoughts. At least, for the most part.

This documentary presents information on the psychiatric industry and its effect on public health. It's thesis is that the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries are dangerous. The film is too sweeping with some of its generalizations and not careful with its statement of causal relations. However, it does present important information to consider.

It's called "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging."

In addition, here is a more careful statement from a reputable source on how psychotropic drugs are tested. See the section, called "Reasons for Under-recognition of Side Effects."

I apologize if this is disruptive. It really is important for me to communicate my misgivings about psychiatry. Two of my siblings were involuntarily committed to mental hospitals as minors and continue to take heavy doses of drugs on a daily basis. They are not able to see the subjective nature of the diagnoses leveled against them. We came from a difficult childhood full of fear and neglect, but at some point, we've been taken advantage of in our asking for help.

I recommend Yogani's sticky on "Neuro-Energy Based Health Care," above this thread.
Finally, if anyone is interested in herbs that are not of Indian or Oriental origin for healing, please see Culpepper's (free .pdf!) Complete Herbal on this webpage.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 08:50:46 AM by Anima »