Author Topic: What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...  (Read 996 times)


  • Posts: 288
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:54:37 PM »
What are the knots on the heart and how do you untie them?


  • Posts: 420
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 07:33:27 PM »
I find any knots in the body, any lasting "aches", can often be dissolved just by bringing ones "inner eye" to them, and keeping it there. I wouldn't do this too much though, I reckon imbalances could easily result. I did this last night, with a knot that's been on the left side of my belly for a while, and the "pain" kept apprearing higher and higher up the chakras, and I didn't want an overload, so I just stopped. My belly kind of rumbled at one point, and I just allowed that, and the knot in my stomach was basically gone after, but then it seemed it moved, or appeared somewhere higher up, so I put my focus there... and then it moved higher up again, and... I stopped there. You have to be very wary of techniques like these. Automatic yoga happenings can be very powerful and somewhat out of your control. Pains are often asking to be looked at, though doing too much too soon can be asking for trouble.

I'm not sure this answers your question though, if you don't feel pain in the chest area, and this is just something you read about, I'd forget about it (reading about chakras and such is often very misleading, it's better to know it directly, and it's even better to just focus on clearing the whole spinal nerve and not getting too attached to fixing this and that). If you do feel lasting pain in the chest area, I know I'd definetly consider a trip to the doc.


  • Posts: 2055
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 08:25:14 PM »
So funny, I had never heard the expression "knot on the heart", but just before I went into forum yesterday and saw this question I had just read in Ramana Maharshi's book:

"The idea that one is one's body is what is called hrdaya-granthi (knot of the Heart). Of the various knots, this one, which binds together what is conscious with what is insentient, is what causes bondage."

/For whatever it's worth...

emc, quotefinder


  • Posts: 875
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 11:08:32 PM »
I love the concept of the 3 knots, or granthis.  It gives such a wonderfully graphic image to work with.  You might read Yogani's lesson on it:

I read elsewhere that instead of thinking of the knots as hindrances or blockages to be got rid of, we should be thankful that they are in place for our protection.  Without them, we'd likely be blasted by the kundalini energy, which on its own has no withholding mechanism.  As we meditate and do our practices, our nervous systems purify, the knots loosen on their own, and as they loosen (and eventually disappear), more kundalini is taken on.  So with all this in mind, it's easy to see how risky it would be to try to force the removal of the knots; better just to let them loosen on their own.


  • Posts: 304
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 09:54:19 PM »
There are different levels on which to look at the knot or constriction at Heart level.  Fear in all it's manifestations, especially fear of loss, fear of death, fear of evil, this is one aspect of the knot. To become vulnerable and let yourself be hurt by these losses, and to understand that all relationships with our loved ones end in separation, and to grieve that actively, is to loosen the knot at Heart center.  To truly give others our love, in all vulnerability, to be of service, to weep,...these are tools to free the heart of it's constriction, and to learn to overcome separation.  Retreats are always a time of grieving for some intangible, inexpressible, undefined loss and and in those tears, there is a joy of freedom from those bondages of Heart level. This is to loosen the constriction, though even just for a time.
On another level, what will loosen the constriction of the heart, so that it may hum with each breath, as pranic energy is free to flow past and through it?  Gayatri mantra does that beautifully. So if you have fear, like the fear of being hurt, like the fear of evil entities comes to mind as I think back on a recent discussion here, then Gayatri will give you courage and protection. And that will open the Heart. Just a thought of something that has been true for me. And I have known grief, and carressed grief, not as my own, but as the shared, common legacy of our humanity.


  • Posts: 2055
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2008, 03:49:05 AM »
instead of thinking of the knots as hindrances or blockages to be got rid of, we should be thankful that they are in place for our protection. Without them, we'd likely be blasted by the kundalini energy,

This was beautifully put! Thank you! [:)] I'm very grateful for my knots at the moment...


  • Posts: 304
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2008, 07:42:56 AM »
Originally posted by emc

instead of thinking of the knots as hindrances or blockages to be got rid of, we should be thankful that they are in place for our protection. Without them, we'd likely be blasted by the kundalini energy,

This was beautifully put! Thank you! [:)] I'm very grateful for my knots at the moment...

I understand where you're coming from with your comments, but just for clarification about matters of the Heart I feel compelled to say the following. And, I view with interest discussion of gratefullness about the constriction at the Heart, as some insurance policy against kundalini overload. But though I understand what you're saying, yet on the other hand, there is no need to ever fear the Heart, or it's liberation from the bond that holds it closed.

It's true that it is there until the time is "right" for us. But to be grateful that there is a knot there seems a funny way to look at it, maybe fear-based thinking. In fact there are constrictions at each and every chakra, not just Anahata, though the biggest day of transformation in our individual lives as students of yoga, will be the day of major liberation from the one at Anahata. (We as yoginis/yogis have some degree of loosening of that knot depending on where we are on the continuum, and on the basis of how effectively we have grieved and loved...)

In fact all the kundalini symptoms described on these forums, whether pathologic and unwelcomed, or ecstatic and healthy, at Third Eye, Crown and elsewhere, are trivial as compared to the great Heart opening.  But the bottom line is that there is absolutely nothing to fear, ever. Because fear is a symptom of the Heart being still bound in at least some degree of constriction.

And like I said before, love, service, and kindness both to ourselves and to others, will set us free. Free from the ultimate fear, free from anger, free from impatience, and we will expand from the Center. But again, there is nothing to fear.

And though our human nature is mysterious, all will be revealed to us if we rest in stillness and continue our meditative practices as the highest daily priority. This could even happen during this very lifetime.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2008, 09:06:05 AM by x.j. »


  • Posts: 253
What are the "knots" on the heart? and how ...
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2008, 01:09:27 PM »
Originally posted by alwayson

What are the knots on the heart and how do you untie them?


puja to His sandals

praying for His grace

rosebuds on the eyelids

teardrops on the face

body wracked with sobbing

mind in bliss so clear

knots untie so sweetly

love replaces fear