Author Topic: kundalini triggers  (Read 1075 times)


  • Posts: 304
kundalini triggers
« on: April 04, 2008, 10:43:36 AM »
Hi aLL!
I bet many folks have similar observations. With meditative practices and pranayamas, we become quieter and more aware of the kundalini energy during our meditation, as well as the rest of the time. See if any of this resonates with you:
kundalini triggers: 1.helping others and kind thoughts
                    2.not talking as much as usual in daily life
                    3.midnight meditations and early morning ones
                    4.Here's a new one on me: I've noticed the herb
                      Rhodiola Rosea available from Gaia Herbs. This  
                      is  a fantastic enhancer of kundalini.


  • Posts: 351
kundalini triggers
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 02:18:29 PM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 420
kundalini triggers
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 03:12:03 PM »
hmmm, some triggers for me, often have been art related or just digging something simple, like looking at my surroundings, seeing the beauty in it all. I love how it's like the least "forced" thing in the world, pure and utter innocent simplicity.

I sometimes get urges to move energy around to certain areas also, like yesterday, I was just standing at the bust stop, getting in touch with my breath. I could feel some excessive "head heavy" energy want to move down to my root. I kept focusing on my breath, gently helping the energy ease its way downwards. Then I had a good 5 minutes of that "silent" state of being. It used to happen only during meditation, it's been happening more in more in everyday life. I don't even like calling it a happening though, it's more of a not happening haha. When nothing happens it happens haha. And then I might get caught up in a thought, and *poof* it's gone. The thinking really does nothing to it though. Wether my mind is silent or not matters not, just the attachment to the thoughts, the association of me with whatever limiting beliefs is the main factor.    

My third eyes been acting up a lot lately too. I get a lot of twitches\\weird feelings in that area. It started as a burning during meditation. Now it's more of a twitch\\light pressure sort of feeling that happens quite often throughout the day. I always feel the most energy\\sometimes ecstatic conductivity from my heart upwards. I reckon I have a plexus blockage or something, though it seems much energy still makes it's way upwards, often too much so, though I think my third eye is doing it's job at keeping things naturally in check. The guru really is within you :). I think that's the main thing kundalini and meditation practices have tought me, that the guru is within oneself. Though "inside" or "outside" is still the same to me. One does not have to lose touch with reality, just refine its perception.