Author Topic: other people's energy...  (Read 1275 times)


  • Posts: 49
other people's energy...
« on: January 10, 2007, 03:36:34 AM »
My lifestyle requires that I am in frequent contact with another person who has had active kundalini for many years and also does the AYP practices like me. Right after I met this person a few months ago, mine awakened almost immediately. I have a close relationship with this person and it is a very beneficial, yet intense relationship for me. Everytime I see this person, however, my energy goes haywire and in the past I have projected alot of strong spiritual feelings on this person, including extreme love, desperation, fear, etc. Why does my energy go haywire and how can I manage my energy around this person? Is it beneficial for both people to be interacting when they both have active kundalini and how? Or is it irrelevant that there is active kundalini?


  • Posts: 443
other people's energy...
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 04:01:54 AM »
Have you communicated to this person about your situation ?
Could you imagine that this person expresses his/her point of view
here in our forum ?

Love and Light
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 07:46:03 PM by Wolfgang »


  • Posts: 394
other people's energy...
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2007, 06:07:17 AM »
Namaste Chard!

I believe, generally speaking, that the weaker and less grounded is usually attracted to the stronger and more grounded....energetically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This a great part of the energy dynamics involved in Student being attracted to Teacher, Patient being attracted to Healer, the Shy Introvert being attracted to the Outgoing Extrovert, and so forth. [:)]

In some instances, the weaker and less grounded one may be adversely affected by exposure to another person's stronger and more grounded energy field.  IMO, this is because they are not yet prepared to resonate in harmony with the other person's higher energetic vibration, but yet are still naturally inclined to seek it out and absorb it in order to elevate and refine their own resonancy. This may cause some energetic confusion and disarray when the difference in vibrational frequency or resonancy between two people is substantial. [:(]

Most higher level Teachers and Healers, for example, know this to be a common phenomenon, and have learned how to alter and modify their energetic resonance to avoid overloading others, while still 'pulling them up' so to speak at the same time. [^]

The key to associating with more advanced individuals who don't know how to this, or choose not to do so for whatever reason, is to make a deliberate effort to affirmatively command and program the deeper mind, heart, and spirit to be conscious of maintaining a maximum possible degree of personal grounding and stability when in the presence of such a person. It usually also helps to envision such contacts with the expectation of a positive experience in which our Higher Self, the Jivatman within us, will identify with and harmoniously resonate with that of the other person, thus elevating us both by degree according to our Sacred Calling in the Holy Plan of Divine Providence. [:D]

This has always worked well for me, and has enabled me to maximize many opportunities in this life to learn a great deal from Illuminated Teachers with whom others felt too uncomfortable and intimidated by to spend much time around. [8D]

Hari OM!



  • Posts: 4947
other people's energy...
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 06:09:54 AM »
Welcome Chard.[:)]
Yogani has talked about this briefly in this topic.
Self-Pacing for a Roommate or Spouse

There was a good discussion on it here Energy theory

Hope these help.


  • Posts: 49
other people's energy...
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2007, 06:52:33 AM »
Thank you for the responses to this question
Originally posted by Doc

Namaste Chard!

I believe, generally speaking, that the weaker and less grounded is usually attracted to the stronger and more grounded....energetically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This a great part of the energy dynamics involved in Student being attracted to Teacher, Patient being attracted to Healer, the Shy Introvert being attracted to the Outgoing Extrovert, and so forth. [:)]

In some instances, the weaker and less grounded one may be adversely affected by exposure to another person's stronger and more grounded energy field.  IMO, this is because they are not yet prepared to resonate in harmony with the other person's higher energetic vibration, but yet are still naturally inclined to seek it out and absorb it in order to elevate and refine their own resonancy. This may cause some energetic confusion and disarray when the difference in vibrational frequency or resonancy between two people is substantial. [:(]

Most higher level Teachers and Healers, for example, know this to be a common phenomenon, and have learned how to alter and modify their energetic resonance to avoid overloading others, while still 'pulling them up' so to speak at the same time. [^]

The key to associating with more advanced individuals who don't know how to this, or choose not to do so for whatever reason, is to make a deliberate effort to affirmatively command and program the deeper mind, heart, and spirit to be conscious of maintaining a maximum possible degree of personal grounding and stability when in the presence of such a person. It usually also helps to envision such contacts with the expectation of a positive experience in which our Higher Self, the Jivatman within us, will identify with and harmoniously resonate with that of the other person, thus elevating us both by degree according to our Sacred Calling in the Holy Plan of Divine Providence. [:D]

This has always worked well for me, and has enabled me to maximize many opportunities in this life to learn a great deal from Illuminated Teachers with whom others felt too uncomfortable and intimidated by to spend much time around. [8D]

Hari OM!



  • Posts: 530
other people's energy...
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2007, 06:00:07 PM »
It sounds like you have a collective identity with the person, or a chemical relationship with them that comes from the past.  If your mind were oriented to look on this person as your average joe, you might not react to them as you do now.

The only energy reactions I've had with people of high vibrations are beautiful ones, but around those I have known well and developed a history with, I find that my energy goes haywire as well.

Also, if you feel another person is more advanced than you, it can cause you to compliment their advanced state (as you percieve it) by taking a complimentary less advanced state.  In the end, the mind is just playing games in an attempt to orient itself in a way it deems successful.  Perhaps being conscious of its games and talents of perspective will make for many great experiments in experiencing your energies, and the energies of others.  :)