Author Topic: left side lit up  (Read 845 times)


  • Posts: 1264
left side lit up
« on: May 08, 2007, 11:58:13 AM »
Hello fellow appreciators of inner sensuality:

I'm having a new experience.  I'm curious if others have felt it.

Several times, while relaxing, I've noticed a rise of pranic energy on the left side of my body.  There was a distinct dividing line right down the center of my body with the left side bussing, the right side not buzzing.

Then came this twist:  I was observing that highly symmetrical divide one time, and for whatever reason, started to get sexually aroused.  Suddenly, both sides were buzzing.

Do you know what I'm talking about?


  • Posts: 1589
left side lit up
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 02:17:05 AM »
Hi Bewell,[:)]

I haven't experienced something like what you describe, but while we are on the topic, I have observed an interesting change to the energy dynamic in my body recently.

I have experienced a change of direction of sorts. During a sitting session recently, there was an extremely intense pulling up of the entire body on the inside, including lot's of breath holding automatic mulabhanda, various other mudras and some vibrating/ shaking in the brain etc., very unusual. There was the sensation that the energy at the root, instead of also going forward to the genitals, changed direction to be going more fully straight up the spinal nerve. It was accompanied with intense orgasmic waves, one after another making it very challenging to stay on the mantra.  

Since then there have been these orgasmic waves off and on throughout the day and feeling like I am in a bit of a perpetual state of mulabhanda. Obviously, I am not complaining here!

Anyone observed a rather sudden or gradual change of direction in energy in their bodies and similar orgasmic feelings throughout the day? I have had ecstasy waves here and there outside of practices but not with this intensity or consistency before.



  • Posts: 2055
left side lit up
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 07:39:42 AM »
Hi bewell,

I don't exactly recognize what you describe, but I have had some distinct feelings of energy going trough me on the left side first when I lay in bed, and right side a period of time afterwards. Now I can start to feel energy moving on left and right side of my body. I have found out that that is what makes me sway. It is sometimes clearly pulsing from left to right and makes my whole body sway like a pendulum, during meditation or whenever really.

Lucky you, Anthem! [:P] Sounds wonderful.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
left side lit up
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 08:14:32 AM »
Assymetric energy symptoms aren't reason to panic, but they're to be taken seriously.

What happened, I'm nearly certain, is that whatever was suppressing the right side was a relatively minor thing/block/issue, and by bringing your attention to the assymetry, it spontaneously resolved. This is really really good news! Remember this tool in future. Your attention has remarkable power to affect change, especially within your energetic body.

I'd STRONGLY suggest asana study, which can 1. even out left/right issues, and 2. cultivate even further your ability to direct attention at your body. While I frequently recommend Iyengar system yoga, in your case I'd very strongly suggest it. Iyengar yoga is all about precision of alignmnent and attention, which is just what's needed. And since you clearly have strong powers of attention, you'll eat it right up!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 08:15:17 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 4947
left side lit up
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2007, 08:50:00 AM »
Hi Bewell,
Maybe Yogani's lesson Lesson 207 - Q&A – Left or right side imbalances will help you.
Wish you all the best.

Originally posted by Anthem11

I have experienced a change of direction of sorts. During a sitting session recently, there was an extremely intense pulling up of the entire body on the inside, including lot's of breath holding automatic mulabhanda, various other mudras and some vibrating/ shaking in the brain etc., very unusual. There was the sensation that the energy at the root, instead of also going forward to the genitals, changed direction to be going more fully straight up the spinal nerve. It was accompanied with intense orgasmic waves, one after another making it very challenging to stay on the mantra.  

Anyone observed a rather sudden or gradual change of direction in energy in their bodies and similar orgasmic feelings throughout the day? I have had ecstasy waves here and there outside of practices but not with this intensity or consistency before.

Hi Andrew,
I have been experiencing most of what you have written, the automatic murdras, and bandhas. I too have a continuous flow of energy up my spine.. even outside of meditation... If the energy is making it difficult to stay on the mantra.. try staying with the feeling a bit and then pick up on the mantra again.
When I have a very intense energy meditation.. I have noticed that it is not really a disturbed meditation. I was always under the impression that meditation was supposed to be calming.. enjoying the bliss and silence. However, during these meditations.. I feel very alive inside.. like my insides are awake.. However, I am still lost in meditation.. I still dont know what is going on around me.. I am still completely immersed in my silence.. just the silence has a different flavour.. a different feeling.. a feeling of being.. well really only one word comes to mind.. alive... if that makes any sense..:)

PS: Has anyone felt front channels opening and energy moving up the front not just the back. I can feel energy flowing up the front all the way to my heart and feel it strongly in my solar plexus and heart.. and when I get into kechari.. it's like a circuit closes.. I have a block in my throat and the energy moves up my back till my neck (in the mornings I can feel the energy build up along the lower part of the back of my head, my neck and shoulders.. I can feel it even out when I do my asanas and chin pump).. and in the front up to my heart. I have very little energy moving to my head. So wondering, if anyone else has felt front channels open up. I could not find any lessons on this.. maybe I am looking for the wrong key words. Any inputs?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 09:36:05 AM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 969
left side lit up
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2007, 08:52:43 AM »
That makes tons of sense to me Shweta.  Feels very awake and vibrant.


  • Posts: 1264
left side lit up
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2007, 12:51:01 PM »
Originally posted by Shanti
Maybe Yogani's lesson Lesson 207 - Q&A – Left or right side imbalances will help you.

Thanks everyone for your comments and sharing.  [:)]

I checked lesson 207:
I found this bit of the teaching especially apropos:

"If you have a left or right side imbalance, the best way to resolve it is to do practices in the middle."

The teaching illuminates how that moment of awareness of "sexual arousal" -- "root" awareness -- could lead quickly from imbalance to balance: I had indeed turned my attention to "the middle."

In fairness to the broader direction Yogani's teaching, the paragraph continues as follows:

"If you go the middle way with spinal breathing, meditation, and the other practices,
you will find increasing balance from top to bottom and from left to right.
The spinal nerve (sushumna) between the third eye and root is the
master key. All is balanced by purifying that."


  • Posts: 1589
left side lit up
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2007, 01:59:04 AM »
Lucky you, Anthem!  Sounds wonderful.

At times yes, but there is another side to the equation (there always is[}:)][:D]) that I am coming to appreciate. It's like a giant inner itch that you want to somehow scratch.

When the inner energies became active for me a couple of years back, they were intense but the best way to describe them was dispersed. What I am experiencing now is quiet, yet intensely focussed in the spinal nerve with destination in mind, feels like the crown. There will be no rest until there is a connection, feels at times like the body is being hijacked, there is an incessant pushing/ pulling towards something.

It is easy to go over and get irritable right now if I focus on it too much as I guess the orgasmic waves are releasing a lot of stuff. I am also having to self-pace my bhakti too which is having intense flair-ups.

I am regaining my balance in sitting practices which are not so distracting, it's after practices that I am needing to self-pace.

An interesting phase to observe anyway.[:)]