Author Topic: Strong Wedding  (Read 561 times)

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Strong Wedding
« on: March 14, 2015, 04:55:19 PM »
Went to a friend's wedding tonight. The bride was saying the vows, with tears in her eyes, and a tender quiver in her voice. I closed my eyes as it was happening, and a subtle swell of tears came to my eyes as well. In my heart, the diamond radiance was shining forth like a silent beacon of immeasurable light, with strong amplitude and a melting presence.

She was opening up in a new way, giving herself completely to him. I felt lucky to pick up on the intensity. She was not only giving a sublime gift to him, but also to the audience, who were fortunate enough to witness her flowering. It was beyond sincerity; it was almost like an ecstatic sacrifice that contained both inner sensuality and will power--a potent combination.

At the reception I was talking to another friend about yoga and asked him if he knew who Paramahansa Yogananda was. At that exact moment, the preacher was walking by and said, "I do," then gave me a high five. We proceeded to talk about some of our spiritual experiences and perspectives. She was unaware of AYP, and I heartily recommended it.

Anyway, just wanted to share this for the purpose of documenting palpable experiences of concepts that are often referred to in abstract terms (divine love, stillness in action, melting of the heart, etc.).

Anyone else experienced diamond heart radiance lately?


  • Posts: 2294
Strong Wedding
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 08:03:42 PM »
beautiful [/\]


  • Posts: 536
  • Be the change
    • Marjoleine Diemel
Strong Wedding
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 08:48:49 PM »
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree

Anyone else experienced diamond heart radiance lately?

Thank you for sharing, the way you can describe this is touching my heart! I mis the ability to use the English language as I wish to do but give it a try.

I was at the beach and there was an old couple walking on the shoreline. They where really high age, walking slowly hand in hand. Then they stopped, watching out over sea. He undressed himself, very slowly. She was standing next to him, and he gave his clothes to her. He gave her a kiss, and then he went into the water for a short swim and she stood there with his clothes. And I was watching with my eyes full of tears, and felt their love and their life in my heart....

A for me very special person which I don't see very often was standing at the other end of the room and as my eyes found him, they were pulled to his chest. It was like I saw it radiating, I felt a kind of magnetic pull from my heart to his heart, so strong, I never felt this so strong before. Radiating heart energy. The connection I have with him has nothing to do with the persons we are here at this place on earth, it is not the love I feel for my dearest ones and family. I know that it is because of him, that I am who I am at this moment. It's something cosmic, I don't know, it is behind everything. I knew this already, but this time it was again confirmed. Is this diamond or cosmic heart energy ?

Lately I experience that the love is still growing, it is not my love, it's Love and it is.....I wonder can there be an end to the expansion ?

[3] [/\]


  • Posts: 718
Strong Wedding
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2015, 09:35:42 PM »
When true love is on public display, it certainly can be contagious, especially if our bodies have been primed by yoga to receive the signals. Thanks you both for sharing. [3]

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Strong Wedding
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2015, 12:40:33 AM »
Originally posted by Charliedog

Is this diamond or cosmic heart energy?

Lately I experience that the love is still growing, it is not my love, it's Love and it is.....I wonder can there be an end to the expansion?

[3][8D][3] I do believe That is of the same variety. And I do believe it keeps expanding. When I was talking to the preacher, I said: "There is no ceiling." And she agreed.

Thank you for the beach story. That is very inspiring. If she had jumped in with him, now that would have been a show! [;)]

Originally posted by Dogboy

... especially if our bodies have been primed by yoga to receive the signals.

I was thinking the same thing. And it reminds me of something Yogani wrote about how the individual practitioner determines the receptivity since the source is always available. [OM]

kumar ul islam

  • Posts: 207
Strong Wedding
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2015, 01:05:19 AM »


  • Posts: 787
Strong Wedding
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 05:24:52 PM »
I love this story.