Author Topic: Over-ground Rebound?  (Read 795 times)


  • Posts: 130
Over-ground Rebound?
« on: March 31, 2014, 03:29:53 AM »
Hi guys, for those who may have read my "fasting killed my kundalini" thread, you'll know I've had a problem lately with really low ecstatic conductivity following two five-day water-only fasts. I'm still not sure what's going on and my kundalini still hasn't come back, but I had a new thought I'd like to maybe run by people:

Years ago, when I had my first kundalini experiences, I remember trying to do some qigong exercises aimed at "opening the front channel"--that is, allowing energy going to the head to come back down the front. I recall at the time that it could feel very weird--I had moments where I almost felt paralyzed--not because I literally couldn't move, but because it was like allowing the energy to go down had some sort of depressant (as in, the opposite of stimulative) effect, such that I just didn't want to move.

I wonder if fasting didn't clear out some of my front channel blockages, thereby allowing more of my energies to flow downward, thus resulting in a subjective feeling of the kundalini excitement being gone? If so, then presumably it would be a good thing, long-term, though right now I find it kind of a bummer when I used to feel so ecstatic during meditation and pranayama and now I just don't.

Any thoughts or experiences? :)


  • Posts: 3597
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 10:37:11 AM »
It's cyclical; it comes and goes, so nothing to worry about, just continue practices.


  • Posts: 11
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2014, 05:47:27 AM »
What is your diet atm?


  • Posts: 130
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2014, 12:00:24 AM »
For a couple years, I had been eating something like a "paleo" diet (high meat, high fat, low grain, decent amount of fruits and veggies), but a couple weeks ago I changed to a more "Dr. McDougall" style diet (high carb, low fat, high grain, high fruit, high veg, quasi-vegan, but with some cheating). It seems to help. My kundalini and libido aren't where they were, but they are definitely better, and my energy levels are also much higher. I guess I should have known that the latter diet was more "Yoga-friendly," but there's so much hype nowadays about the "natural," "ancestral" type of diet and how it can help you be lean and strong with little effort, etc.

The clincher to me was this: if the problem were really farming and grain consumption, which started about 10,000 years ago, maybe earlier, then everyone for the past 10,000 years should have suffered obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc. But they didn't. Only kings, who ate the most meat did, while almost everyone else was skinny. It's only in the past 50-100 years, now that everyone in the industrialized world can afford to eat a lot of animal products, that such problems have become widespread.

Plus, whenever I have lived in Japan, I have always been fairly thin and had high energy, despite eating tons of rice and sugary sweets. The big difference was I ate much less meat, dairy, and fat (Japanese sweets are made of sugar, rice flour, and beans, but usually no butter or other fat).


  • Posts: 3597
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 01:01:55 PM »
Different people do well on different diets. I get sick from a diet of high carb, low fat, high grain,
but especially from sugar, rice, and fruits.
Also remember that kings are likely to be sedentary and the poor had a lot of exercise.
Technology today makes it easy for a lot of people to be sedentary also, while eating a lot of processed foods-  a a recipe for disaster.


  • Posts: 674
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 12:41:39 AM »

the ecstatic feelings do come because of friction in the nervous system. So it is natural that after some time they dissolve, because the energy flows freely again (a fast will speed this up). The next deeper feelings of ecstasy will happen when deeper layers of kundalini start flowing, in other words when more intense pranic flow meets resistance. And till the body mind gets used to it again, then this will also not be felt.

Instead the quality that will continue to rise is joy, happiness and supreme life flow. Yogani had written somewhere about continuous ecstasy flowing, so far here the epxerience is like described above. For continuous ecstasy to happen either the intensity of lifeforce flow needs to constantly rise and or the body needs to keep up resisting and or some special thing is possible to happen, some kind of an alchemical cycle that keeps the process of ecstasy happening going.

Others may chime in with more continuous ecstatic flows happening :)


  • Posts: 130
Over-ground Rebound?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2014, 02:53:31 PM »
Hi Holy,

What you're saying makes sense, though it does seem kind of disappointing, when one grows accustomed to the pleasure. It's almost like having an itch that you like to scratch, and being disappointed when the cause of the itch (impurities in the nervous system) goes away.

Fasting definitely left me feeling "purer," "calmer," more "silent," but it also seemed to reduce the intensity of pleasure. But I believe Yogani has said that even the higher levels of enlightenment are not continuously "intense," in that one gets accustomed to them. Rather, they are a kind of gentle, continuous inner radiance, if I understand correctly. So maybe chasing peace is more fruitful in the long run than chasing intensity, though the latter has been my sometimes destructive instinct in the past.