Author Topic: Sliding into Fusion  (Read 1443 times)


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Sliding into Fusion
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:04:32 AM »
33 From: Zazen Dan <>
Date: Thu Mar 3, 2005 10:20pm
Subject: Sliding into Fusion  northerlynagual
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    I do my meditation (4-4 sec. seven times while concentrating on each chakra starting with the crown chakra, followed by 8-8-16 sec. I imagine each chakra comming alive with light while doing the breathing first with white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, pink and golden light) and then I lay down on my back, my right hand on the navel, my left on the chest and do the following breathing technique: 4-4 four times, 8-8-16 the whole procedure repeated three times followed by 10 deep breaths (I usually do them through the mouth and by expanding the chest sideways).
I repeat this cycle as many times as it takes me until I vibrate with the whole body, which is ussualy 8-12 cycles.
I use ginseng and Nerval Tonic and Omega 3-6-9.
This practice has done wonders for my well-being.
Life, Liberty, Love and Light.