Author Topic: My Story  (Read 717 times)


  • Posts: 38
My Story
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:52:51 AM »

I am new to AYP forum and first of all wanted to thank Yogani and all other contributors for their thoughtful advice and comments. Though this is my first post in the form, I have been tracking the postings for some time and several of my questions were answered just by browsing through past postings.

I introduced AYP practices (about four months ago) to the basic astanga yoga practice I have been following for last two years. Based on the results I am experiencing , I believe that the AYP practices have enhanced my experiences.  I wanted to start with sharing my experiences – will also appreciate comments and pointers.

My old practice included twice a day one hour sessions.  15 minute a set asanas for balanced stretching and warmup followed by 30 min pranayam  primarily  Bastrika, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Jalandhar, Mool and Uddyan Bhandhas. This was followed by 15 min of silent meditation using pranav mantra OM.

About four months ago , I integrated  AYP practices to my sessions. I replaced bastrika with spinal breathing , increased the duration of meditation to 20 mins and added Samayama practice. Last month, I  introduced  the Cosmic Samayama practice a few days a week.

During this period, I had started experiencing a sensation in my Ajna Chakra. I was able to activate the pleasant calming sensation  at any time of the day by doing a mool bhandh – it was almost like like lighting a candle on the forehead using a lighter in a different part of my anatomy [:)]

Soon after the pleasant sensation moved to the crown chakra.  I now had this soothing  calming feeling  on top of my head – almost a thin cool stream of water  flowing eternally.  It is always with me – but I was aware of it during quiet moments.  The Ajna and Crown charka sensations often merge into one soothing sensation  as I smiled through my work day.  Occasionally if I found the sensations missing – the flame of the candle was just a quick mool bhandh away.

In this period, I had two experiences during my sleep where I woke up to find a gush of energy flowing through my head – was not sure if it was flowing in or out of the head but the entire body – head to toe was alive with vibrations.
The second experience was when I woke up  in an lucid dream like state – having an orgasm . My crown chakra was tingling and I had this perpetual orgasmic feeling.  I am happily married for fifteen years and this was my first experience of sleep orgasm.  Waking up I was surprised to find out that the sensation continued and I was even more surprised to find the usual anatomical suspects in a perfectly non aroused state.

After that experience, I have found that  diverting my attention to the lower three chakras induces a mild preorasmic state in my abdominal area, coupled with a ‘butterflies in the stomach’ feeling we all have ,perhaps more often in our childhoods.

During the deep meditation sessions, I stated getting flashes of the ‘aliveness’ , which is invariably accompanied with active lachrymal glands. It is difficult to describe the alive state but easier to describe how I come out of it – mostly triggered by tears which become distracting after a while then I feel  a ‘settling down’  almost as if a form inside me gets lowered down to where I am sitting.

Based  on the existing feedback from AYP forums, I have started  regular grounding practices – running 30 mins a  day and engaging in other hobbies.  Occasionally (during the course of the day)  I feel the crown chakra sensation drift to the left of the head but  it gets balanced after the regular sessions.

So that is my story. Wanted to it share with the folks because I believe AYP practices have helped me.

Will appreciate comments and additional pointers on self pacing to help me stay on my pathless journey.


  • Posts: 1201
My Story
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 08:08:29 AM »
wonderful experiences along the way.Thanks for sharing[:)]


  • Posts: 438
My Story
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 02:01:03 AM »



  • Posts: 147
My Story
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 04:00:26 AM »
Sounds great, Rishi! Seems like you´re a disciplined practicer, for me 30mins a day is enough *gg*