Author Topic: Too much or too little?  (Read 1116 times)


  • Posts: 549
Too much or too little?
« on: September 09, 2007, 06:11:32 AM »
I was just wondering about a recent thing that has been happening. I know myself to have my up and down phases and this has been very obvious since I began AYP 5 months ago. When I am on my up phases I feel giddy, smiliey, know, all that. Then sometimes I just feel in the middle. Other times, like now, meditation feels pointless because my mind won't stop chattering, pranayama turns completely metaphorical and seems more pointless, and asanas are ntohing more than flexercising. I also feel this intense frustration accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort and even like my mind is in a cloud and cant focus on anything as if i just accidently got a lungful or an aerosole spray can. Could this be the result of doing too much practice, like my body is trying to tell me to back off for a bit and just stick to meditation...or am i doing too little?


  • Posts: 530
Too much or too little?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 06:29:23 AM »
Hello Anthony,

It's very possible that is the case, doing too much or too litte, it is also possible you are becoming more aware of the rhythms your body has always had.  Or you could be doing the right mixture of action and non action and are experiencing the natural result of your practice or method.  Probably a combination of the above.

The mind does the same thing with relationships.  You get into a relationship and it affects your chemistry, the new stimulus expresses parts of you that were dormant or repressed.  This new relationship with love my trigger your hang ups, or amplify your liked qualities.  It is hard to attribute.

Naturally, if you are unsure you don't want to push things.  Just see how it goes with careful observation.  You may find out over time that adding a practice or dropping one is the right call. There's no way to know, but intuition has a wonderful record of coming close.  

In most cases, but especially one that is in the grey area, you are the best one to decide.  You are the one in meditation, only you know where you might be pushing too hard or not enough.  You might just be clearly experiencing the low energy state, which becomes more noticeable as our body becomes accustomed to living in ecstatic inner stillness.

I've become very watchful of my mind and recognize fairly well now when I have low energy.  I use my mind less and depend more on my routine, as my mind is unable to function as I like.  At this point for me, it is best used a vehicle to carry out the daily schedule.  When the cycle changes and my energy returns, I feel stronger than before and ready to yoga.  Somedays I begin in a tired state and push through, other times I am carried through on a tidal wave of bhakti.      

If you are doing any asanas, exorcise, or just went on a really great hike, your body could be broken down and on the mend.  Since I have begun stretching heavily and exploring more asana routines, I have a bit more down time than before.  But it is understood and easily managed/balanced.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 06:56:52 AM by Kyman »


  • Posts: 858
Too much or too little?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 06:56:32 AM »
Anthony a lot of these symptoms occur if you actually try too hard in meditation. Don't expect anything to happen during meditation as jim often says just do it like brushing your teeth, don't look for inner silence or expect it that can lead to frustration and feelings of anxiety,

"am I doing it right"
"why was that meditation session boring the last one was lovely"

Also trying to concentrate and keep thoughts out is liable to make you feel quite ill and give you a fuzzy head even a bad headache!!!. Meditate exactly as Yogani teaches just repeat the mantra effortlessly and when the mind wanders gently come back to it. its quite normal to have other chattering thoughts occur at the same time as the mantra this is purification happening just favour the mantra nothing to worry about.

Try and relax more just approach your practices in the same way you would approach doing a session of physical exercises twice a day.

Another thing that can have this effect is spending too long in meditation, so maybe cut back the med to 10 minutes for a while and see how it goes, we are not in a race here. I cant emphasise enough the importance of self pacing all the symptoms you describe I have experienced at some point and they have always been caused by either needing to cut back on some part of my practice or trying too hard. I have learned that the golden rule is don't look for results at all during practices live your daily life fully outside of practices and you will soon start to see a huge improvement in your life.


  • Posts: 4947
Too much or too little?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 07:33:17 AM »
Originally posted by anthony574

Other times, like now, meditation feels pointless because my mind won't stop chattering, pranayama turns completely metaphorical and seems more pointless, and asanas are ntohing more than flexercising. I also feel this intense frustration accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort and even like my mind is in a cloud and cant focus on anything as if i just accidently got a lungful or an aerosole spray can. Could this be the result of doing too much practice, like my body is trying to tell me to back off for a bit and just stick to meditation...or am i doing too little?

The feeling...
"I also feel this intense frustration accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort and even like my mind is in a cloud and cant focus on anything as if i just accidently got a lungful or an aerosole spray can."
.. is this outside your practice time, during the day, or is it while you are in meditation?

This feeling..
"Other times, like now, meditation feels pointless because my mind won't stop chattering, pranayama turns completely metaphorical and seems more pointless, and asanas are ntohing more than flexercising." just a phase... it comes and goes.. so if the first thing I said also happens only during meditation and not spilling into your every day life, just keep doing what you are doing and the phase will soon pass.

If you are getting frustrated, irritated, feeling dull etc during the day.. either you are not resting enough after your practice or you are doing too much (so self pace) or as Richard points out, you are trying too hard.


  • Posts: 549
Too much or too little?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 07:53:21 AM »
The cloud-headedness and frustration and such carried over. I feel irritable, frustrated, and uncomfortable in my own body and mind and my brain doesnt seem to be able to focus on anything. It's such a weird but unshakable feeling.


  • Posts: 4947
Too much or too little?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 07:59:24 AM »
Originally posted by anthony574

The cloud-headedness and frustration and such carried over. I feel irritable, frustrated, and uncomfortable in my own body and mind and my brain doesnt seem to be able to focus on anything. It's such a weird but unshakable feeling.

In that case increase your rest time after meditation. If required, take a short nap. If that does not help.. cut down on your meditation/pranayama time for awhile till this phase passes.


  • Posts: 549
Too much or too little?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2007, 11:29:53 AM »
I've also noticed a definite spike in my eating habits. I have been compulsively overeating the past few days.


  • Posts: 4947
Too much or too little?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2007, 12:21:48 PM »
Originally posted by anthony574

I've also noticed a definite spike in my eating habits. I have been compulsively overeating the past few days.

Is this a pattern with you? Do you go through a phase when you over eat, and then a phase when you eat normally or less? Or is it something out of the ordinary for you?
When there is a lot of energy running in your system, you do go through a phase when you are hungry more often and your body tends to crave more food and heavier foods. Not sure if this is what is happening with you right now. If that is what it is.. it does even out. With all the symptoms you are quoting, maybe a littleself pacing will help.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 12:25:17 PM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 549
Too much or too little?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 02:54:34 AM »
it is an on and off thing. sometimes i really enjoy the lightness of eating...but then other times this enjoyment is overun by an insatiable craving for foods!

i tried what Richard said and remembered to not make the practices into something mystical. i just sat there and repeated it and found it to be very pleasant, though this time i didnt TRY to. thanks for the advice! sometimes we need to go back and reread yogani's words


  • Posts: 100
Too much or too little?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 03:18:55 AM »
Hi anthony,

    I can't emphasize enough the wisdom in your last sentece.  Rereading the lessons and books every once in a while comes highly recommended from me.  Yogani and this forum are God sent and someday we will hopefully realize the same about ourselves.